St John the Evangelist Catholic High School Nowra
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31 John Purcell Way
Nowra NSW 2541

Phone: 02 4423 1666

SJE Newsletter 2024 Term 1 Week 9

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SJE Newsletter 2024 Term 1 Week 9





We are now heading towards the high point of Holy Week which commenced last weekend on Palm Sunday (also called Passion Sunday) taking place on Sunday 24th March. This is when Jesus rides triumphantly into Jerusalem to the adulation of the crowds.



So how was Holy Week different for you? How will you make this single week, out of the fifty-two in the year, special or holy? Has it been difficult to focus on your faith in this world after the coronavirus? There is still time to start, it is never too late. The Lenten period was a time of preparation and soon comes to an end as we change our focus to the Easter weekend.

The heart of Easter commences on Holy Thursday – the start of the Easter Triduum. Three 24 hour periods remembering the suffering, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.

As Catholics we are called to attend our Parishes on these very important days.

Holy Thursday is the Mass of the Lords Supper, while Good Friday is the veneration of the Cross (where we vividly recall the journey of Jesus to the cross and then his eventual his death).


While the Easter Vigil on Saturday is the main celebration of the period and lasts a little longer and starts later than the usual Saturday mass. It was here that the faithful waited outside the tomb of Jesus. The Jewish Sabbath commenced at sunset on Friday to an hour after sunset the following day, and the body of Jesus was not fully prepared for burial – so they waited during Saturday, praying and mourning.

Finally, we reach Easter Sunday, where Jesus rises and provides hope for the world.


The purpose of the three days is not to re-enact historical events, but rather to engage the paschal mystery as it is being celebrated in the midst of those gathered. The power of this cannot be underestimated.

I wish all families a safe and happy Easter break filled with the promise of hope and encourage all to make the effort to connect with this most powerful faith filled time of our Church. Of course, there will be chocolate eggs and easter buns, but like the commercialization of Christmas, we sometimes lose sight of the true event.


A big thank you to those who attended this meeting. I am fully aware that work and travel times make it difficult for some to make it. Below is the list of the 2024 Office Bearers representing the parent body in conferring with me on decisions related to the school. I thank them in advance for their commitment.


Enrolments for St John's Year 7 2025 are now being taken. The enrolment application is to be completed and submitted online. Use the below link or the online enrolment form link can also be found on the St John's website in the Parent Info Section - Enrolments.

Enrolments close MONDAY 8 APRIL 2024!




These occur on the Thursday evening and Friday morning of the last week of Term. Research consistently reveals that parents who take an interest in their child’s learning have a positive impact and leads to improved learning outcomes.

It also leads to the child putting in a little extra effort, which leads to lifelong learning habits that move them forward in their chosen area of work. So when bookings open please either turn up to the face to face interviews or book a zoom session.

Mr Wayne Marshall



    Great learning happens for our students when they are connected, engaged and thriving in their wellbeing. While there are many wonderful learnings happening in the classroom at St Johns, there are also various programs provided for students that encourage positive behaviours for learning and respectful relationships. There will be a number of opportunities for students to participate in these pastoral programs throughout the year. Some of the programs that our students have had the opportunity to engage in thus far include:


    Students will participate in digital thumbprint lessons where they will learn the advantages of a positive online presence while arming them with the facts they need to stay safe online. Topics covered in the digital thumbprint lessons include: 

    • Cyberbullying: Importance of respectful relationships online
    • Digital Discernment and Fake News: How social media has the power to influence society and how to identify facts and fiction in online media. 
    • Digital Balance: How technology can help us achieve amazing things, the positive uses of technology on our wellbeing and how to create a balance between the use of social media, social interaction and study.  
    • Cybersecurity: Students will learn how to stay safe online
    • Digital Identity: Students will explore social media profiles and posts through the lens of potential employers and positively improve their own online presence. 


    Students from Years 9 and 10 participated in workshops with members of our local police force during Week 8. The engaging and relevant topics discussed included online bullying and harassment, vaping and consent. The students were able to clarify their understanding of these topics in a respectful and mature manner. We appreciate these opportunities to work in partnership with important members of our local community.


    Our Year 10 students participated in a respectful relationships program in Week 7 called ‘Your Choicez’. This externally delivered program focused on mutual respect, trust, good communication, understanding and honesty. The presenters unpacked what positive healthy relationships look like in comparison to unhealthy behaviours in relationships. Importantly, it provided an excellent opportunity for students to understand self-expression, self-awareness and awareness of  others in relationships. If there are any concerns with your son or daughter, please reach out to their PALS teacher as they are great for support for our young people.

    Ms Sonia Diaz

    Pastoral Care Coordinator  

    TERM 1 2024

    WEEK 9 (WEEK A)

    Friday 29 March - Good Friday ( Public Holiday )

    WEEK 10 (WEEK B)

    Monday 1 April - Easter Monday ( Public Holiday )

    Wednesday 3 April - School Cross Country ( Compulsory Years 7 & 8 / Years 9 - 12 Competitors Only )

    WEEK 11 (WEEK A)

    Monday 8 April - Year 7 2025 Enrolment Applications Close

    Thursday 11 April - Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences - 3.30pm Start

    Friday 12 April - Staff Development Day / Pupil Free Day  

    Friday 12 April - Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences - Online Zooms

    Friday 12 April - School holidays begin 


    Thursday 25 April - ANZAC Day / ANZAC Day Marches

    TERM 2

    WEEK 1 (WEEK B)

    Monday April 29 - Students return for Term 2 

    Thursday 2 May - St John's ANZAC Day Assembly - Start 10.00am 

    Friday 3 May - School Athletics Carnival (Basin Athletics Centre)



    An Easter Message from the 2024 Youth Ministry Leaders, 

    Happy Easter St John’s! As much as everyone is looking forward to having a long weekend and lots of chocolate, we would like you to look beyond all the Easter eggs that you’ll receive, and look at this weekend as a time of hope and renewal. As you would know, Easter marks Jesus’ resurrection, three days after his Death. From His last supper with the Disciples on Holy Thursday, to his arrest and death on the Cross for us, so that we could live a life without sin.  

    “For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again”. - 2 Corinthians 5:14-15

    On behalf of all the Youth Ministry Leaders, we wish all staff, students and parents a blessed and joyful Easter. 



    St John's Youth Ministry ran an Easter Egg Guessing Competition to raise extra funds to donate to Project Compassion. The YML raised $285 from the competition.



    On Wednesday mornings for the last 3 week's Year 12 Leaders have been selling Hot Cross Bun's before school to raise funds to donate to Project Compassion.


    The school community gathered this morning in prayer for the Easter Liturgy. This liturgy, led by student leaders, commemorated the final days of Jesus' life. Specific messages of service and hope were central components of the Liturgy evident in the Gospel readings, student and teacher reflections and communal prayers.



    Student's and staff participated in 'Station's of the Cross' during the last 2 weeks. This Christian ritual traces the final events in the human life of Jesus.



    Use the following link to find Mass times for your local church:




    Use the following link to find Mass times for the Milton Parish:



    Year 11 Studies in Catholic Thought students created a clay bust of one of the ancient Greek philosophers. Students have been learning about how the ancient Greek philosophers influenced the Church in its understanding of what it means to be a human being.


    A brief note to inform parents/guardians and students about the Sacramental Program
    running this year at St John’s.
    Any students that would like to be baptised into the Catholic faith or receive the Sacraments
    of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion or Confirmation, are invited to participate in the
    Sacramental program that will be running during the year and in school time.
    Please see the attached letter that accompanies this newsletter for further information.
    Mark Fuller
    Sacramental Program Facilitator






    University of Tasmania - Maria Island 

    Congratulations to Lucas Tooley of Year 12 for his remarkable achievement in being one of 24 students across Australia to be selected for this highly esteemed and exclusive Marine Science program. Well done and good luck!


    The University of Sydney Outreach Program


    The recent University of Sydney Outreach program held on March 13 was a resounding success! Twenty-five enthusiastic Year 11 & 12 students actively engaged in the one-hour session, focusing on self-awareness, academic readiness, and boosting confidence for university life. Delving into personal goals and navigating the university experience, students unpacked the Undergraduate Guide and dove into the technicalities of university applications. Beyond academia, the session broadened horizons with extracurricular activity information, showcasing a myriad of clubs catering to diverse interests, from chocolate lovers to sports enthusiasts. By the end, students displayed more confidence in seeking answers to their questions about accommodation, how to best access scholarships, and understood the importance of exploring future academic endeavors early. 

    Year 10 students also had the opportunity to gain valuable insights into their future educational journey. Meeting the university's ambassadors provided a chance for open discussions about various paths after high school, be it tertiary education, TAFE, apprenticeships, or traineeships. The importance of informed decision-making around subject selections for Year 11 was emphasised, with clear explanations about prerequisites versus assumed knowledge. Understanding these distinctions is crucial in charting a successful academic path aligned with their career aspirations. The event ignited excitement among students about the vast opportunities awaiting them at the University of Sydney, motivating them to take proactive steps towards achieving their goals.

    White Card Training

    Safework Australia statistics show that in 2022, 195 workers were fatally injured as a result of accidents in the workplace. Of these, 181 were male and 14 female. To help reduce these incidents, Accelerated Learning has delivered its first White Card course for 2024.

    The 20 students enrolled, covered the topics required to demonstrate the knowledge and skills to work safely in the construction industry. Students learnt to identify and report construction hazard, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) use, as well as the basic principals of  risk management and prevention of injury and illness. 

    Congratulations to all participants!

    Please note, this is a legal requirement to work on a building site. A second course will take place in Term 2 for students who missed out on this round. 



    White Card Training - Term 2

    Those students who missed out in Term 1, will have an opportunity to complete this course early in Term 2.

    An Expression of Interest will be posted on the Careers Google Classroom by the end of this term.

    Australian Museum Work Experience Program

    Applications Now Open for 2024 Work Experience Program Every day at the Australian Museum is different. Our high school work experience program offers students the chance to explore a variety of careers including science and cultural research, education, public programming, curatorial and exhibition design, marketing, communications and corporate services. All work experience opportunities provide practical learning to consolidate classroom teaching. This will support students' personal development and professional skills as they prepare to enter the workforce and make choices about their careers.

    The program is available for students in Years 10–12 and will be offered during Terms 3 and 4, over four possible weeks: 

    • July 22–26 
    • September 9–13 
    • October 14–18 
    • November 11–15

    Australian Museum Work Experience


    Year 10 Work Experience

    July 1-5

    Student Record Placement documentation is due: WEEK 2 TERM 2

    In Term 2, Week 10, all Year 10 students will have the opportunity to participate in the work experience program. This is a valuable chance for students to delve deeper into a field of their interest, gaining a firsthand understanding of the roles within it. Such immersion can prove immensely beneficial as it allows individuals to discern whether their chosen industry aligns with their aspirations.

    I encourage parents, guardians/carers, and students to refer to the Careers Google Classroom for guidance on how to approach potential employers. For your convenience, I have included all necessary documentation as attachments, streamlining the entire process.

    If you have any questions, please contact Ms Arenas on 4423 1666

    Work Experience with ADF!

    An opportunity has arisen for 6 students to undergo work experience with the NAVY. 

    If you are interested complete the EOI on Google Classroom.

    YEAR 11 & 12 UPDATES

    The difference between Arts and Social Sciences Majors

    Wondered what the difference is between Commerce and Economics? Social Work and Sociology? Media and Communications and Digital Cultures? Find the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about our majors here.

    Link Here

    University of Newcastle Strategies for HSC SuccessUniversity_of_Newcastle.JPG

    27 March 

    Led by a Senior HSC Marker, this session delves into effective study techniques, exam hacks, and strategies for excelling in HSC assessment tasks. Whether you're beginning your HSC preparations or seeking to enhance your performance, our webinar is your gateway to unlocking academic success with expert insights and practical advice.

    Link here

    Western Sydney University, Free HSC support

    Students in their senior years can find a wealth of resources and information, including free HSC study sessions, on the Western Year 12 Student Info Hub. Made for senior high school students, this hub contains all the information you need to get started on your journey to university. Program information, upcoming events, how uni works – it’s all here in one convenient place. We’ve got you covered.

    Go to Link


    UOW Online Pathway Information Session:

    28 March 

    Looking for a pathway to get into uni? Use your time wisely and get started on your pathway to UOW.  UOW College offers pathway courses that can guarantee* entry into a range of bachelor programs, some with direct entry into the second year. Please join us for our upcoming online info session to find out more about our range of courses, scholarships and how to apply. If you have already applied or received an offer, please come along and find out more about what to expect when classes commence, student support and a previous college students experience. Staff will be available on the night to answer your questions. 

    UOW Online Pathways 

    NEW! Tertiary Health Study Subsidies

    The Tertiary Health Study Subsidy Program will support 12,000 students from 2024. The subsidies incentivise students to enter the NSW Health workforce by reducing financial barriers to study.

    The payments can assist students with fees, technology, travel, or other associated personal costs.

    What subsidies are available?

    NSW Health offers two subsidies:

    1. $12,000 subsidy paid over three years to students commencing study, and intending to work for NSW Health upon completion.
    2. $8,000 one-off subsidy paid to students graduating study with employment in NSW Health.

    Each subsidy will see 2,000 students awarded annually for the next three years.

    Find out more:

    Health Subsidies Link

    Western University Webinars

    View and register for 2024 webinars. Watch our webinars covering a range of individual study areas.Want to know more about careers and degrees in the fields of most interest to you? Not sure what subjects to select for your senior years? Let us support you to make informed decisions and discover more about why you should study at Western. 

    Head to: Link or the Careers Classroom for more information


    ANU Tuckwell Scholarship is closing soon

    You must complete an ANU Direct Application by 8 April 

    You must complete the application form by 11 April

    One of the most prestigious scholarships in Australia. The program has a focus on giving back to Australia and is the only one of its kind that nurtures Scholars to fulfil their broader community ambitions over and above the pursuit of an undergraduate degree. Each year we award 25 Scholarships and offer talented and motivated students the opportunity to realise their potential by providing financial support, personal enrichment and development opportunities.

    Apply here




    Supporting You Every Step of the Way with TAFE NSW

    Get the help you need to succeed

    The TAFE NSW Counselling and Career Development Service is free and confidential* and is designed to help you succeed in your studies at TAFE NSW, as well as in your chosen career.

    Prospective TAFE NSW students are able to access the service to assist with course choice decisions and career planning.

    Students enrolled with TAFE NSW are able to access a range of services to assist in career development and personal support.

    I Am Finishing School This Year Info Page

    Whatever you're interested in, TAFE NSW has a pathway to get you there.

    With hundreds of courses to choose from, including degrees, we can help you find your passion.

    TAFE NSW Degrees and Undergrad Certificates

    You don't need an ATAR to study a degree with TAFE NSW, but you will graduate with a qualification that will change your future.

    Study a Bachelor degree, post graduate or higher education qualification with TAFE NSW, and graduate with strong theoretical knowledge, practical experience and industry connections that will give you a head start on your career.

    TAFE-delivered Vocational Education and Training (TVET) courses help students build practical skills and industry-specific knowledge, and count toward school outcomes, with some courses contributing towards an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).

    TAFE NSW TVET Guide 2024

    Take the quiz to see if you may be eligible to commence an application to the NSW Police Force. ‘Aquatic Rescue Sequence’ certification: Applicants are required to provide certification of successful completion of the Aquatic Rescue Sequence. First Aid certification: Applicants are required to supply certification of completion of an approved ‘Apply First Aid’ course with at least 12 months currency remaining on certification. Typing certificate. Applicants are required to supply a recognized certificate of typing proficiency equivalent or greater than 25 words per minute at 98 percent accuracy.


    ACFA Cabinet Making Apprenticeships

    ACFA is a Registered Training Organisation delivering MSF31113 Certificate III in Cabinet Making (RTO 90432). Their Workplace-Based Training Model brings a unique one-on-one experience plus the flexibility to be enrolled as a new apprentice all year round.

    Link here

    Pelican Pre-School -  Traineeship Vacancy

    If you are interested in child care and want to know more about this opportunity, contact Ms Arenas in the Careers office.

    Professional Business Cadetships Australia Companies

    Closes 22 May 

    Over the last seventeen years, Professional Cadetships Australia has provided Year 12 students with the opportunity to apply for a cadetship with leading companies in the financial services industry, including UBS, Barrenjoey, Macquarie Group, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, BNP Paribas, Westpac, QBE and Zurich. In 2024, the Business Cadetships Program offers exciting cadetship opportunities in a range of business areas at UBS and at Barrenjoey.

    Apply here

    Expression of Interest for Electrical Apprenticeships


    The apprenticeship lasts for a total of 4 years. For the first three years, you will be required to work four days on site to gather on-the-job experience, and one day undertaking technical studies. The fourth year will consist of only on-the-job training.

    Link here

    Job Hunting Tips

    Finding an Apprenticeship Searching and applying for an Australian Apprenticeship is very much like hunting for any job. An employer has to create a vacancy and decide to use Australian Apprenticeships as a way to employ and train their staff. The following steps will explain the process to get an Australian Apprenticeship from the preparation stage, to the time you begin your training

    Automotive Apprenticeships - Vacancies

    The automotive industry has changed substantially through the last decade to become a respected and financially secure career path. Any student that enjoys problem solving and working with their hands will thrive in automotive and has the opportunity to be a part of transformative change we haven't seen since vehicles replaced the horse and cart.

    Link here

    Do you aspire to be a builder?

    Register your interest for the course starting 27 November Want to be a carpenter? This is your best first step. Master Builders will help prepare you to become the best 1st-year carpentry apprentice.  This 3-week entry level training program provides an introduction into both the industry and a carpentry trade prior to commencing an apprenticeship.

    Pre-apprenticeship Builder


    Do you aspire to become a brickie?

    Offer you the opportunity to study and earn an income while undertaking a qualification. It gives you the chance to learn new skills while getting paid. It can be done full-time or while you are at school through a School Based Apprenticeship. You can use your qualification to work anywhere in Australia and around the world. 

    Brickies Apprenticeships

    Transport for NSW Apprenticeships and Traineeships

    Transport for NSW currently have a number of Apprenticeship and Traineeships open for 2024 in both metro and regional areas. Currently on offer are:

    •       Business Traineeships
    •       Bridge Construction Apprenticeship
    •       Heavy Diesel Mechanic Apprenticeship
    •       Project Management Traineeships
    •       Electrical Apprenticeship
    •       Civil Construction Apprenticeship
    •       Painting and Blasting Traineeship

    A number of trainee roles are also available

    Handy link for a range of job opportunities: Jobs Transport NSW



    Casual garden/mowing for retiree

    Please contact Ms Arenas if you would like to find out more about this casual position.

    Tourism Local Navigator Pilot

    If you are interested in a paid work trial or casual work in the hospitality and tourism sector, please send a resume, a short spiel about yourself and their disability and any wage subsidy information. Once the applicants have been collated and reviewed by the tourism business, you will be contacted regarding a time and date for the participant meet and greet. 

    Please send any questions / concerns to:  Isabelle Gadaleta 


    Council Jobs!

    Local Government NSW offers hundreds of jobs and diverse career paths. Across professional, administrative, trade and outdoor roles. Learn more about the type of work, qualifications required and the jobs available now in over 100 councils across NSW & others interstate


    At Woolworths Group, we create better experiences together for a better tomorrow. Our diverse group of retail businesses are some of Australia's most recognised and trusted brands, and our team are at the heart of everything we do.

    Apply here



    As we conclude Week 9, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of the key events and developments within our Year 7 cohort.


    A massive thank you to all the parents and carers who attended our Year 7 Information Night on Monday. It was wonderful to meet each of you and to introduce our dedicated team of PALS teachers. At St John's, we pride ourselves on being a supportive community, and this event was a fantastic opportunity for parents to connect with our staff. Remember, we are here to support you and your child every step of the way. Communication is key, so please don't hesitate to reach out to the appropriate staff member should you need assistance or guidance.


    In recent times, we have observed some concerning incidents related to the use of social media platforms, particularly Snapchat. It's essential for parents and guardians to be aware of the potential dangers associated with such platforms. Please monitor your child's online activity closely, and remember that sharing videos or images of other students without consent can have serious consequences, including suspension. Additionally, there could be criminal consequences. It's worth noting that the legal age for using certain social media platforms is in place for a reason, and we encourage you to consider this when discussing online safety with your children.





    The legal age to use Snapchat is 13.  




    I encourage all parents to access the following website that can offer further information and supports: 


    Last week, our Assistant Principal Mr James Eirth addressed the Year 7 cohort regarding the importance of maintaining a respectful and peaceful environment within our school community. Unfortunately, there has been an increase in physical contact among students, which is not acceptable. We want to emphasise that our school prioritises safety above all else, and such behaviour will not be tolerated. We appreciate your support in reinforcing this message at home.


    It is essential for our Year 7 students to utilise their diaries effectively. Encourage your child to write in their diaries daily, noting down homework assignments, upcoming assessments, and any other important reminders. Additionally, we kindly request that parents or caregivers take a moment each week to sign their child's diary. This simple act fosters communication between home and school and ensures that everyone is aware of the tasks and activities ahead.



    I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all the students and families who generously donated to Project Compassion. Lent is a season of giving, and your contributions will undoubtedly make a significant difference to those in need. I'm proud to see our Year 7 community coming together to support such a worthy cause!


    A big thank you to all our Year 7 students for completing their NAPLAN assessments. These assessments provide valuable insights into each student's academic progress and help us tailor our support accordingly. Rest assured, we will utilise this data to support your child's learning journey effectively.


    Year 7 Religion classes have been participating in 'Stations of the Cross' during the last week. This Christian ritual traces the final events in the human life of Jesus, from being condemned to death to being laid in the tomb.


    Next week, we have our eagerly anticipated Cross Country event. Participation is compulsory, and it promises to be a fun-filled day for all involved. Furthermore, all participants will receive a house point in recognition of their efforts! Go MacKillop!

    Cross Country Practice

    As we reflect on the past weeks and look forward to the Easter weekend, let us continue to embody the spirit of giving and compassion in all that we do.

    'With Jesus, we can reach the highest of heights’

    Abbey Simis

    Year 7 Coordinator



    Year 8 have been busy engaging with a range of learning activities and other school events throughout the term. They have been reminded to make the most of their time in the classroom, making efforts to be engaged and take risks with their learning. An area I will be encouraging Year 8 to involve themselves more in is their social justice and other extracurricular opportunities available at St John’s. Involvement in social justice is an excellent way to establish positive connections with other students and staff at the school, as well as making a positive difference in the wider community. Three great social justice initiatives we have at St John’s that are open to students of any year group include Vinnies Youth, JAG  and PAX. Weekly meetings and events for these groups are regularly advertised for students in the daily notices.

    Let's take a moment to celebrate some recent highlights from the adventures of our Year 8 students.


    On Thursday of Week 6, the Year 8 Technology Mandatory students were involved in the mobile dairy incursion. The day included discussions on the agri-food chain in the dairy industry, sustainability, biodiversity and nutrition of our animals. 

    Hands-on activities enriched the learning experience, with students participating in a hand-milking session, skillfully separating whole milk into skim and cream, and eagerly competing in a butter race. Additionally, they had the opportunity to delve into the art of cheese making, further immersing themselves in the fascinating world of dairy production.

    Thank you to Ms Hall, Ms Renshaw and Ms Walker for your organisation and support of this excellent learning experience. 


    A big thank you to all students and families for the support of our recent Working Bee. A special mention goes to the following Year 8 students for their involvement:

    James Fielding

    Leila Ferreira

    Miley Winchester

    Ethan Spark

    Cayden Bramble



    The Year 8 Reflection Mornings took place amidst the serene backdrop of Greenfields Beach Picnic Area in Vincentia, on Friday, March 15, and Monday, March 18. Guided by their Religious Education classes, students embarked on a journey of Environmental Stewardship, immersing themselves in activities tailored to deepen their connection with nature.

    Throughout the mornings, students engaged in enlightening workshops. A bushwalk, centred on the concept of Stewards of Creation and inspired by Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, encouraged contemplation and appreciation for the natural world. Meanwhile, a beachwalk focused on the principles of Caring for our Common Home, drawing insights from Laudato Si, Pope Francis' encyclical on environmentalism. The liturgy, centred around Environmental Stewardship and echoing the year group's motto, 'Let your light shine,' provided a spiritual anchor for the day.

    The enthusiasm and active participation displayed by Year 8 students were truly inspiring. They embraced the opportunity to connect with nature and engage in personal reflection. We extend our gratitude to all the students who participated, as well as to the staff members who contributed to the success of these meaningful days: Mr. Lopez, Mr. Beneditti, Ms. Jennings, Mr. Gray, Uncle Archie, Mr. Fuller, and Ms. Veale.

    Student Reflection: Isabella Binney

    As soon as we jumped off the bus we head straight into our classes, we were rushing to get to do as much as we could, when we were in our classes my class, 8REJ went down to the beach for some meditation with Mr Benedetti, we listened to the waves crash as we had a few minutes to think to ourselves. After that we went for a bush walk with Uncle Archie, listening to nature all around us and learning so much about everything around us. Lastly we met up with Mr Lopez and had a short liturgy.


    The PDHPE and Sports teachers have shared incredibly positive feedback regarding Year 8's enthusiastic involvement and active participation in sports this year. Throughout Term 1, students have energetically represented their respective Houses in the pursuit of the coveted House Cup. A diverse array of sports, ranging from modified netball to soccer, volleyball, and basketball, have been enthusiastically embraced by the students.

    As the Term 1 House Cup competition enters its final stretch, we extend our best wishes to all teams. May your determination and sportsmanship continue to shine brightly in these remaining weeks of the competition!


    Ms Lloyd's Year 8 Geography students spent their Monday morning lesson this week exploring Geography skills, specifically Field Sketching. As a class, they went through the requirements, looked at examples and then went outside to put their knowledge into practice. Awesome way to start the week on such a beautiful morning!


    PI DAY

    It was pleasing to see a group of Year 8 students get involved in Pi Day on March 14. A special mention to Rachel Martinez for her impressive efforts during the school wide competition!


    A notable group of Year 8 students have involved themselves in Representative Sports so far this year. Whilst some events have already occurred, there are also many coming up and it has been great to see students dedicate time during their own lunchtimes for training and trials. Well done to the students who have competed so far and good luck to those who have events coming up!


    We are very proud of Year 8 student Fergus Coughlan who has been selected in the Southern NSW AFL team! Good luck to Fergus as he travels to Wagga Wagga for the NSWCCC AFL trials in May.





     'Let your light shine.'

    Mrs Kate Jennings 

    Year 12 Coordinator

    St John’s has a strong sporting culture and provides many representative sporting opportunities for students.

    The Representative Sport Google Classroom is a platform where students can access information on Representative Sport. This digital notice board provides important information such as the registration to trial, trial dates, important dates and expectations.

    Students must be a member of the Representative Sport Google Classroom to access the google forms.




    Any questions please email Sports Coordinator

    Mrs E Gray

    Here at St John’s, all students have the opportunity to learn the Indonesian language in year 8, from there it is an elective subject. This year we are thrilled to have packed elective classes in years 9,10,11 and 12, demonstrating the students' belief in Indonesian language and culture.


    Year 8 students have been picking up the language so quickly! Students are now at a point where they can write and speak a detailed paragraph in Indonesian about who they are, what they like or don’t like to do and a comprehensive physical description of their friends and family members, all presented with accurate Indonesian pronunciation.

    Our year 9 students have begun their elective years of language learning by delving into the fascinating world of Indonesian food and customs. Students have developed proficiency in ordering traditional Indonesian meals and learnt about the importances of respect in Indonesian culture. Students have been working on a role play where they act out realistic food scenes by using Indonesian language.

    Year 10 students are excelling in their Indonesian studies, students are writing novels, songs, poems and more by manipulating language through grammar and word order surrounding the topic of healthcare in Indonesia. They are also learning important skills and vocabulary if they travel to Indonesia and need health care.

    Year 11 are only just beginning their Indonesian studies, these students have enrolled in the Beginners Indonesian course, designed for students who have 0-1 years Indonesian language experience and are moving through the course with confidence and diligence in their studies. 

    And finally, our year 12 students, who are coming to the end of their Beginners Indonesian course. Students have recently completed their first of many HSC examinations and, through continued dedication to their studies, are on track to achieving outstanding results.

    We are incredibly proud of our Indonesian students and cannot wait to see their continual improvement.

    ‘Pak’ Jay Bellwood and ‘Bu’ Lucy Manley

    Indonesian Coordinators

    walawaani njindiwan, Welcome Everyone

    Gooroon has had a busy and thriving beginning to the year. We welcomed ninety three Aboriginal students and their families and carers to St John’s this year - twenty four from Year 7 alone.


    Open night was a great success with many prospective students and their parents interested in the role Gooroon plays at St John’s in supporting Aboriginal culture, students and families. The Night was opened with Didg and our boys Dance Troupe (led by Max Turner) welcomed our visitors into the school.


    Boy’s dance and Digj has began with great enthusiasm under the guidance of Uncle Archie and Uncle Sean. We are honoured to have LS Matt Joseph from HMAS Albatross assisting with boy’s Digj when time allows. Aunty Chris and Aunty Deb have been busy guiding the Girl’ Dance. Aunty Deb is also leading a committed group of girls that are volunteering their lunchtimes to work on dot painting that tells the story of the Didj on our fabulous Didgeridoo case in H1. Gooroon is an inclusive space and all students are welcomed to participate in our Dance and Didj  programs.


    The Young Koori Womens’ Program run by Waminda has commenced and we have around thirty fIve girls attending this once a term. We are also pleased to have Lachlyn Bisat, Tiahn Carter and Georgia Szymoniczek represent St John’s at the Shoalhaven City Council’s student Youth Advisory Committee. 


    As assessment season comes upon us we have noticed a wonderful increase in students attending Homework Centre. A reminder that the Homework Centre is open between 3:00 and 4:30pm every Wednesday.  Afternoon tea is provided and all students are welcomed. Teachers and a Homework Centre Co-ordinator are on hand to provide support. Ms Marcia Arenas (TAPs Co-ordinator) is also working with us as a mentor to support our senior students as they transition from school into work or education pathways.

    A reminder that Gooroon is open every lunch and an AEA is always available to support students with school work or assessments during Lunch 2 (on top of the support they offer in class).


    We were delighted to hold our first Parents and Carers Meeting since 2019. Aunty Chris opened in Dhurga Language which was very moving. Our meetings offer a great opportunity to discuss what we do in Gooroon as well as seeking feedback from families and carers.  We appreciate the time people took time out of their day to come and visit. We were also pleased to have Mr James Eirth (Assistant Principal) and Mr Corey Carter - our P&F President - attend this meeting.

    We had great success with our Annual Closing the Gap BBQ - thanks to all that supported this initiative in our Lenten period.

    We wish all families a special Easter, 

    Thank you for your support

    Ms Angelina Ramognini 

    Gooroon Coordinator





    ANZAC Day falls on Thursday, the second week of the holidays.

    Could all students please ensure their name is on the sign-in sheet in the student foyer at school?




    The marches will take place at the following locations and times:


    2023 Dawn Service St Michaels and St Johns



    We are delighted to invite you to St John the Evangelist Catholic High School ANZAC Day Ceremony which will be held on Thursday 2nd May at 10.00 am.  

    Please arrive fifteen minutes earlier to be seated. 

    A morning tea will follow the service.

    Please RSVP by April 29th 2024



    Our Tri-Service cadets have been practising for our ANZAC Day Ceremony 2024.

    I will be absent from school for the last two weeks of the term.

    Thank you, everyone, for a fantastic term. Your support and help have been invaluable in my transition to my new role, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to work with you all.

    I wish you all a wonderful Easter and holiday break. I can't wait for the Anzac service at St John's on 2nd May 2024 at 10:00 a.m. 

    Thank you 

    Mrs Julie Lawrence

    Defence School Mentor


    St John's Vinnies Youth Group have been busy again this year making Easter cards to deliver to the residents at Jonathan Rogers House Nursing Home. Many of our students gave up their lunch times to make these beautiful Easter cards to spread some joy to the residents of Jonathan Rogers House this Easter.?


    Tuition is now available at the school for flute, clarinet and saxophone in one on one, 30 minute lessons.

    Forms available on the school website or from the student foyer.

    Mrs Abbey Simis/Mr Michael Christie


    Last week our Stage 6 dance class were given the syllabus and had to generate two questions based off the dot points. They then engaged in a "speed interview" game, where under time limit they had to test each other on their skills and knowledge, collating fun and learning!



    St John's celebrated Harmony Week Monday 18 - Sunday 24 March. Students decorated hands in their long PALS over the last few weeks with messages depicting 'Harmony Week' to be used to make a display of hands in the shape of wings.
    On Friday 22 March there was nailpainting at lunch time and the opportunity for students to get their photo taken with the wing display!


    On Thursday 21 March, Year 10 Marine Studies students participated in a snorkeling excursion to Plantation Point. Snorkeling is a great way to learn about our underwater plants and animals. The students were blessed with amazing weather and are to be commended on the positive way they engaged in the activity.


    ?✨Dive into the World of Nuclear Science! ?
    Our Year 11 Chemistry and Year 12 Physics students recently embarked on an excursion to ANSTO which is Australia's leading nuclear science facility. They explored the inner workings of the OPAL reactor, neutron scattering facility, and particle accelerator, uncovering the incredible applications of nuclear science and radioisotopes in medicine, industry, and research. ??? To top it off, they were treated to an engaging lecture covering key HSC concepts, enriching their academic experience. ??


    The Youth Ministry Leaders (YML) ran an Easter Egg Guessing Competition to raise funds to go towards Project Compassion.

    Congratulations to Year 9 student Aiden Spurway of Benedict House for winning the competition with a guess of 206.

    YML raised an extra $285 to donate to project Compassion.



    Congratulations to Nic McGill of Year 11 for his achievements at the NSW State Championships. Nic is now a dual State Champion in the 2000m Steeplechase and 3000m. He earnt himself a gold medal in the 3000m with a time of 8:46.44 which was a 13 sec PB. Nic also achieved gold in the 2000m Steeplechase with a new PB of 6:04.35 at the new U17 steeple height of 84cm.
    What amazing results!


    Congratulations to Tiarn Schell of Year 8 for her achievements at the Royal Canberra Show. Tiarn entered 2 ponies in separate classes receiving a 1st, 2 x 2nd's, 4th and 6th place.
    What a terrific achievement for her first Royal show against tough competition!




    Our school canteen is run by a full time Supervisor and a part time assistant. They always need volunteers to help. At least two volunteers are needed every day to man the canteen. 

    TERM 1

    We are currently organising our canteen volunteer roster for Term 1, if you are able to assist on any days that have spaces on the roster please contact the school office on 4423 1666 or email the school on

    Alternatively fill in the form on the school website under canteen in the Parent Info section.


    Canteen Roster Term 1


    If a student attends or is admitted to hospital for a health (including mental health) reason it is the parent/carer’s responsibility to ensure that necessary information on the care of their child is relayed to the school.

    Please find the information here for parents/carers after your child is disharged from hospital.

    Health Services are unable to contact the school upon discharge for a variety of reasons including confidentiality and workload but in the Illawarra/Shoalhaven, Emergency Department Health staff are encouraged to provide parents a flyer called the Emergency Department Postcard reminding them to contact their school. They also provide parents with a discharge form, which will include the outcome of the health visit including referrals to community services for follow up.


    Dear Parents

    Students travelling on a School Bus to and from school are required to have a valid school bus pass for the school service they are catching.  If a valid school pass cannot be shown a fare CAN be charged.  In the event the school bus pass is lost, some form of student ID is to be shown whilst obtaining a replacement pass (fee applies). You can help make your child’s school bus journey more pleasant by ensuring your child has a valid school bus pass and presents it to the driver in the morning AND afternoon.  Parents are reminded that the School Free Travel is only valid between home and school as per the conditions on the back of the pass. Fares will be charged for all other journeys including travel to sport. Skateboards/Scooters/Bicycles are not permitted on the bus.


    Kind Regards

    Travis Jones

    Shoal Bus


    Dear Parents / Carers
    Below you will find some every day procedures that will be helpful as parents and carers to learn the daily routine of the school.  With a student population this year of over 950, you can understand that routine is very important to the smooth running of the school. 
    The following are a list of procedures, which if followed correctly, will enable us to serve you in a friendly, efficient, professional manner at all times as well as allow students to focus on their learning.
    Early Leavers:
    If you need to collect your child early from school, please send a note in with them in the morning, which they will bring to the office before school. Students' diary will be stamped with an Early Leavers Pass providing them permission to leave class.  They will meet you at the office and there is no waiting for anyone.  It is very difficult to get a child out of class on short notice.  It is a disruption for the teachers and the rest of the class.  If a student is at sport, or doing a practical class then they can be difficult to locate.  If you find you need to pick your child up urgently please ring the school before you come in to give us time to locate them.  
    It would be appreciated if any change to after school travel arrangements to be communicated to your child is received by the office no later than 2.30pm.
    School times:
    Please ensure your child arrives at school on time.  School begins at 8.30am each morning.   If they are late they must report to the office to be signed in or they will be marked absent on the roll. 
    Lost Property:
    A real concern is the amount of lost property that comes into the office.  There are a number of uniform items each year that end up being sent to St Vincent de Paul as they have no names on them and students do not come to claim them.  We cannot return items if they are not clearly labelled.  Please put your child's name on all of their uniform items, especially blazers and sports track suits.  Hats are another item that often comes to the office with no name.  Do not think because they are now in high school they will not lose things!
    If your child becomes ill during the day you will be phoned to come and collect them.  Students who are not well enough to be in class must go home.  Please ensure we always have your updated telephone numbers.  Students are not to use their mobile phones to ring you if they are sick. Medication (including Paracetamol) will only be administered if supplied to the office with a Medical Consent form.
    Afternoon pick up:
    If you are picking your child up from school in the afternoon, please do not park in the staff car park at the front of the school. The only exception is if you are collecting a student from the learning support class.
    Valuables at school:
    Students are encouraged not to bring valuables or money to school.  The school is not responsible for loss or theft of valuables whilst students are at school.  All students are advised to keep valuables with them at all times, either in their pockets or in a pencil case in the classroom.  Due to WHS regulations all bags have to be left outside of classrooms. 
    Electronic Devices:
    Mobile phones, iPods, iPhones, MP3s and other electronic devices are permitted to be used before and after school however they are not to be used during school hours and must be switched off.   If a student is found to be using these items they will be confiscated.  The first confiscation is classed as their one and only warning, they will have the item returned to them at the end of the day. The second confiscation will result in the phone/electronic device being stored in the school office and the student will be required to attend a playground withdrawal before collecting their device the next day.  Third and consequent confiscations will be treated as an act of defiance and dealt with accordingly.  Parents are asked not to phone their children on their mobiles or to send them text messages during the day.  If you need to get an urgent message to your child please ring the school office and we will relay the message for you.
    Payments and consent must be submitted before the due date on Compass or the student may not be permitted to attend the excursion. The office will not accept payments or consent past the due date without prior approval from the Assistant Principal. 
    If there is any concern over the cost of an excursion or the ability to pay, please contact the Principal’s Secretary via the school office.  No child will be excluded from any compulsory excursion due to money constraints, however students or parents must inform their coordinator or appropriate person before the due date.
    Family Information:
    Please ensure that you advise the office of any change in family circumstances or contact details including email addresses, telephone numbers and residential and postal addresses.  This will assist the school with the communication process throughout the year. Important messages are sent out via email so it is essential that the school is informed of current email addresses. Carers of students who travel on school buses are required to update address details online via the Transport NSW website,
    The school newsletter will be sent via Compass to parents every second Friday and available via the school website. 
    School Policies:
    Please refer to the school website (via the Admin menu) or student diary, for school policies regarding jewellery, shoes, uniform and the consequences involved in non compliance with these policies.
    Please do not hesitate to contact me via email, or by calling the office at any time if you have concerns. 


    The Annual General meeting of the P&F was held on Monday 18th March 2024. Thank you to all those who were able to attend the meeting, it was good to see the return of many familiar faces. Election of the P&F Executive has been finalised with many of last years members returning to committee positions. We would like to extend a very special thank you to our outgoing committee member Christian Wood for his contributions; additionally the P&F would like to offer a warm welcome to our newest member Charmaine Edwards and Vanessa Cladingbowl who is returning to the committee this year.

    We would like to introduce our new P&F Executive Committee members for 2024, they are:

    • President: Corey Carter
    • Vice President: Melissa Alder
    • Assistant Vice President: Jacinta Davis
    • Secretary: Carina Beattie
    • Assistant Secretary: Charmaine Edwards
    • Treasurer: Monica Oke
    • Parent Liaison & Publicity Officer: Vanessa Cladingbowl


    The P&F would like to wish students, families, and staff a safe and happy Easter break. We look forward to working with you all in 2024.

    Mrs. Jacinta Davis

    P&F Parent Liaison & Publicity Officer


    Hello everyone,

    It’s that time again when we come together to celebrate and recognise young people in the Shoalhaven. This year the Youth Week Working Group are putting on the Tricks & Laughs Festival in Ulladulla on Saturday 20 April from 11am – 4pm at the Skatepark at Ulladulla Sports Complex. This is promising to be a great day out with skate workshops, markets, aerial acrobatics, comedy and live music. This is a free event open to the whole community. We will be sharing a promotional package for this event in coming weeks.

    For now we are looking for young people who want to take part in the event, either as musicians taking the stage or as market stallholders. If you are a young person we want to hear from you, so register today! If you know a young person or work with young people can you please share this across your networks?

     Call for Musicians:


    We are looking for young people who answer yes to the below to submit their interest via:

    • Are you aged 12-25 years?
    • Are you a solo artist, band, producer or spoken word performer?
    • Do you live in the Shoalhaven?
    • Ever wanted to perform at a festival?

     Now is your chance!

    We can’t wait to receive your application at the link above 

    The call for musicians closes on Thursday 11 April, 2024, so submit your application at the link above as soon as possible.

    Contact Jessica Richardson at Shoalhaven City Council for more information at or at 1300 293 111

     Call for Market Stallholders:


    We are looking for young people who answer yes to the below to submit their interest via:

    • Are you aged 12-25 years?
    • Do you have a business idea, service or something you want to sell? Like jewellery, photography, clothing, beauty products etc.
    • Do you live in the Shoalhaven?
    • Ever wanted to promote your product in the community?

    Now is your chance!

    We can’t wait to receive your application at the link above 

    The call for young people to hold a Market Stall closes on Thursday 11 April, 2024, so submit your application at the link above as soon as possible.

    Contact Maria Pulido Lopez at headspace Nowra for more information at or call 444 67 300. See attached posters to share or for more information.


    Dear Parents and Carers

    Shoalhaven Council is running a FREE Workshop for parents and caregivers or anyone who may have someone who is about to get their L or P plates.

    Helping Learner Drivers Become Safer Drivers Workshop covers the following:

    • Current driving rules and requirement for L and P platers.
    • How learners benefit from supervised on-road driving.
    • How you can help male learning to drive a safe and positive experience.

    When: Tuesday 9th April 2024 6pm – 7.30pm
    Where: Online via Microsoft teams
    Book your place at:


