St John the Evangelist Catholic High School Nowra
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Nowra NSW 2541

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SJE Newsletter 2019 Term 1 Week 1

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SJE Newsletter 2019 Term 1 Week 1
Hogan, Sandra2 update.jpg

Welcome everyone as we journey together as the St John’s community in 2019.

We hope that everyone has been able to take some time for rest and renewal and is looking forward to the year ahead. I would like to extend a special welcome to all the new members of our school community, about 190 young people from Years 7-11. We look forward to getting to know you and the gifts that you will share with us.

We have a deep commitment to our School Mission:

'The mission of St John’s High School is to create a dynamic educational environment within a caring, involved community centred on the Catholic ethos, valuing peace and pursuing excellence'

The staff development day had a strong focus on ensuring that all students are given the opportunity to reach their potential. We looked at whole school data and details for each student so that we may plan for success for each of them.

Engagement in learning is a decision that each student makes and they are well supported by their parents and teachers here at St John’s. It is essential to develop good practices to enable success and we recommend that parents help them establish these practices and support them to maintain them. These would include:

  • Have a good breakfast each morning.
  • Have a good sleep each night, a break from interruptions supported with no devices in the bedroom.
  • Get plenty of exercise and company of family and friends.
  • Come to school each day well prepared: Books and pens and fully charged computers.
  • Make time each afternoon or evening to engage in self-directed learning, regardless of whether homework has been set.
    • Age appropriate time Year 7: thirty minutes increasing up to Year 12: 1 & 1/2 to 2 hours.
    • Year 7 and 8 should engage with 15 minutes of Maths Pathways each night and word flyers 3 times per week.
    • Students do not need their own desk, a central family location assists some young people to remain on task.
    • Reading for understanding is always a great way to develop learning skills.

St John’s is committed to ensuring the best outcome for each student and recognise the importance of the partnership that we share with parents in being successful in this goal. We encourage parents to chat with their child about their learning with a focus on acknowledging their journey. The questions you ask will help determine the quality of the response. Avoid questions with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and use questions like ‘What are you learning about in history?’ or maybe ‘What were some of the items presented on assembly today?'

Parents are always welcome to contact the school to pass on information or to seek information about their child’s progress. The first point of call is the PALS teacher or Year Coordinator for pastoral issues or the teacher or KLA Coordinator for classroom concerns.

I also encourage all parents to become involved in Parent and Friends events including meetings and working bees. The AGM for the St John’s P&F will be held on Monday 18 February at 6.00pm. I strongly encourage all parents and carers to attend. The P&F is a great way of keeping in close touch with what is going on at school. Each meeting we have a brief presentation to assist parents in supporting their child in their learning and development.

Year group mottos and their Coordinators:

Year 7: I was a stranger and you welcomed me and loved me as yourself – Mrs Sophie Daley

Year 8: God has no hands but yours - Mrs Lynette Kelly

Year 9: Walk in the way of the Good and the Just and be the change you wish to see in the world - Mrs Maggie Frawley

Year 10: Full Hearts through Service, Love & Courage - Mr Simon Vaughan

Year 11: Strong Minds, Gracious Hearts - Ms Sarah Blades

Year 12: Practise Kindness in all you say and do - Mr Nicholas Garner

Congratulations to Year 12 2018

What an outstanding achievement for these students and for the school. This group of students were so highly focused, we are very proud of both their academic and personal outcomes for their Higher School Certificate. We wish them the best in their post-school ventures. On Thursday 7 February 2019, the special recognition assembly acknowledges the achievements of last year’s HSC group and inspires current students to work to achieve their personal best. We have a long tradition of excellence in the HSC and congratulate last year’s cohort for continuing this tradition.

2018 Dux of the Year

Congratulations to Emma McDonald on achieving an ATAR of 97.25 an outstanding achievement.

New Staff

We would like to welcome the following new staff: Mrs Abbey Baker: Music, Mr Paul Brodie: Learning Support and Gooroon, Mrs Nichole Crossley: Learning Support, Mr Colin Evans: Maths,
Ms Kristy Hall: TAS, Mrs Serena Jablonskis: Office Manager, Mrs Justine Lang: Office support, Mrs Sandra Johnston: Food Tech Support, Ms Carmen Lee: Maths, Mr Aidan Leishman: Learning Support and PDHPE, Mr Tom Matthews: Gooroon Support, Mr Keegan McLoughlin: Maths and Science, Ms Kris Rodwell: Outdoor Ed, Mr Jake Summers: Geography and Miss Savannah Lloyd: HSIE.

Year 7 2020 Enrolments
Open Night & Information Evening
For prospective Students and Parents

Wednesday 27 February 2019

View information displays and participate in an interactive

tour of the many facilities available at our school


Information Session in the School Hall

Please allow at least half an hour to tour the school to ensure

you have time to view all our classrooms prior to the

Information Session

Enrolment Applications for 2020

Open 28 February 2019, Close 8 April 2019

Mrs Sandra Hogan


Information Evenings

I hope that everyone is settling in to the 2019 school year. Each year brings its own challenges and requirements. Knowing what to expect is really helpful as you make the journey with the St John's student in your household.

Over the coming weeks we are holding parent and student information evenings for Years 7,10 and 11. These meetings will cover the content relevant to the students in the specific year group. We believe that by having students and parents present at these meetings together, we can assist and support you in planning and communicating around important aspects of each student's school experience. In addition, the PALS teachers are involved in these meetings in a significant way. 

This will enable you to get to know the teacher who spends each morning with your son or daughter. There will also be light refreshment available before the meetings so that you can more informally meet staff and other parents from the same year group.

The dates are as follows:

Week 3: Monday 11 February - Year 10 (5.45pm) and Year 11 (6.45 pm) - Tea and coffee available from 5.30pm

Week 6: Year 7 Monday 4 March - (5.45pm) - Tea and coffee from 5.20pm

It is an expectation that the students do accompany their parents to these events and we hope that all involved will gain a lot.

Positive Behaviours for Success at School

I would like to remind students and parents of the importance of attending school everyday with the view of making every lesson count on their educational journey. To ensure success students must learn more than course content.

It is essential that they develop good learning practices and thinking skills. They must develop an ownership of their own learning. Parents can support this development by helping students develop organisational skills. This includes ensuring that they bring their equipment, including net books, to school each day.

The diary provides students with a very useful tool to help them with their organisation.

To ensure a productive school day, it is essential for young people to get a good amount of uninterrupted sleep with electronic devices left in another room, have positive conversations about their learning, good home study practices should also be a focus.

Students should take time each evening in quiet, private study.

They may do homework, assessment tasks, review the day’s work or simply read around school content. For parents then the question should not be “Do you have homework?” but “When will you be doing your home study this evening?”


Our school uniform is distinctive and those who wear it should take pride in it and their appearance. We endeavour to develop in the students a respect for their school and a deeper awareness of their own personal responsibility. Such values are reflected in behaviour and dress. It is important that students abide by the school expectations at the beginning of the year in order that the focus can be placed on student learning. Guidelines are in the student diary and were sent home to each family at the end of Term 4, 2018 to assist in the purchase of new items. Teachers have discussed uniform with students whose wearing of the uniform is of concern. We are grateful for your support in these matters when issues arise. I look forward to meeting our new parents and carers and hope to work in partnership in the education and care of your children.

Car Park Safety

Parents are asked to collect their children from the front of the school. It is very unsafe to park across from the bus bay and have your child cross the road as buses are swinging around corners and moving quickly through this area - not expecting pedestrians.

Mrs Leonie Pearce
Acting Assistant Principal


A big welcome back to all returning students and families and also to the new students and their families joining us for the first time. I hope that the Christmas break was a peaceful time for all and our students are ready to get into another exciting year at St John’s.

I thought I would take this time to remind our students and families of a few key areas and ask parents to familiarise themselves with our policy documents on student attendance, student uniform, electronic communication device policy as well as our behaviour management and peaceful schools policy. If there are any concerns in regard to these documents, please feel free to call me on the school number. These policy documents can be found on our School Website -

Starting with Success

A lot of research shows that students struggle when they return from long periods away from school and that one of the best indicators of success is developing successful habits and strong routines. As such, it would be important, if you haven’t already, to create some strong routines at home to help your son, daughter or person in your care succeed at school.

  1. Encourage them to use their school diary to organise their day/weeks
  2. Create a calendar on the fridge where they are to write key events, various tasks and other school related information
  3. Set clear routines when they come back from school
    1. Engage with them about their school day
    2. Allow them to have a quick break and replenish with food and drink
    3. Set an agreed upon time where your they will show you their diary, and complete their homework,
      1. Preferably, this will be in an open area where distractions like phones are less likely to occur.
    4. Set an agreed upon free time where they are able to use their phones, watch TV or spend a specific amount of time on their computer
    5. Create strong sleep routines
      1. Specific, agreed upon time for bed,
      2. Phones and other devices are kept out of the bedroom.
    6. If needed, communicate with their teachers via their school diary


Mr James Eirth
Pastoral Care Coordinator.



Save the Date

Year 10 and Year 11 Information Evening Monday 11 February 2019. It is very important that all students and parents/carers attend this meeting as it will cover the rules and regulations around assessment in relation to the ROSA and HSC as well as other important information.

Year 11 Change of Course: Any change of course in Year 11 must be finalised by Friday 15 February 2019 (Week 3).

Mrs Lisa Murphy
Curriculum Coordinator

Welcome back to all the returning students and staff, and welcome to the new members of our community. The P&F Executive would like to welcome everyone to the new academic year, and we hope it will be a rewarding year for everyone. If we can help in any way please don't hesitate to contact us through the school email address. Your email will be forwarded to us and we'll then try to assist where we can.


Our Canteen Manager Vicki has been working hard over the summer break to refresh the menu and maintain the high standards of  nutrition that are required. Some may be disappointed at the replacement of favourite drinks or food items, but this has occurred so that we comply with the Healthy School Canteen strategy of the NSW government (


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting for the St Johns Catholic High School Parents and Friends Association will be held on Monday, 18 February 2019 at 6.00 pm in the staff room.

At this meeting reports will be delivered from the President, Treasurer and school Principal prior to all positions on the Executive being vacated. Elections will then be held to fill the Executive positions. The positions are: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Parent Liaison & Publicity Officer. The duty statements for each role can be found in the constitution or in the minutes from previous meetings.

All positions are open to parents and care givers within our school community with the President role requiring previous experience on the committee.

Please consider standing for any of the positions as the school genuinely appreciates the support provided by the P&F. Being on the committee doesn't involve sacrificing endless hours - perhaps an hour or 2 each month, and the personal rewards of being a part of this important group far out way any physical rewards.

Next General Meeting 

Following the AGM a General meeting will be held to start the year off for the newly elected committee. This meeting is generally brief, but it does offer the opportunity for parents and care givers to ask general questions to the committee and/or Principal in a non-judgmental environment. Who knows - your question may be the same that others want to ask but may not be able to!!

See you at the meetings!!!

Mr John Barak
P&F President

Year 7 have started school, I am sure, with great anticipation and maybe a few nerves. They have coped with the very warm weather and the fast pace of a very busy high school. I want to congratulate every student and their families for the excellent start to our new school year. There will be many questions and it will take time for the Year 7 students to understand how this new school works. I encourage the students to stay calm, ask lots of questions and assure you that it will all fall into place.

There are a few notes that need to be returned, please read where the note must go as that will make it easier for us all to sort this initial paperwork. If in doubt show the note to your PALS teacher and they can tell you where it needs to go. These notes include;

  • School Carnival Note
  • Year 7 Catholic Culture Day
  • School Camp Permission

Camp discussion has begun well and students will select their ‘Tent’ groups in the next few weeks. Students will be working in PALS groups also to develop a ‘hit list’ to help them think about organising what they need to bring. The students have shown great interest and enthusiasm in preliminary discussions about the planning process, and seem to be very excited; fully embracing the spirit of Year 7 Camp. If there are any issues or problems related to Camp please contact the school as soon as possible.

Our year motto is ‘I was a stranger and you welcomed me and loved me as yourself’ and as mentioned at our liturgy on Wednesday, we as a year group will start living our Motto in all we do and in our relationships with those we meet each day. Each student has the opportunity to work toward being nominated each fortnight for the ‘ARK’ (a random act of kindness) award, this is a specific Year 7 initiative to acknowledge those who go out of their way to assist others, whether in the classroom or out in the playground, clearly demonstrating by their actions that they are living our year motto.

I look forward to the year ahead and wish Year 7 and their families the Peace of Christ for 2019. Pax Christi.

Mrs Sophie Daley
Year 7 Coordinator

It was wonderful to welcome Year 8 back for 2019. Students have returned looking refreshed and ready for the year ahead. This is a year where the foundations of efficient study habits are formed and students will be expected to manage homework and assessment tasks with a greater level of organisation.

Year 8 has welcomed a number of new students into the year group as well as new staff to the Pastoral team. PALS teachers will continue to support students with their learning and pastoral needs.

Uniform and Diary

A reminder to students and parents/caregivers to revisit the uniform requirements and ensure that students are presenting themselves each day to the high expectations of the school. Also, the use of the school diary will be a focus for 2019. Each student is to have their diary with them every day and must take it into PALS in the morning and to each lesson. Consistent and correct use of the diary will assist students in their organisation and keep them focused on achieving success in all areas of their learning.

For any student needing a helping hand with homework and assessments a reminder that the Homework Centre will be open on Wednesday afternoons in Gooroon, listen to messages for the starting date. Maths tutoring on Thursday afternoons will also be an option for any student requiring some extra support in Maths.

Year 8 PALS teachers for 2019

Benedict - Ms Hill and Mr Watson

Chisholm - Ms Sams/Ms Lambert and Mr McLoughlin

McCabe - Ms Boreland/Ms Ramognini and Ms Rodwell

MacKillop - Ms Bryce and Ms Podmore/Ms Auert

Polding - Ms Phillips and Mr Szota/Mr Evans

Purcell - Ms Kelly and Mr Smith

Best wishes to Year 8 students and their families as they move into another exciting year at St John’s.

“God has no hands but yours”

Mrs Lynette Kelly
Year 8 Coordinator



Diocesan School Fee Management Policy

It is advisable that all parent/carers have knowledge of the Diocesan School Fee Management Policy, available on the school’s website. A Frequently Asked Questions document is also provided to assist families with interpretation.

School Fee Agreements

Families who wish to take advantage of the flexibility of paying their school fees over the school year, rather than pay within 30 days, must have in place a current School Fee Agreement to advise their preferred method of school fee payment, amount and frequency. For your convenience, this Agreement will be emailed with your invoice/statement.
Agreements are also accessible from the school’s administration office and their webpage.
Please note: If you have an existing School Fee Agreement you are required to provide an amended version as soon as possible to update your details. In the case that you are paying by Direct Debit or Centrepay, you may also need to provide an amended authority which will be lodged by the school on your behalf.

  • The School Fee Agreement should be returned to the school office as soon as possible with any applicable payment authorities.
  • Families who do not return agreements will be subject to full payment within 30 days.
  • Methods of payment offered include: BPay; EFTPOS; Cash/Cheque; Credit Card; Centrepay & Direct Debit with the preferred method being BPay Payments – Please refer to the School Fee Agreement for further information regarding each type of payment.
  • Frequencies offered include: Weekly, fortnightly, monthly or intervals that suit the family budget
  • To determine your payment amount, an online ‘School Fee Calculator’ is available on the school’s website.

If You Have An Existing Or Wish To Apply For Fee Concession
If your family requires consideration for Fee Concession due to financial hardship, it is necessary to submit an Application for Fee Concession, providing evidence of your financial situation and have an interview with the Principal. This process will be undertaken by the school annually. Parent/Carers should be assured that these situations will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, respect and empathy.
If you have an existing Fee Concession, we will contact you during the year to conduct an annual review.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you require explanation or assistance in relation to school fee matters.

EVET 2019 Students

EVET course payments please refer to the information letter that will be sent out. You will be billed separately for this cost. If you are experiencing financial difficulties and are unable to pay the EVET fee, please contact the Principal’s Secretary to arrange an appointment as soon as possible.

2019 School Vaccination Program Schedule

What vaccines will be offered?

Visit 1, Year 7 students - Friday 22 February 2019 (Term 1 – week 4): Human Papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) which requires two doses to be given with a minimum 6 month interval: Diphtheria -Tetanus -Pertussis vaccine (Boostrix) as a single dose. Immunisation packs will be sent home with students and are to be returned by Thursday 14 February 2019.

Visit 2, Year 10 students - Tuesday 7 May (Term 2 – week 2): Meningococcal ACWY vaccine as a single dose.

Visit 3 Year 7 students – Friday 30 August (Term 3 – week 6)

Welcome to all new and returning students. We look forward to you coming to the library to enjoy the wonderful resources we have for you to use and borrow.

There are still a large number of overdue textbooks and library books from last year. These need to be returned or the replacement costs received before students can borrow for this year. If there are queries or concerns please contact Mrs Willis or Mrs Allchin in the school library.

Mrs Mary Willis
Library Manager

As we begin another exciting school year at St John's it is imperative to stop and set some real and achievable goals. As I reflect upon our outstanding results in Extension 1, Advanced and Standard English in the 2018 HSC, it is important that I share the one common attribute each student who achieved these outstanding and personal best results developed, as they progressed through the grades at St John's. They read.They read regularly and widely. They asked questions as they read and they developed the ability to form opinions on the worthiness of texts. This reading exposed them to thousands of words that otherwise would be unknown.This in turn enabled these students to develop a sophisticated and highly academic writing style, that they could manipulate according to the academic register they were required to use.

Therefore as students set goals for the upcoming academic year, many will naturally focus on achieving a certain grade.  However, I encourage them to set goals that include a regular and wide reading pattern. I also encourage them to enter additional reading and writing competitions that will be advertised in daily notices and the newsletter. This dedication to reading will be of more benefit to a student and will allow them to be exposed to styles and language otherwise unknown.

Of course students will be reading short and longer texts in English but going beyond what is required in class can only enhance the skill development of a student. 

We have a very passionate and dedicated English staff and should you have any concerns regarding your son or daughters progress, please contact the class teacher or myself. I look forward to another successful year, full of students reading and improving writing skills.

Mrs Michelle Selmes
English Coordinator

Swimming Carnival

St John’s Swimming Carnival is on at the Nowra Pool on Thursday 21 February, a reminder to all 100m freestyle swimmers to meet at the pool between 8.00am - 8.20am for an 8.30am start. All other students are to come directly to school, attend PALS and will be called to travel by bus to Nowra Pool. Year 7-10 students must wear sports uniform to and from school. Year 11 & 12 students can wear appropriate house colours. All students will arrive back at school in time for their afternoon buses. A school representative team will be chosen from this carnival.

Carnival notes have been distributed to students. They will need to be returned to student's PALS teachers by the Friday 15 February.

Any parent interested in assisting at the 2019 carnivals please indicate this on the carnival note or contact the school office.

Please note: there will not be BBQ food available at the swimming carnival. Canteen facilities are available from the Nowra Pool Cafe, however students are encourage to pack a healthy lunch as there are extensive wait times for cafe food.

Mrs Rachel Frew
PDHPE Coordinator

Sailing News

Over the New Years break some of our aquatic athletes travelled all the way to South Australia with a gang of multiple double trailer towing cars to compete in the Hobie 16 National Titles at North Haven. This was a two series regatta that featured lots of tight, hard, fun and competitive racing. After recently competing in the Hobie 16 State titles in Mannering Park aside some other school mates like Saxon Perry who achieved very well, we were all ready to bring it on for round two. The first series was a four day long event that held the womens, youth and grand masters (over 55) division. Bonnie Butler and Chilli Engel managed to achieve first place in the womens and 5th place in youths. The second series was another 4 days in length and being just the open fleet (all ages) the racing was harder and more competitive. Bryn Robinson-Mills flew over to compete in this series alongside some friendly Vincentia Sailing club Locals and achieved some great results. Bonnie and Chilli were also the only womens team in the open’s division and managed to improve from last year. In 2019 there should be some more great sailing to come. A message to the students is that if there are any students that are wishing to have a go at sailing and think that they might like to compete in the 2019 combined high schools sailing regatta in Belmont lake Maguire during the term 1 holiday break to please see Bonnie or Chilli for more details.

Sacramental Program

A brief note to inform parents,carers and students about the Sacramental Program running this year at St John’s.

Any students that would like to be baptized into the Catholic faith or receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion or Confirmation, are invited to participate in the Sacramental program that will be running during the year and in school time.


Over 27 million people have experienced Alpha worldwide and now it is coming to Nowra!

Alpha is an opportunity to take some time out from our busy everyday lives and explore the big questions about life, faith and meaning in a friendly and inclusive environment.

Come along for a meal, a short video, and a chance to have a chat and share your thoughts on the topic.

No cost, no commitment, no pressure – come and see for yourself!


Mark Fuller
Sacramental Coordinator

Welcome to what is set to be an action packed term of Representative Sport.

St John’s has a strong sporting culture and provides many representative sporting opportunities for students.

The Representative Sport Google Classroom is a platform where students can access information on Representative Sport. This digital notice board provides important information such the registration to trial, trial dates, important dates and expectations.

Along with communicating the school policies and procedures, the classroom also celebrates student sporting achievements at school and within the wider community. To avoid missing representative sporting opportunities it is important that all students are a member of the classroom. Details on joining the classroom will be made available to all students in their first schooling week at St John’s. The classroom code is oeddp3.

Google forms are now open for students to register to trial for Touch Football, Rugby League (Dio trial only), Futsal and Tennis.

Students must be a member of the Representative Sport Google Classroom to access the google forms. Nominations close on the Monday 11 February for Tennis, Rugby League and Futsal, and Wednesday 6 February for Touch Football.

Students are also expected to listen to all notices in PALS to ensure that they are aware of expectations and don't miss out on sporting opportunities.


A reminder to all those in triathlon teams to get your permission notes and payment in ASAP on your return to school. The very last date notes will be accepted will be Wednesday Week 3 (Feb 13th). It is policy that all students return notes by the due date. Failure to do so will result in team withdrawal. Notes are available on the Representative Sport

Google Classroom, School Website and student foyer.

Miss Kate Davis
Representative Sports Coordinator

Term 1 2019

Year 7 Catholic Culture Day - Wednesday 6 February

Year 11 Senior Orientation Day - Thursday 7 February
Recognition Assembly - Thursday 7 February

HCS Forum Year 11 &12 - Thursday 7 February

Year 11 Information Evening - Monday 11 February
Year 10 ROSA Information Evening - Monday 11 February

Year 7 Camp - Wednesday 13 to Friday 15 February

P&F AGM and General Meeting - Monday 18 February

Year 12 Parent/Teacher Interviews – Wednesday 20 February

Swimming Carnival – Thursday 21 February

Staff Development Day (Pupil Free Day) - Monday 25 February

The New NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy

Food and Drink Benchmark


Term 1 2019 there will be a few changes to the canteen menu, to comply with the new NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy, which replaces the old Traffic Light criteria of food and drinks that can be sold in school canteens. This means three quarters of the menu is everyday food from the five food groups and one quarter of the menu is occasional foods with a 3.5 or higher food star rating. Some food items high in sugar, salt and/or saturated fats that do not reach a 3.5 food star rating will be removed from the menu, eg. iced tea, Ovaltinis, cough lollies, JJ's Jumpies and some ice creams, so not too many changes. The canteen staff are working hard sourcing new and nutritious snacks and ice cream to add to the menu, eg. dip & nibbles packs, cheese dip & biscuits, fruit pikelets & scones, house made pasta dishes & salads, frozen juice cups, coconut juice ice blocks. There will be lots of new items to choose from. If you have any questions, ideas or a few hours spare to volunteer in the canteen, please contact the Canteen Manager on 4423 1359.

The school offers the convenience of online lunch orders for all students. If you wish to order online please click on the school lunch online image on the website to register.
Close off for orders is 8.30am daily, a 25c transaction fee applies. If there are any discrepancies with your order, please contact 1300 787 939.

Volunteers please note: Sign in at the School Office on the computerised system before you commence your shift. Please wear enclosed shoes, long hair tied back, no excessive jewellery (i.e. rings, bracelets).

Shoalhaven Netball Association

Welcome to Shoalhaven Netball Associations 2019 Winter Season

All Shoalhaven netball club's are now offering registrations from 1 January, 2019.

Please visit your clubs' website for more information

Albatross NC  -

Gems NC  -

Jervis Bay NC -

Lyrebird NC -

North Nowra Bomaderry NC -

Rebels NC -

Saints NC  -


Bomaderry Junior Football Club (AFL)

Bomaderry JAFC are seeking boys and girls wanting to play AFL football in 2018 we are offering:

  • Auskick (Under 5-Under 7) for girls and boys – on Thursday afternoons 4:30 to 5:30 at Artie Smith Oval Bomaderry
  • Junior competition football for Under 9’s,11’s, 13’s, 15’s and 17’s for Mixed, Girls and boys, training 4:30 to 6:00pm Thursdays at Artie Smith oval.

With games on Sundays.

  • Further opportunities with Representative selections and elite Academies ran by AFL South Coast.

Registration is on Sunday 3 March from 10am-12pm at Artie Smith Oval Cambewarra road Bomaderry (opposite Bomaderry pool). Or any training session from the 7 March onwards.

For further information, please contact Junior President David Morrison on 0438603559 or by email at


Active Kids NSW Service

A family with two children could save $1,000 by using Energy Switch and claiming the Active Kids voucher, Creative Kids voucher and the CTP Green Slip refund.

Summer savings incl. $100 vouchers for creative and active kids

Please visit the Service NSW website for further details -