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I warmly welcome all back to the 2023 academic school year. I trust that all had a pleasant holiday break and spent it with friends and family. I am extremely proud to be taking over the Principalship of this wonderful school.
I would like to introduce myself to all a little further. I grew up in Western Sydney and started teaching at Marist Brothers Auburn. I was Assistant Principal in three secondary Colleges in Sydney over 14 years and Principal for one year at Patrician Brothers College, Fairfield before moving to the Principal’s role at Mount Carmel Catholic College and then John Therry Catholic College. I look forward very much to getting to know you and your children.
There are a number of new staff commencing at St John’s this year and we warmly welcome them into our community.
I would like to congratulate the HSC group of 2022 for their achievements and for
completing their studies after several dramatic and disruptive years with the pandemic and its impact on all.
Our Class of 2022 HSC received amazing final results and we couldn't be prouder of all 111 students! This week a special asssembly was conducted to recognise the extraordinary results obtained by our students.
The first few weeks have flown by and officially we have completed three. The first week was the Staff day only and the second only three or four days for the students. So this week has been a full one and most exciting.
I have attended the SRC leadership day, the Year 7 Camp, visited St Mary’s and St Michael’s and had separate meetings with Fr Joseph and Fr Michael. I have also met with the P&F committee and look forward to meeting more parents.
As we move through the next week and a half we prepare ourselves for Ash Wednesday 22 February and the season of Lent. Ash Wednesday focusses our mind and heart on repentance, prayer and alms giving and is symbolised by the ‘ashing’ of a cross on our foreheads. The Priest will say ‘turn away from sin and stay faithful to the Gospels’ or ‘ from dust we come and from dust we will return’.
Wayne Marshall
TERM 1 2023
Week 4
Friday 17 February: St Johns Swimming Carnival 2023 (Nowra Pool)
Week 7
Wednesday 8 March: St Johns Open Night 2023
Friday 10 March: Diocesan Swimmimg Carnival 2023
Week 8
Tuesday 14 March: Year 7 Immunisation Clinic
Week 9
Friday 24 March: School Cross Country 2023 (Willandra Course)
Year 7 - “Let your Light Shine”
Year 7 has had an amazing start to life at St John’s. They have settled into the routines and changes that high school brings extremely well and have managed to already make positive connections with each other and their teachers. Students have had a whirlwind of experiences already, with their temporary timetables, PAT, spelling and expressive writing tests along with their laptop bootcamp. As their Year Coordinator I have been so impressed with the adaptability and flexibility I have witnessed in these students over the past week.
The shorter version of Year 7 Camp has just concluded. Students have engaged in a range of outdoor experiences and activities both at the campsite and back at school Friday. A big thank you to all of the staff who attended camp, along with our parent & carer helpers and Year 10 Bushcraft leaders. Congratulations to Year 7 for the resiliency you have all demonstrated on camp, tackling new challenges, adjusting to change and working collaboratively with others.
A full rundown of the camp with some student reflections will be added to our next Year 7 Newsletter report.
The whole school swimming carnival will take place on Friday February 17 at Nowra Pools. This is the first whole school swimming carnival that we have been able to hold as a school since 2019 and we are all very excited about the event. All information about the carnival itself can be found on the compass event permission note. A reminder that parent/carer consent for this event is now due.
This form is now found electronically via compass events on the parent portal. Forms are due to be completed by February 17.
An event can also be found on the compass parent portal for Year 7 Sport. In Terms 1, 2 and 3 students will develop teamwork and group cohesion in a variety of competitive sports at school. In Term 4 students will undertake both summer sports and a compulsory swimming program. Parent consent for Year 7 Sport for the year is now due on compass.
The use of the school diary is an important and compulsory tool to support students in their organisation at St John's. It is also an important communication tool between parents and teachers and for this reason we ask that parents read and sign their child’s diary every week - preferably on Tuesday night, as the PALS teacher will check on Wednesday morning and if the diary is not signed, consequences are put in place by the PALS teacher. This is also where notes should be placed in regards to ongoing illness or injury so that the student has a record of this information with them at all times.
The preferred method for ordering lunch is online. This means that your child will receive their lunch more efficiently and allows the canteen staff to plan their day and avoids congestion at the canteen during breaks. The link to order lunch from our school canteen is available on our school website or by clicking here.
Last Friday Year 7 students experienced a Catholic Culture Immersion. Students gained a greater knowledge and understanding of the school emblem, prayer, motto, song, housing system, Chapel and how Catholicity is expressed at St John's. To conclude the afternoon students participated in a year group liturgy which focused on the theme of welcome.
On Monday this past week, Year 7 engaged in two periods of the Respectful Relationships Program. The sessions were run by a variety of experiences staff and were guided by the following learning intentions for students:
- Affirm the rules and agreements needed to support a safe, responsible and friendly learning environment at St John’s.
- Identify shared expectations for positive group cohesion.
- Understand how irresponsible behaviour affects individuals and our school environments negatively.
- Acknowledge the values, opinions and attitudes of different groups within society.
- Recognise and describe a range of character strengths that can be useful in different situations.
- Develop strategies for building positive and respectful relationships.
- Identify simple acts of friendship that can be used to intervene to prevent escalation of bullying or to provide positive peer support.
A third session of the program will take place later in Term 1, with a focus on connection.
Next week students will be placed in their subject specific classes for the duration of the year. Timetables will be visible on student compass profiles. Timetables will also be issued hard copy during PALS time and students will be required to glue these into the front section of their diary. Year 7 will remain in the same PALS group that they were allocated to at the beginning of term.
When students have their first PDHPE lesson with their new class and teacher, they will be notified of which days to wear sports or normal uniform for the year.
Week 4
- Friday 17 February: Whole School Swimming Carnival
Week 5
- Wednesday 22 February: Ash Wednesday
- Thursday 23 & Friday 24 February: All Schools Triathlon
Week 6
- Friday 3 March: Diocesan Touch Football
Week 7
- Naplan Practice
- Wednesday 8 March: Year 7 2024 Open Night
- Friday 10 March: Diocesan Swimming
Week 8:
- Naplan Week 1
- Tuesday 14 March: Year 7 Immunisation Clinic
Week 9:
- Naplan Week 2
- Friday 24 March: School Cross Country Carnival
Week 10:
- Monday 27 March: Naplan Week 3 (catch up)
Week 11:
- Last Week of Term 1
- Holy Week
Mrs Kate Jennings
Year 7 Coordinator
YEAR 8 2023
Year 8 has settled well and I am extremely pleased with the way they have returned wearing the uniform proudly and respectfully highlighting their pride in being part of the St Johns community. I also would like to welcome the new Year 8 students and their families to the St Johns community:
Matthew Pickering; Harrison Leavesly, Eden Singleton, and Izzy Thornton. I am sure it will not take them long to flourish in the fertile environment that St Johns provides for students.
At the end of last year, I asked the students to reflect on “something positive that they will bring to Year 8 in 2023”. These qualities were then placed into a word cloud for students to see and reflect on.
As you look at all the different qualities, you can see that Year 8 is an amazing Year group with lots of attributes that contribute to our “two wells” - peaceful relationships and excellence in learning - which in turn, enable our students to flourish and be the best version of themselves.
It is essential that students continue to make efficient use of their diary in order to develop good organisational habits. The diary is also a means of communicating between parents and teachers. Here are some reminders regarding using the diary:
- All students must have their diary with them all day
- At the beginning of every lesson, students should open the diary to the relevant day and place the diary on or near the desk.
- Students should record all homework, assessments, mid-point checks and anything else at the request of the teacher
- The diary is essential to the merit system as teachers put red stamps into student diaries as affirmations.
- Parents should sight the diary at least once a week and sign the diary, this will continue to be check each extended PALS time on Wednesday’s.
- PALS teachers will check this signature once a week.
The school swimming carnival (Friday 17th February) will be an exciting event for Year 8’s as it will be their first opportunity to experience a full school carnival (as swimming and athletics carnivals were washed out last Year). Carnivals are a great opportunity for students to be part of the house spirit at St Johns. Participation in events is encouraged but not compulsory - however cheering for your house is compulsory (especially if you are in McCabe!!! - am I showing my bias???). No school does carnivals better than St Johns so I am sure it will be a great day for everyone! The carnival permission note should have already been submitted via compass.
Both the notes for ‘Year 8 sport’ AND “Permission to Publish” should have been submitted via compass. If you have any questions or concerns about using Compass - contact our friendly and very knowledgeable office staff and they will be able to assist you.
Looking forward to an exciting year ahead as Year 8 Coordinator
Mrs Wendy Isemonger
Year 8 Coordinator
A brief note to inform parents/guardians and students about the Sacramental Program
running this year at St John’s.
Any students that would like to be baptised into the Catholic faith or receive the Sacraments
of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion or Confirmation, are invited to participate in the
Sacramental program that will be running during the year and in school time.
Please see the attached letter that accompanies this newsletter for further information.
Mark Fuller
Sacramental Program Facilitator
Click here to access Nowra Parish
Click here to access Nowra Parish Facebook Page
During the school holidays over two weeks, the Hobie Cat National Championships took place in Jervis Bay. Both James Winchester and Bryn Robinson-Mills competed in both series with the Hobie 16 opens being the first series. The first series saw a range of wind conditions over the 4 days with racing being called off for both too much wind and not enough wind. In this series James Winchester crewing for Gavin Luxton managed to place 12th, close behind was Bryn Robinson-Mils skippering for his Dad who racked up a 17th place. The second series which took place was the Hobie 14, Womens and Youth where James skippered for local sailor Brody Watt on a Hobie 16 and Bryn skippered his own Hobie 14.
This series of the regatta provided lighter winds over the 3 days of sailing as the last day was called off with winds too strong to hold racing in. In this series James managed to claim a 4th place in the Hobie 16 youth fleet with some red-hot competition. In the Hobie 14 fleet Bryn managed to place 1st in both the youth and open divisions and take home the championship trophy. He also became the youngest sailor to ever win the open division beating the 2017 World Champion in the process. In 2nd place to Bryn was past St John’s student Patrick Butler.
By Bryn Robinson-Mills
The ‘Smart Farmer’ Mobile Dairy came to St. John’s today as part of our Year 8 students' Food and Agriculture class in stage 4 Technology Mandatory, and Year 9 Stage 5 Agriculture class. Students were treated to a variety of activities including milking a cow, and making butter and cheese, as well as an interesting discussion about the agri-food chain in the dairy industry and their impacts, how management decisions on a farm impact sustainability in soil health and biodiversity, and emerging technologies on the dairy farm like robotic milking and new methods of pasteurisation.
A big thank you to Jessica and Tiana from ‘Smart Farmer’ for bringing the dairy to us today!
And congratulations to our fantastic students who engaged so well with each of the activities and helped to make today so successful!
The Discovery Day at UOW Wollongong Campus is finally back this year. This is a fantastic opportunity for anyone to experience firsthand what a day at university is like. If you have registered, please read and submit the online consent form posted on Compass to secure your place on the bus.
We will leave at 7.30 sharp and return to school after hours.
Not sure what to expect from the day? Go to UOW Discovery Day Information to find out more details
It will be a fantastic day!
Every year, UC provides hundreds of scholarships to commencing and current local and international students. We have scholarships across a large range of study areas at undergraduate, postgraduate and research level.
Receiving payment from a scholarship or bursary can ease some of the financial pressures of going to university. It can help you to stay focused on your studies and take up opportunities that may get you where you want to be in the future.
Many of our scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement, but we’re also committed to supporting students who have experienced financial or personal disadvantage. Some scholarships and bursaries are awarded to students from a particular faculty or study discipline.
From assisting with textbooks and living costs to offsetting your course or accommodation fees, a UC scholarship or bursary can help you reach your goals.
To be considered for a scholarship in 2024, go to the link below and follow the prompts.
YEAR 11 & 12
The Junior Observer Program involves the appointment by the Board of a “Junior Observer”. During that
time, the Junior Observer will be given the opportunity to observe how our company works.
What to expect:
- spending time with the Chairman and the Company Secretary to learn what their roles involve.
- discussions with other Directors on the Board.
- if possible, attending Board meetings (or Board subcommittee meetings).
- inviting them to volunteer for special projects.
- presenting on their experience to the company’s annual general meeting.
If you are a current Business Studies student, this may be a great way to attain first-hand experience into the views of youth on banking and business.
Experience 5 days on picturesque Maria Island on the Tasmanian East Coast, exploring issues threatening biodiversity as well as the productivity of the marine system. Climate change, invasive species, pollution, debris and their associated social and economic impacts will be covered.
The unit is open to 24 students each year and is designed to engage, challenge, and inspire you through a hands-on marine science program.
This experience will run from Monday April 17 to Sunday April 23 2023.
For further details go to: Marine Discovery Competition
The 2023 GIE FEAS Program is open NOW for girls in Year 10 -11
The Girls in Engineering Faculty of Engineering Admissions Scheme (GIE FEAS) Program is an alternate pathway for high school girls in Year 11 and 12 applying for an eligible engineering degree at UNSW Sydney.
If you're a student who wants to make a difference in the world, has an interest in helping others and would love to learn how engineering can solve problems in disadvantaged communities, this program is for you!
If you're a student in Years 7 to 10 (school year 2023) you can still register for the program. However, you will not be able to commence the program until you are in Year 11. You will be alerted by email when you become eligible for the program.
Please note you must be a member of the GIE Club to participate in the GIE FEAS Program.
Ms Marcia Arenas
Transition and Pathways Specialist
Apply Here
As we begin another exciting school year at St John's it is imperative to stop and set some real and achievable goals. As I reflect upon our pleasing results in the 2022 HSC, it is important that I share the one common attribute each student who achieved these outstanding and personal best results developed, as they progressed through the grades at St John's. They read. They read regularly and widely. They asked questions as they read and they developed the ability to form opinions on the worthiness of texts. This reading exposed them to thousands of words that otherwise would be unknown. This in turn enabled these students to develop a sophisticated and highly academic writing style, that they could manipulate according to the academic register they were required to use.
For us in the English department we will be focussing on engaging students in reading with the aim of helping to create students who become lifelong readers. While students will be given texts to read in English, I encourage you to think about how you can create an environment at home that includes reading. Research shows that so many young children read and then when they hit the teenage years they stop. Our aim this year is to start to turn this trend around.
As students set goals for the upcoming academic year, many will naturally focus on achieving a certain grade. However, I encourage them to set goals that include a regular and wide reading pattern. I also encourage them to enter additional reading and writing competitions that will be advertised in daily notices and the newsletter. This dedication to reading will be of more benefit to a student and will allow them to be exposed to styles and language otherwise unknown.
In addition to reading, students are encouraged to use SCRIBO across all grades. This online program assists students with developing the complexity and cohesion of their written texts.
We have a very passionate and dedicated English staff and should you have any concerns regarding your son or daughter’s progress, please contact the class teacher or myself. I look forward to another successful year, full of students reading and improving writing skills.
Ms Michelle Selmes
English Coordinator
Please see below the Updated 2023 Flyer to promote NSWCCC individual pathways and the process for registering through the CSNSW Sport website for students and parents information.
Below are the NSWCCC individual pathways sports events that students can nominate for over the coming weeks.
Students are to join Google classroom (code: aovy4gq) AND
Check the registration process and events via the web site or see this link for help
- 6 February @ 5pm NSWCCC Cricket Boys Open
- 10 February @ 5pm NSWCCC Softball
- 15 February @ 5pm NSW All Schools Individual Triathlon (Thursday 23 Feb) Team (Friday 24 Feb)
- 17 February @ 5pm NSWCCC Tennis
- 24 February @ 5pm NSWCCC Baseball
- 3 March @ 5pm NSWCCC Golf
Also check out the following:
AFL- U15's Boys Southern Country AFL Trials to be held in Canberra on Wednesday March 1 2023. Nominations close Friday 17 February 2023.
- 18's Ladies Southern Combined Country trials. Tuesday 14 March. Nominations close Tuesday 28 February
- U15's and Open Boys trials Wednesday 29 March. Nominations close on 15 March.
- 15's and Opens Thursday 30 March. Nominations close Wednesday 10 March.
- Boys and Girls Trials Friday 31 March
Please feel free to contact our school with any questions.
Once you have nominated, Compass will provide you and your team with permission notes to complete. If team members fail to return these notes in a timely manner, your team's entry may be withdrawn.
Congratulations to the St Johns boys and girls tennis teams who both won the consolation final at the Diocesan tennis Championships at Beaton Park.
The boys team members were Josh Miller, Matthew Page, Billy Broadhurst and Jacob Ey. The first match was a tough one for the boys coming up against eventual champions Edmund Rice College. Our super sub – Matthew, had the best results in the singles. In the next match the boys combined well in the doubles with all boys winning their matches. The final match was a good competition between equally matched teams. Josh and Matthew combined strongly to win their match. Billy showed great determination combining with Jacob for a strong performance.
The girls team members were Hannah Phillips, Ava Groves, Gianna Gonzaga and Amelia O’Neill. The first match was a closely fought contest. Hannah’s singles match was a highlight with a high standard of play from both girls, in fact a comment was made by a spectator that they would ‘pay money to watch that match – it was so good!’ Ava’s level of play improved as she got more comfortable on the court, and she had a strong win in her singles
match. Giannna, in her first-time representing St Johns, was full of energy on the court and had a close match. Amelia was smiling the whole time on the court and improving with every match. The girls narrowly lost this match but went on to win the next two and take out the consolation final!
All students represented the school demonstrating good sportsmanship and respectful play.
Congratulations !
Our JAG team, supported by Ms Swan, is excited to continue supporting the school to become a more sustainable place this year. So far we have had a meeting to organise our plans and goals for the year. One of our goals is to include the whole school community in sustainable practices. Therefore, Ms Swan and Ms Freshwater put in a grant application last year to go towards 2 X staff garden pods. We were successful and the process has begun. We hope to include the whole school community in constructing and developing a staff garden. If you would like to be involved in JAG, our meetings will be running Thursday B Week, Lunch 1, in K3/4. All are welcome.
Miss Amy Freshwater
JAG Coordinator
The P&F would like to welcome returning students, new students, staff, and other members of our school community for the 2023 school year. The P&F would also like to extend a warm welcome to St John’s new Principal Mr Wayne Marshall, we look forward to working with Wayne in the school community.
The first meeting of the P&F will occur with the AGM being held on Monday 13 March at 6pm, the AGM will also provide an ideal opportunity to meet our new principal. If you are thinking of being involved with the P&F and would like to know more on the roles of the committee there is a video on the St John’s P&F at the following link
If the P&F can help in any way please don’t hesitate to contact us through the school email address ( and we will try to assist wherever we can.
The St John’s P&F AGM will be held on Monday 13 March commencing at 6:00 pm, at which time all positions will be declared vacant and available for nomination.
P&F Executive Committee positions available for nomination in 2023 include;
President - The P&F President presides at all meetings and provides leadership and direction for the Association by working cooperatively and collaboratively with the Principal and Parish Priest.
Vice-President - assists the President and fulfils the duties of the President when the President is unavailable.
Assistant Vice-President - understudies and shares the Vice-President’s workload; observes the roles and duties of the committee with a view to volunteering for any role at some point in the future.
Treasurer - is responsible for ensuring that all the financial dealings of the Association are carried out in accordance with the constitution.
Secretary - manages the day-to-day communications and records of the Association; organises meetings, records accurate draft minutes.
Assistant Secretary - understudies and shares the Secretary’s workload; observes the roles and duties of the committee with a view to volunteering for any role at some point in the future.
Parent Liaison Officer - keeps the parent body informed through the school newsletter and website of all P&F events and functions. They contact parent volunteers for various school events such as sporting carnivals, exam supervision and general helpers.
The following is a list of all the P&F meeting dates for 2023:
Monday 13th March 6pm (AGM)
Monday 1st May 6pm
Monday 24th July 6pm
Monday 16th October 6pm
Mrs. Jacinta Davis
Keeping in touch with the Catholic Primary Schools within the Shoalhaven District.
Please select below links to the Shoalhaven Catholic Primary Schools websites.