St John the Evangelist Catholic High School Nowra
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31 John Purcell Way
Nowra NSW 2541

Phone: 02 4423 1666

SJE Newsletter 2024 Term 1 Week 5

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SJE Newsletter 2024 Term 1 Week 5



 I see so many diet options in today’s world all claiming to be the best option for a healthier life. Some of my friends have tried the 5:2 diet where you fast for 2 days and eat normally for 5. This is NOT new. In ancient Roman times the Lenten fast rules were to abstain from eating from Monday to Friday.

Throughout the centuries religions around the world have used fasting, not only for weight loss and health, but for other things. It helps us to break bad habits, it retunes our ability to listen to our body and it can be enormously powerful to train the mind.



As we enter this 2024 Lenten season of prayer, penance and good works we focus on the preparation for the celebration of Easter. Easter is the major celebration and peak time in our Church calendar and the preparation period of Easter is crucial to understanding and obtaining the full meaning.

After the ‘legalisation’ of Christianity in Rome, in A.D. 313 Lenten fasting and Easter preparations become more regularised. The 40-day Lenten period is likewise a special number. Moses spent 40 days on Mount Sinai preparing to receive the 10 Commandments. Elijah spent 40 days walking to Mount Horeb and Jesus fasted for 40 days in the desert.

While fasting often dominates the discussion around Lent, equally important are prayer and almsgiving. Prayer is often what sustains us in times of turmoil in our lives. This comforting presence is one that we can rely on at all times. Almsgiving or supporting those less fortunate is also a significant part of Lent. I urge all families to embrace this season, support Project Compassion and look within, to your core values, and without, in service of others.

Please check with your local Parish for service times. (Link in this Newsletter)

INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY – So Wonderful and so sad

International Women's Day (IWD) is a global holiday celebrated annually on March 8 as a focal point in the women's rights movement. IWD gives focus to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women.

 I grew up in Blacktown, Doonside actually. It was a tough but wonderful life full of sport, mates, family and life. We didn’t have a lot living in a war service home –similar to todays Housing Commission. You also got lots of bruises growing up there in Doonside, but you didn’t cry. That wasn’t accepted.

 In February 2020, I sat at home and cried, more seeping but still very emotional. I was watching the funeral of Hannah Clark and her three children, Laianah, Aaliyah and Trey, as a result of domestic violence (DV) by her estranged husband in a Brisbane suburb. I could not fathom how that could happen. What feelings and thoughts could lead to this sort of action.


IWD asks men and women to challenge stereotypes, fight bias, broaden perceptions, improve situations and celebrate women's achievements - not only for one day, but every day.

In a country like Australia how do these things happen? Why does God let them happen? I don’t think that God can stop them, but only make the aftermath more bearable. God is there to console us and comfort us.

Sadly at St John’s we have some students who have lived in homes or witnessed DV in their lives. Such unacceptable acts can damage young children and their understanding of what a family life should look like. We work closely with all of our students to provide an environment that sustains growth in learning and character.

One of the hardest aspects of DV is knowing someone who is going through it and having them ask us not to interfere. I don’t think it is an option, we need to save lives and act.

IWD looks at the rights of women across the world. In Australia we are more equitable than most countries, but more can still be done. As we celebrate IWD in 2024 on 8th March, please make an effort to connect to your mothers, wives and grandmothers and other women in your lives. Make them feel. Appreciated and thank them for their role in our lives.


Below is the article that ran in the South Coast Register on Wednesday 28 February featuring St John's captains, vice captains and school leaders. 

Mr Wayne Marshall




As part of our care and support for all students at SJE, we conduct regular attendance checks, make wellbeing calls home and arrange support meetings for parents/carers and students to explore relevant and effective strategies in maintaining the regular attendance for all students. In conjunction with this, our school attendance procedures aim to communicate attendance concerns to parents/carers when students move into categories of attendance concern. These procedures are outlined as follows:

  1. Step 1: When attendance falls below 90% (explained or unexplained)
    • Student interview and Step 1 letter sent home outlining the concern
  2. Step 2: When attendance falls below 85% (explained or unexplained)
    • Student interview, parents/carers contact by phone to discuss possible supports and Step 2 letter sent home.
  3. Step 3: When attendance remains below 85% (explained or unexplained)
  • Student and Parents/carers are interviewed by the Year Coordinator and/or the Pastoral Care Coordinator (PCC) and where needed, a learning plan is developed to assist parent/carer and student in improving attendance. CEDoW informed. Registered Step 3 letter sent home.
  1. Step 4: When attendance continues to remain below 85% (explained or unexplained)
  • Student and Parent/Carer meets with PCC, Assistant Principal and/or Principal. Step 4 letter sent home. CEDoW will advise on further actions. N Warnings will be issued where required if outcomes are not being met due to non-attendance.
  1. Step 5: Above 30 days 
  • By law, SJE will report educational neglect concerns to the Child Story Reporter (DCJ) and/or the Child Protection Helpline. Student and Parents/Carers meets with the Principal, PCC and CEDoW representative. If not enrolled, CEDoW will notify DCJ and NSW Department of Education. N Warnings issued.

Attendance is important, not only because it is mandated by the Education Act (1990) but because when a student’s attendance falls below 90% they are at risk of lower academic achievement, possible social isolation from peers, poorer mental health and poorer social functioning. Students, supported by their parents/carers, should aim for an attendance rate of 95%. Achieving a 95% attendance rate allows students a maximum of 10 days off per year (excluding school holidays) to allow for illness. This is an achievable target that aligns with real world employment expectations that students will face in their lives beyond high school. 

Parents and carers of senior students must also understand that attendance and/or punctuality concerns could impact on a student’s ability to successfully meet their course outcomes. This, in turn, may result in N-Warning(s) which may adversely affect their RoSA and/or HSC.

If you believe there are concerns surrounding the attendance of your child or the person in your care, please do not hesitate to contact their Year Coordinator as soon as possible to arrange a support meeting.

If there are any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me on the school number.

Ms Sonia Diaz

Pastoral Care Coordinator  




Each year the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is undertaken by students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Students will participate in tests for writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.
NAPLAN 2024 will take place from Wednesday 13 March to Monday 25 March.
NAPLAN is just one part of our school learning assessment program. The tests assess literacy and numeracy skills your child is already learning at school.

In preparation for NAPLAN, our school will undertake activities to help students become familiar with the format and functionality of the online tests. These activities are not an assessment of student ability and will not be marked. Excessive preparation for NAPLAN is not required nor recommended.
The public demonstration site ( is available to see the types of questions, tools and functions used in the NAPLAN tests.
Further information about NAPLAN is available on the NESA website

If you have any questions about NAPLAN, please contact Mr Mark Malady (Learning Technologies Coordinator).

Mrs Lisa Murphy
Curriculum Coordinator

TERM 1 2024


Tuesday 5 March - Year 10 Immunisations 

Wednesday 6 March  - Working Bee ( 3.10pm - 5.30pm )

Thursday 7 March - 2024 Open Night ( Year 7 2025)


Tuesday 12 March - Year 8 Reflection Day

Wednesday 13 March - NAPLAN commences (Year 7 & Year 9) 


Monday 18  March - Year 8 Reflection Day

Monday 18 - Friday 22 March - Naplan Continues (Year 7 & Year 9)

Monday 18 - Friday 22 March - Harmony Week


St John's Working Bee will be held on Wednesday 6 March 2024.

The working bee will run from 3.10pm to 5.10pm with a sausage sizzle provided at the conclusion for all parent, student and family helpers. Students will also receive house points and recognition towards positive extra-curricular/community service affirmations.



St John's 2024 Open Night will be held on Thursday 7 March 2024.

There will be 2 Tour Sessions: 4pm & 5:45pm, please book a session time using the link below:




PARISH VISITATION: Bishop Brian Mascord will be present for a Parish Visitation on 7/8 March & 16/17 March 2024. The bishop has sent a document outlining the various areas he would like to address with the Parish Priest, the Senior Parish Leadership Team (SLT) and their teams, parish employees,  other parish leaders and the Parish Mission Council.  I consider all the pre-listed as part of the governance structure of Milton Parish. Additionally, any parishioner or friend of the parish is welcome to participate actively in the Parish Visitation. A full copy of the Visitation Program is posted on parish notice boards and available in coming weeks through electronic mailout of the Parish Bulletin.

In particular, I invite all parishioners and friends to participate in an interactive workshop with Bishop Brian on Saturday 16 March from 9 am – 12.30 pm at St Mary’s School Hall, Corks Lane Milton. In a synodal way, we will explore the “life, health and direction” of our parish. During the morning, the bishop will unpack Come and See – Go and Make, three documents which articulate a vision for Diocese of Wollongong (DOW) parishes, Catholic schools, and social outreach programs. These Come and see – Go and Make documents will be distributed at the workshop. An offer was made last December to distribute the documents to anyone wanting them. Notwithstanding, our SLT chose to distribute the documents during a process designed to assist people appreciate their worth. The Parish Visitation provides this opportunity. In the meantime, the documents can be viewed at: and the video to accompany them viewed at:

Bishop Brian has identified possible topics to be addressed during the Visitation process which can assist me as pastor, and the parish community to assess the Milton Parish: 1. Pastoral care & communication; 2. Liturgy; 3. Staffing of parish; 4. Parish site and facilities; 5. Ecumenism – interfaith; 6. Inter-parish activities; 7. Deanery; 8. Assistance from bishop; 9. Financial matters; 10. Records; 11. Other matters.

Under each of the above headings there is a list of criteria to consider. I will write a report using these criteria, to give an accounting of my/our stewardship of the parish. SLT members are also writing individual reports about their jurisdictions. If any parishioner/parish friend wishes to write to me or an SLT member about the above assessment categories, please do so. A copy of the criteria for each category will be sent electronically in the lead up to the Parish Visitation.

During the Parish Visitation I will revisit with the bishop and others my 2021 Leadership Growth Performance Appraisal Report, particularly the Report Recommendations. Let’s assess how I/we are progressing as the Pilgrim People of God, who desire to “put out into the deep” as missionary disciples, and as Bearers’ of Christ’s Love. There will be no shortage of grist for the Visitation mill.

My prayerful hope is that a process I requested  5 years ago, viz. a Parish Visitation, will be a formative experience for every parishioner and friend of Milton Parish. Many know of my passion for ensuring ongoing formation for all ages, humanly, spiritually, intellectually, and pastorally. In my view, these four areas, often listed as essential dimensions for seminary formation, apply to all the baptised faithful who all share in the priesthood of the faithful. I trust that each of the eleven visitation categories cited above will provide our parish with an opportunity to be affirmed, to reflect upon our growing edges, and to identify practical steps for going forward.

I am also hopeful that the vision Bishop Brian and Pope Francis have for our universal and diocesan church is aligned to the one I and others have for Milton parish. Personally, I remain guided by the following words of Pope Francis in the first document he ever published, Evangelii Gaudium: The Joy of the Gospel.  “The parish is not an outdated institution; precisely because it possesses great flexibility, it can assume quite different contours depending on the openness and missionary creativity of the pastor and the community. While certainly not the only institution which evangelises, if the parish proves capable of self-renewal and constant adaptivity, it continues to be "the Church living in the midst of the homes of her sons and daughters" (#28). Furthermore I too think “that we should put a sign on the door of parishes that says, 'Free admission' Parishes should be close-knit communities, without bureaucracy, people-centred - a place where the gift of the sacraments can be found. They must become once again schools of service and generosity, with their doors always open to those who are excluded. "Please, let us be daring. Let us all rethink the style of our parochial communities (and) may increasingly become communities of faith, of fraternity and of welcoming the most in need." Pope Francis video message February 2023. May the forthcoming Visitation enable Milton Parish to incarnate further its emblem: “To Put Out Into the Deep as Bearers’ of Christ’s Love.



Use the following link to find Mass times for your local church:



A brief note to inform parents/guardians and students about the Sacramental Program
running this year at St John’s.
Any students that would like to be baptised into the Catholic faith or receive the Sacraments
of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion or Confirmation, are invited to participate in the
Sacramental program that will be running during the year and in school time.
Please see the attached letter that accompanies this newsletter for further information.
Mark Fuller
Sacramental Program Facilitator






Year 10 Work Experience

July 1-5

In Term 2, Week 10, all Year 10 students will have the opportunity to participate in the work experience program. This is a valuable chance for students to delve deeper into a field of their interest, gaining a firsthand understanding of the roles within it. Such immersion can prove immensely beneficial as it allows individuals to discern whether their chosen industry aligns with their aspirations.

To facilitate this process, I encourage parents, guardians/carers, and students to refer to the Careers Google Classroom for guidance on how to approach potential employers. For your convenience, I have included all necessary documentation as attachments, streamlining the entire process.

If you have any questions, please contact Ms Arenas on 4423 1666

Work Experience with ADF! An opportunity has arisen for 6 students to undergo work experience with the NAVY. 

If you are interested complete the EOI on Google Classroom.

White Card Training

Students intending to work on a building site for work experience, must complete the White Card Training course in March.

There are only 20 spots available so please be quick to fill out the EOI posted on the Careers Google Classroom.

Navy Aviation Prospect Scheme (NAPS)


2023 NAPS Participants

Prospects Scheme (NAPS) offers high school students (Year 10) aged 15-18 an insight into Navy Aviation careers. The program is broken into three sections; Quicklook, NextStep and Longlook.

The program is designed to provide each Student with a continual insight into FAA and Defence careers with an overarching intent of; Raising the profile of the FAA within the community; Generating prospective applicants by encouraging Students to consider a career in the FAA; providing a service to the community through team building and leadership training; Fostering civic virtue.

The number of places is limited and to be considered for the program the Expression of Interest posted on the Careers Classroom must be filled out by Thursday, February 29.

Property and Civil Construction - JohnStaff Shoalhaven Hospital

RIEP & EPP are seeking expressions of interest from Year 10 & 11 students who would like to explore the careers on offer via a STEM pathway in the Property & the Civil Construction industries.  This opportunity is only available for high school students in the Shoalhaven and offers a unique experience to see a piece of major infrastructure unfold over the next 12 months as work begins on the upgrade to Shoalhaven Hospital.

The program will be devised and led by the expert project management team at Johnstaff and students will hear from industry experts including Architects, Engineers, Project Managers and more! 

Students will participate in workshops and site visits on the Monday of the last week of each term throughout 2024. Transport can be arranged upon request.

Fill out the EOI posted on Google Classroom if you would like to participate in this exciting project. 


UOW Future Talks Series

18 March - Talk 2

If you're a parent or carer who is navigating the HSC with your child, we've got your back. Year 12 can be a particularly stressful time for students and family/carers. The pressure to succeed and make post-school decisions can be overwhelming for students and those who are trying to support them on their Year 12 journey. The program consists of eight 1-hour Zoom sessions. This program is completely FREE. Topics (one per month) include: 

  • De-Mystifying University 
  • The Future World of Work 
  • UOW Degrees and Pathways 
  • Budgeting & Finance 
  • Scholarships 
  • Accommodation

Link Here

UOW Online Pathway Information Session:

28 March 

Looking for a pathway to get into uni? Use your time wisely and get started on your pathway to UOW.  UOW College offers pathway courses that can guarantee* entry into a range of bachelor programs, some with direct entry into the second year. Please join us for our upcoming online info session to find out more about our range of courses, scholarships and how to apply. If you have already applied or received an offer, please come along and find out more about what to expect when classes commence, student support and a previous college students experience. Staff will be available on the night to answer your questions. 

UOW Online Pathways 

Meet the University of Sydney - Nowra


14 March 

Join us for an information evening to find out all you need to know about the University of Sydney! Learn about our Regional and Remote Entry Scheme and MySydney Scheme. 

The session will also cover information about courses, admission requirements, entry schemes/pathways, fees, and scholarships, as well as the type of support available on campus. Uni students and alumni from Regional NSW will share stories, tips on moving away from home and advice about their journey to university and beyond. You’ll also get the chance to speak with staff and students and have all your questions about the University of Sydney answered.

Year 10, 11 and 12 Students are encouraged to participate in the information sessions at SJE. See Google Classroom for details.

NEW! Tertiary Health Study Subsidies

The Tertiary Health Study Subsidy Program will support 12,000 students from 2024. The subsidies incentivise students to enter the NSW Health workforce by reducing financial barriers to study.

The payments can assist students with fees, technology, travel, or other associated personal costs.

What subsidies are available?

NSW Health offers two subsidies:

  1. $12,000 subsidy paid over three years to students commencing study, and intending to work for NSW Health upon completion.
  2. $8,000 one-off subsidy paid to students graduating study with employment in NSW Health.

Each subsidy will see 2,000 students awarded annually for the next three years.

Find out more:

Health Subsidies Link


Medical radiation science pathway program

(Nuclear Medicine, Radiography and Radiation therapy)

Charles Sturt University is offering a pathway program for Year 12 students dreaming of a career in the diverse and progressive field of medical radiation science. 

You can start your undergraduate journey early by studying Charles Sturt’s Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Safety micro-credential for free.

The program allows you to:

  • Start your studies early
  • Fractional load (25%), which would allow managing Year 12 studies concurrently for most students
  • Reduce overall HECS debt (FREE program for domestic students)
  • Get uni credit (16 pts) for two first-year physics subjects
  • Study online and with flexibility

The program runs from 26 February – 25 October 2024 for those planning on commencing their degree in 2025.

Applications close 23 February 2024.

Go to: Apply

Western University Webinars

View and register for 2024 webinars. Watch our webinars covering a range of individual study areas.Want to know more about careers and degrees in the fields of most interest to you? Not sure what subjects to select for your senior years? Let us support you to make informed decisions and discover more about why you should study at Western. 

Head to: Link or the Careers Classroom for more information


ANU Tuckwell Scholarship is now open

Opens 7 March 

One of the most prestigious scholarships in Australia. The program has a focus on giving back to Australia and is the only one of its kind that nurtures Scholars to fulfil their broader community ambitions over and above the pursuit of an undergraduate degree. Each year we award 25 Scholarships and offer talented and motivated students the opportunity to realise their potential by providing financial support, personal enrichment and development opportunities.

Apply here




Supporting You Every Step of the Way with TAFE NSW

Get the help you need to succeed

The TAFE NSW Counselling and Career Development Service is free and confidential* and is designed to help you succeed in your studies at TAFE NSW, as well as in your chosen career.

Prospective TAFE NSW students are able to access the service to assist with course choice decisions and career planning.

Students enrolled with TAFE NSW are able to access a range of services to assist in career development and personal support.

I Am Finishing School This Year Info Page

Whatever you're interested in, TAFE NSW has a pathway to get you there.

With hundreds of courses to choose from, including degrees, we can help you find your passion.

TAFE NSW Degrees and Undergrad Certificates

You don't need an ATAR to study a degree with TAFE NSW, but you will graduate with a qualification that will change your future.

Study a Bachelor degree, post graduate or higher education qualification with TAFE NSW, and graduate with strong theoretical knowledge, practical experience and industry connections that will give you a head start on your career.

TAFE-delivered Vocational Education and Training (TVET) courses help students build practical skills and industry-specific knowledge, and count toward school outcomes, with some courses contributing towards an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

TAFE NSW TVET Guide 2024


NSW Police Force - Eligibility Quiz

Take the quiz to see if you may be eligible to commence an application to the NSW Police Force. ‘Aquatic Rescue Sequence’ certification: Applicants are required to provide certification of successful completion of the Aquatic Rescue Sequence. First Aid certification: Applicants are required to supply certification of completion of an approved ‘Apply First Aid’ course with at least 12 months currency remaining on certification. Typing certificate. Applicants are required to supply a recognized certificate of typing proficiency equivalent or greater than 25 words per minute at 98 percent accuracy.


Expression of Interest for Electrical Apprenticeships

The apprenticeship lasts for a total of 4 years. For the first three years, you will be required to work four days on site to gather on-the-job experience, and one day undertaking technical studies. The fourth year will consist of only on-the-job training.

Link here

Job Hunting Tips

Finding an Apprenticeship Searching and applying for an Australian Apprenticeship is very much like hunting for any job. An employer has to create a vacancy and decide to use Australian Apprenticeships as a way to employ and train their staff. The following steps will explain the process to get an Australian Apprenticeship from the preparation stage, to the time you begin your training

Automotive Apprenticeships - Vacancies

The automotive industry has changed substantially through the last decade to become a respected and financially secure career path. Any student that enjoys problem solving and working with their hands will thrive in automotive and has the opportunity to be a part of transformative change we haven't seen since vehicles replaced the horse and cart.

Link here

Do you aspire to be a builder?

Register your interest for the course starting 27 November Want to be a carpenter? This is your best first step. Master Builders will help prepare you to become the best 1st-year carpentry apprentice.  This 3-week entry level training program provides an introduction into both the industry and a carpentry trade prior to commencing an apprenticeship.

Pre-apprenticeship Builder

Do you aspire to become a brickie?

Offer you the opportunity to study and earn an income while undertaking a qualification. It gives you the chance to learn new skills while getting paid. It can be done full-time or while you are at school through a School Based Apprenticeship. You can use your qualification to work anywhere in Australia and around the world. 

Brickies Apprenticeships

Transport for NSW Apprenticeships and Traineeships

Transport for NSW currently have a number of Apprenticeship and Traineeships open for 2024 in both metro and regional areas. Currently on offer are:

  •       Business Traineeships
  •       Bridge Construction Apprenticeship
  •       Heavy Diesel Mechanic Apprenticeship
  •       Project Management Traineeships
  •       Electrical Apprenticeship
  •       Civil Construction Apprenticeship
  •       Painting and Blasting Traineeship

A number of trainee roles are also available

Handy link for a range of job opportunities: Jobs Transport NSW



Casual garden/mowing for retiree

Please contact Ms Arenas if you would like to find out more about this casual position.

Tourism Local Navigator Pilot

If you are interested in a paid work trial or casual work in the hospitality and tourism sector, please send a resume, a short spiel about yourself and their disability and any wage subsidy information. Once the applicants have been collated and reviewed by the tourism business, you will be contacted regarding a time and date for the participant meet and greet. 

Please send any questions / concerns to:  Isabelle Gadaleta 


Council Jobs!

Local Government NSW offers hundreds of jobs and diverse career paths. Across professional, administrative, trade and outdoor roles. Learn more about the type of work, qualifications required and the jobs available now in over 100 councils across NSW & others interstate


At Woolworths Group, we create better experiences together for a better tomorrow. Our diverse group of retail businesses are some of Australia's most recognised and trusted brands, and our team are at the heart of everything we do.

Apply here


I was looking at some old files on my computer and found some photos of the students from Year 7 camp - I was blown away by how young the students looked and how much they have grown! It reminded me that with this growth and maturity comes greater expectations. 

So at our year meeting, I explained to the students that as they start moving towards the senior years in their schooling the expectations placed upon them as role models for junior years increases, as does the expectations of their teachers in how they take ownership of their learning. So when I visited some elective classes, I was excited to see the classrooms buzzing with enthusiasm as the students actively engaged with the subject matter.  These elective classes offer invaluable opportunities for our students to explore their interests, expand their horizons, and develop essential skills beyond the traditional curriculum. 






Year 9 were particularly outstanding in their behaviour at school and this was recognised at their year assembly.  It was an uplifting and relaxed day for all and we are exceptionally proud of Year 9 and their positive behaviours on this day.


Year 9 have been praised for their active involvement in Sport so far this term and have been involved in Sport offsite from school and school based competitions.  Students have formed their own friendship based groups and have responded positively in this environment


There is a Parent night scheduled for Year 9 on Monday 25th March 6.20 - 7.20. There will be three important items addressed on the evening

  • Study skills program that we will be introducing to Year 9.
  • Youth Adolescent Mental Health program being run at the school during term 2.
  • Details of Year 9 camp being held in term 2. The camp will be held at Coolendel on 15th, 16th and 17th of May.  

We look forward to seeing you all there.

'Strong minds and gracious hearts.’

Mrs Wendy Isemonger

Year 9 Coordinator


Year 10 have made a mature and focussed start to their Year 10 High school year.


The Year 10 Information gathering was held last week at the school and the invitation was made to all families and students to attend.  There were many aspects of schooling discussed as our year group move into their senior years at St John’s:


  • The RoSA is the credential that formally recognises your school achievement if students leave school before completing the HSC.
  • It is a cumulative credential that doesn’t have an end of Year 10 deadline but records all results up until the time that the student leaves school.

Who gets the RoSA?

  • It is not a credential for everyone – it is specifically for those students who choose to leave school after the end of Year 10, but before they receive their HSC.
  • A student who goes on to achieve their HSC will receive their Year 10 results along with their Year 11 and Year 12 results in an all-inclusive HSC Results Package.
  • The results shown on the RoSA are based on school based assessments – not external tests.


​​Students will need to meet the minimum standard in three areas - reading, writing and numeracy - by Year 12 (or a number of years after) to receive their HSC.

Students will have many chances to meet the standard and this is no longer connected in anyway with Year 9 NAPLAN results.

Short, online reading, writing and numeracy tests for the HSC minimum standard will be available for students to sit. They can attempt the tests twice a year in Year 10, 11 or 12 until they reach the minimum standard. 


A student who does not comply with course requirements is at risk of an ‘N’ determination. They will be warned as soon as possible and parents / carers will be advised in writing and a phone call home will be made. This warning will be given in time for the problem to be corrected. Students who are unable to fulfil course requirements within a set time will be referred to the Curriculum coordinator, Assistant Principal or the Principal. 

What will put a student at risk of an “N” determination? 

  • Frequent absences from class
  • Failure to complete learning experiences and common tasks
  • Not applying themselves with diligence and sustained effort


If a student is absent on the day of a common task the office must be notified and the student must complete a Misadventure Form on their return. 

Do not assume misadventure forms will be approved. Holidays, routine appointments, part-time work, driving tests, sporting commitments without principles approval and technical problems concerning computers, printers or internet access will not be considered to be an acceptable form of misadventure. 

It is very important for students and their parents to continue to communicate with teachers if they are struggling with any aspects of the course or if they believe they are eligible for a misadventure. 


The statistics show that the average 15 year old could have…17 jobs over 5 different careers. Students are advised to be thinking, planning, accessing opportunities offered, researching and seeking advice to make good decisions for the future.

There are numerous contact points for transition and pathway information. Mrs Arenas, the SJE newsletter and of course google classroom. On this platform all relevant information can be very easily located. Excursions, webinars, industry days, part time work opportunities and potential apprenticeship/traineeship vacancies will be noted. 


This has been moved to Week 10, Term 2:  Monday 1 July - Friday 5 July. This is 3 terms earlier than in any previous year.  This is to facilitate:

  • Networking: Build valuable connections within the industry for potential future opportunities.
  • Skills and Confidence: Develop essential skills and gain confidence in a real-world workplace setting.
  • Part-Time Work or Apprenticeships: Some students may have the chance to secure part-time work or apprenticeships based on their performance.
  • Year 11 Subject Selection: You can make more informed choices when this occurs early in Term 3.
  • ADVICE TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS: Talk to your child about the world of work, what they hope to achieve, what their dream job might look like
  • Push them to think outside their comfort zone
  • Consider and approach your networks; friends, relatives and local businesses. Start now and lock it in.


Year 10 attendance aim in 2024 ie. High Expectations regarding attendance relates to attending 95 of available school days which also equals 10 days or less per year



Mrs Frawley stated that “44 peer support leaders were chosen in term 4 last year to be role models and guides for the new year 7 cohort of 2024. We had a wonderful range of applicants and therefore the selection process was difficult.

The peer support students were involved in the year 7 orientation day last term, where they introduced the new students to our school. They have also helped as friendly faces to settle first day nerves and guided them with knowledge and a familiar face on their first formal introductions to school life at St John's. Last week was a highlight where they played a fabulous role helping in many ways on the year 7 camp. Peer Support is a great tradition at St John's and we are grateful for the professional and kind way it has been done.”


Focus for extended PALS time each Wednesday - 30 minutes

  • Study Skills
  • Time management balancing work and play
  • How to start assessment tasks
  • Research tips

In addition “Elevate” an externally sourced association will host 2 sessions this term for Year 10 specifically on high impact study techniques with a focus on time management.


School carnival participation is expected and compulsory they are regular school days  and are always great fun for staff and students.


Term 1

  • Week 5 - Choicez sessions  - Intention to support students in decision making around relationships and managing online life
  • Week 8 - Police Visit - Youth Program - support for decision making on the road and strategies around drug and alcohol harm minimisation
  • Week 10 - Digital Thumb Print - E Safety Program

Term 2

  • Week 2 - Illawarra Careers Expo
  • Week 5 - Subject selection talks for Year 11 2025
  • Week 7 - Future Me Finder Day


External presenters and teaching staff presented these sessions at school involving the following topics:

Relationships: How to build respectful relationships and identify red flags in unhealthy relationships.

Sexual Decision Making: In a hook-up culture that has devalued sex, we will bring love and connection back into the discussion.

Pornography: We will explore the research around the personal and relational impact that pornography can have on the lives of young people.

Consent & Sexual Ethics: Providing tools to help students build strong sexual ethics and values + the current consent laws in your state/territory.

Stereotypes & Pressures: An empathetic exploration of the pressures and stereotypes that young people face. How to forge a path forward despite the challenges.

'Inspire not to have more but to be more.'

Mr Simon Vaughan 

Year 10 Coordinator


Free Maths Tutoring is offered at St John's on Thursday afternoon's in B Block from 3pm - 4pm.

All students are welcome and encouraged to attend.


Mr Mark McKinnon

Maths Coordinator

St John’s has a strong sporting culture and provides many representative sporting opportunities for students.

The Representative Sport Google Classroom is a platform where students can access information on Representative Sport. This digital notice board provides important information such as the registration to trial, trial dates, important dates and expectations.

Students must be a member of the Representative Sport Google Classroom to access the google forms.


Any questions please email Sports Coordinator

Mrs E Gray


On Thursday 22 February, the super talented St John's Triathlon Team headed to the NSW All Schools Triathlon Competition at Sydney International Regatta Centre in Penrith. St John’s was represented by 11 teams and a total of 32 students.

It was an early start, with students meeting at the school at 4am. The bus trip was decidedly quiet, with students sleeping, ensuring their bodies were suitably rested for the gruelling competition that awaited. 

After a ‘short’ almost 3 hour bus trip we arrived and students arose from their slumber with a buzz of excitement and anticipation for the day's events. Whilst removing bikes from the bus, laughter erupted as a wayward single tyre curiously rolled down a slope into a pool of water. This was definitely a sign that it was going to be a great day.

Conditions were extremely hot and humid, and due to poor water quality, the swim leg was replaced with a 750 metre run. The St John's team remained focused and unfazed by this change.

All teams competed with energy, determination and commitment in the trying conditions. There was a wonderful sense of camaraderie and spirit within the group, with staff, parents and students animatedly proving support and encouragement. Students represented St John’s with passion and pride and were wonderful ambassadors for the school and community.

In excess of 100 schools competed on the day with all of St John’s teams finishing in the top half of their respective races.  Special mention goes to the Girl’s Intermediate team, consisting of Matilda Dicker, Tia Kingma and Juliet Sternats. These girls finished 3rd in the Combined Catholic Schools section, effectively placing 3rd in the state among Catholic Schools. A truly wonderful result.


An incredible result from one of the teams who competed in the  Senior Boy’s race - this team consisted of Cameron Harrison, Talika Irvine and Bridget Fairs. Yes, that’s right! Two girls showing that they are every bit as determined and talented as the boys. This team finished with a bronze medal in the Combined Catholic Schools section, effectively placing 3rd in the state. A truly wonderful result. Even more impressive is that this result ranked 5th against All Schools - Independent, State and Catholic. A special shout-out to Cameron Harrison, who had the fastest cycle split among all competitors. Congratulations Cameron!


Special mention goes out to the parents who made the trip and cheered on our students at the event. Thank you for your wonderful support of our students and school. To the staff that attended, Mr Lopez, Mr Wilson and Mr Fisher - thanks so much for the early start and late finish and all you did in between. Finally, to Mrs Gray, the Schools Representative Sport Organiser. None of this would have been possible without your efforts to organise and coordinate the school's team.

Such was the day that all students intend to return next year! We encourage all students who either love to swim, ride a bike or run, to step up and be part of next year's team.


On Tuesday, the lads from St John's U15's and Senior Rugby League teams had a great day out at Albion Park. The junior team kicked off against Warilla High School with heavy odds against them. Unfortunately while they were in a winning position, the young gun, Jakey Swan, suffered an immense blow to his shoulder. 

However, this tough and rugged team carried on, led by Chase Wyber and Riley Gough up the middle. Although the boys put in their best effort, they fell short of victory. This didn't discourage them from firing up for the next clash against the mighty Edmund Rice College, falling short again in a tough game. Positively, the boys then turned to supporting the Opens with some inspiring tunes and vocal cheers from the sideline.


The Open Boys rugby league lads arrived with both nerves and excitement for the upcoming battles and were keen for the first game against Warrawong High School. The boys fired up after a classic Sebastian Ball speech. What unveiled was a hard hitting game of rugby league in which a mild disagreement ended the game early with a 20-nil win. 

This enticed the boys to look forward to their next battle against Keira High School. After a lengthy recovery session, where the lads took the opportunity to refuel and re-energise, Captain Sebby Ball rounded us back up ready to charge into battle. It was a well earned victory as both our structure and intelligence proved too much for the Mt Keira boys to handle. 2 tries from Ty Schott and another from his centre partner Sonny Jamieson were backed up by the run of the day from captain Seb Ball. He out-sprinted the opposition for 60m to touch down. Johns dominating 22-0.

We then progressed through to the semi-final against the big, strong Albion park. With only a short turnaround it was a much tougher opposition. Ty Schott couldn’t be stopped and again crossed the line to score the first try of the match. Scores finished 4 all and thanks to Ty we progressed to the final against Edmund Rice.

Another 10 minute turnaround between games proved a bit much for Johnnies and Edmund Rice managed a try in each half to win 10 nil. It was a brave showing where our forwards stood up led by our all AFL front row of Oscar Tunney and Oli Driscoll. Edmund Rice defended their lead well and unfortunately, slippery conditions didn’t see much ball to our dangerous backs.

Despite finishing runners up, the NRL were impressed by John’s performances and wish to offer the Opens a wildcard progression through to the Southern NSW finals in June.

Thanks to all the boys for their efforts on the day.

Macklin Berry and Darcy Davis


We are delighted to present a summary of the 2024 St John’s Swimming Carnival, held on Friday, February 23. The day proved to be both enjoyable and successful, thanks to the fantastic support and active participation of our students, staff, student helpers, and parent spectators.

It was a warm day, perfect for our students to showcase their swimming prowess. Despite the warmth, our students, staff, and parents exhibited incredible enthusiasm. A special shout-out to everyone who made it back to school safely before the afternoon storm


A standout mention goes to Year 12 student Talika Irvine. She not only demonstrated exceptional sportsmanship but also broke three school records that she set in 2023 in the 100m Freestyle (1:00:84), 50m Freestyle (28:09), and 50m Backstroke (32:85). 



Our 2024 Swimming Age Champions have demonstrated exceptional skill, dedication, and determination in their respective age categories. It was a closely contested competition in several of our age's, with the 16 Year boy's tying for age champion between Oscar Spence and Mitchell Kelly.

Congratulations to all of the following students:


We are extremely proud of all our Swimming Age Champions for 2024! Your hard work, dedication, and sportsmanship have truly made a splash in this year's swimming carnival. 


After celebrating individual achievements, it's time to reveal the House Points earned by each house. The energy and enthusiasm displayed by each house were truly commendable.

6th Place - Chisholm

5th Place - Mackillop

4th Place - Polding

3rd Place - Purcell

2nd Place - McCabe

1st Place - Benedict 

Congratulations to all houses for their spirited participation and sportsmanship! 

Congratulations to Benedict House for taking out the top spot for the 2024 Swimming Carnival! 


A heartfelt thank you to all students, staff, and parents who made the 2024 Swimming Carnival a success. Special thanks to our student helpers and parents for their incredible support.


On Thursday the 29th of February our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students were involved in The Bulwul Balaang Program for women hosted by Waminda. We completed a Mirriral Bulwul strong spirit workshop which focused on self reflection and identity. Overall, the girls were in high spirits connecting to culture and each other as well as making new friendships. We would like to specially thank Aunty Joe, Blanche and Marle for providing this opportunity for our students.  


On Wednesday the 28th of March, We (Tyne Weller, Georgia Szymoniczek and Lachlyn Bisat) attended the Youth Advisory Committee Meeting held at the Shoalhaven City Council. This forum provides a voice for local youth for council. In our first meeting we discussed an overview of the committee and its terms of reference. We compiled a chart of youth concerns in our area including environmental and mental health. I found it to be informative and I am looking forward to our next meeting. 
Tyne Weller



This year, ANZAC Day falls on Thursday, 25th April. Each year, St John's commemorates ANZAC Day in two different ways:  

On ANZAC Day, students march with ADF personnel, RSL members, community groups and other schools at local ANZAC services. This year, we hope to get as many St Michael's students to march alongside St John's students as possible.  

Also, we have a special ANZAC Assembly, which will take place on Thursday, 2nd  May 2024, the Thursday of Week 1 next term.

As the students at St John's come from such a large geographical area, we are represented at eleven different marches, from Kangaroo Valley in the North to Milton-Ulladulla in the South. ANZAC Day allows students to wear their uniform proudly and represent the school in the local community.  

A staff member will accompany the St John's group at each march. Two students will be chosen to lay a wreath at each memorial on behalf of the school.

Around 150 students have participated over the last few years.   

The marches are at Greenwell Point and Shoalhaven Heads at dawn service, Berry, Bomaderry, Callala, Culburra Beach, Huskisson, Kangaroo Valley, Milton-Ulladulla, Nowra and Sussex Inlet.

Students will get an entry in their passport or a merit for marching. House points will also be allocated for each marcher as well.

If you want to march with St John's on ANZAC Day, an event will be placed on Compass. Please let your parents/carers know you wish to march and that they will need to give their permission on the Compass event. 

The second commemoration of ANZAC Day is our ANZAC Assembly. This year it will be held on Thursday 2nd May at 10 am.

A group of Defence students are busy preparing the presentation; there will be an address from a Navy, Army or Air Force member. Navy, Army and Air Force cadets will form a guard of honour while the bugler plays the last post and reveille. Because so many students participate, it is always an exceptional occasion.

If you are a Navy, Army or Air Force cadet who would like to be part of the guard of honour, there is a sign-up sheet in the student foyer. Mrs Lawrence will then be in touch and meet with you for some rehearsals before the end of this term.

In summary, please get your parent or carer to sign Compass if you want to march on ANZAC Day. If you are a cadet who would like to participate in the guard for the ANZAC Assembly, please sign up in the Student Foyer. 

Thank you

2022 Dawn Service St John's and St Michael's students


2023 Cadets from our ANZAC Assembly

Welcome to all the new families in the area.

I am always in contact weekly with the Nowra WellBeing Centre. 

They are incredibly supportive of all Defence families. I also have lots of support brochures if needed at school.

 Address: 124 Wallace St, Nowra NSW 2541

Phone: (02) 4428 5777




Shoalhaven ADF members and families are invited to join us at Penwood Railway. Come along for a fun-filled day, riding miniature steam trains and enjoying picnic facilities. The Penwood committee will be holding a BBQ.

Please bring along a picnic rug.

The day is an excellent opportunity to meet your local DMFS team and connect with other ADF members. A range of community groups and organisations will be present during the day to provide information on services, supports, and activities within the region.

Please review additional information regarding the event and safety requirements on Eventbrite.

When: Saturday 9 March 24

Time: 10am – 2pm 

Where: Penwood Railway
            215A Princes Hwy, Jaspers Brush 2535  

To register to attend the Welcome to Shoalhaven event, please register for tickets through Eventbrite via the following link

Tickets are available until 1 March 24 or until booked out.

We look forward to seeing you there.


Kookaburra Kids has many exciting programs coming up in 2024 for Defence Kids in both Sydney and Shoalhaven!

2nd March – Nowra Treetops Adventure & Shoalhaven Zoo

15th-17th March – Camping Adventure at Port Hacking 

23rd March – Wattle Grove One Wall Mural & Skate Workshop

Online Connect sessions running Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursday

Australian Kookaburra Kids Families 


RSL LifeCare 

RSL LifeCare Veteran Services



Preparations are well on the way for our ANZAC Assembly. Max Turner of Year 11 is practicing The Last Post with the Bugler Peter Williams, who has played at our school's ANZAC Service for many years.    
Mrs Julie Lawrence

Defence School Mentor


Support Project Compassion by donating to Caritas Australia.

Donations can be made in PALS in the donation boxes.



The following Social Justice Groups are active within the St John's community. If you are interested in becoming involved in any of these groups your help would be appreciated and welcomed!



Reminder that students are invited to attend our Homework Hub held on Wednesday afternoons from 3pm - 4.30pm.
Support is available for class work, assessment tasks and study. Many teachers pop in to volunteer their time to support the students. Encourage your child to come along, bring a friend and give it a go. It is a casual learning environment. Afternoon Tea is provided and everyone is welcome.


Spots are available for drums, guitar, piano and singing tuition! One on one, 30 minute lessons held once a week during school hours right here in our music rooms! Taught by an external professional. Forms available from the student foyer or see Mrs Simis or Miss Christie.
Mrs Abbey Simis/Mr Michael Christie


Our first working bee for the year will be held next Wednesday 6th March after school starting at 3:15pm. There will be a BBQ provided on completion.  All students, staff, family and friends are welcome to join us as we look to accomplish many jobs around the school.  If you are able to bring along some gardening tools to assist, it would be much appreciated (eg shovels, rakes, wheel barrows, gloves etc).  If you are unable to attend but would like to support the event in other ways like providing a plate of food for afternoon tea or gardening donations, it would be very much appreciated.  Hope to have a great turnout. It’s also a great opportunity to come along and meet some of our new Year 7 families.


The St John’s P&F would just like remind everyone that our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Monday 18th March commencing at 6:00pm.  Everyone is most welcome to attend.  By coming along to these meetings it’s a great way to get involved, put forth any suggestions or ideas and find out more about the school and the roles of the Parents & Friends Committee.  Hope to see some old faces and also meet some of our new St John’s families. 


The following is a list of all the P&F meeting dates for 2024:

Monday 18th March 6pm (AGM)

Monday 6th May 6pm

Monday 29th July 6pm

Monday 21st October 6pm

Mrs. Jacinta Davis

P&F Parent Liaison & Publicity Officer




Our school canteen is run by a full time Supervisor and a part time assistant. They always need volunteers to help. At least two volunteers are needed every day to man the canteen. 


We are currently organising our canteen volunteer roster for Term 1, if you are able to assist on any days that have spaces on the roster please contact the school office on 4423 1666 or email the school on

Alternatively fill in the form on the school website under canteen in the Parent Info section.




Year 10 Immunisation Clinic next Tuesday 5 March

Please complete Consent NOW if you have not already done so!

On the day of the clinic:

  •  Year 10 Students to wear their sports uniform.
  •  Ensure students eat breakfast to reduce the likelihood of feeling unwell.

Students in Year 7 & Year 10 will be having their vaccines on the following dates:




If you do not wish for your child to have their vaccination please email the school: or call the school office: 4423 1666. 




Dear Parents / Carers
Below you will find some every day procedures that will be helpful as parents and carers to learn the daily routine of the school.  With a student population this year of over 950, you can understand that routine is very important to the smooth running of the school. 
The following are a list of procedures, which if followed correctly, will enable us to serve you in a friendly, efficient, professional manner at all times as well as allow students to focus on their learning.
Early Leavers:
If you need to collect your child early from school, please send a note in with them in the morning, which they will bring to the office before school. Students' diary will be stamped with an Early Leavers Pass providing them permission to leave class.  They will meet you at the office and there is no waiting for anyone.  It is very difficult to get a child out of class on short notice.  It is a disruption for the teachers and the rest of the class.  If a student is at sport, or doing a practical class then they can be difficult to locate.  If you find you need to pick your child up urgently please ring the school before you come in to give us time to locate them.  
It would be appreciated if any change to after school travel arrangements to be communicated to your child is received by the office no later than 2.30pm.
School times:
Please ensure your child arrives at school on time.  School begins at 8.30am each morning.   If they are late they must report to the office to be signed in or they will be marked absent on the roll. 
Lost Property:
A real concern is the amount of lost property that comes into the office.  There are a number of uniform items each year that end up being sent to St Vincent de Paul as they have no names on them and students do not come to claim them.  We cannot return items if they are not clearly labelled.  Please put your child's name on all of their uniform items, especially blazers and sports track suits.  Hats are another item that often comes to the office with no name.  Do not think because they are now in high school they will not lose things!
If your child becomes ill during the day you will be phoned to come and collect them.  Students who are not well enough to be in class must go home.  Please ensure we always have your updated telephone numbers.  Students are not to use their mobile phones to ring you if they are sick. Medication (including Paracetamol) will only be administered if supplied to the office with a Medical Consent form.
Afternoon pick up:
If you are picking your child up from school in the afternoon, please do not park in the staff car park at the front of the school. The only exception is if you are collecting a student from the learning support class.
Valuables at school:
Students are encouraged not to bring valuables or money to school.  The school is not responsible for loss or theft of valuables whilst students are at school.  All students are advised to keep valuables with them at all times, either in their pockets or in a pencil case in the classroom.  Due to WHS regulations all bags have to be left outside of classrooms. 
Electronic Devices:
Mobile phones, iPods, iPhones, MP3s and other electronic devices are permitted to be used before and after school however they are not to be used during school hours and must be switched off.   If a student is found to be using these items they will be confiscated.  The first confiscation is classed as their one and only warning, they will have the item returned to them at the end of the day. The second confiscation will result in the phone/electronic device being stored in the school office and the student will be required to attend a playground withdrawal before collecting their device the next day.  Third and consequent confiscations will be treated as an act of defiance and dealt with accordingly.  Parents are asked not to phone their children on their mobiles or to send them text messages during the day.  If you need to get an urgent message to your child please ring the school office and we will relay the message for you.
Payments and consent must be submitted before the due date on Compass or the student may not be permitted to attend the excursion. The office will not accept payments or consent past the due date without prior approval from the Assistant Principal. 
If there is any concern over the cost of an excursion or the ability to pay, please contact the Principal’s Secretary via the school office.  No child will be excluded from any compulsory excursion due to money constraints, however students or parents must inform their coordinator or appropriate person before the due date.
Family Information:
Please ensure that you advise the office of any change in family circumstances or contact details including email addresses, telephone numbers and residential and postal addresses.  This will assist the school with the communication process throughout the year. Important messages are sent out via email so it is essential that the school is informed of current email addresses. Carers of students who travel on school buses are required to update address details online via the Transport NSW website,
The school newsletter will be sent via Compass to parents every second Friday and available via the school website. 
School Policies:
Please refer to the school website (via the Admin menu) or student diary, for school policies regarding jewellery, shoes, uniform and the consequences involved in non compliance with these policies.
Please do not hesitate to contact me via email, or by calling the office at any time if you have concerns. 


Dear Parents and Carers,

Attached is information regarding 2024 School Fee's.

For information regarding school fees, please access the Diocesan School Fee Management
Policy and Frequently Asked Questions which is available on our school’s website under School Fees in the Parent Info section.

If you need any further information contact the school on 44 231 666.


St John's






Soccer registrations are NOW OPEN for the 2024 winter season
To find your local club go to 







‘Come Try Hockey’ sessions being run for Under 6’s to Under 18’s on Tuesday afternoons in February 2024.



The Shoalhaven Giants Junior AFL Club is seeking U9 to U15 players for the upcoming season. They are offering free registration this year to encourage kids into the sport.
