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The Easter season is the longest season of the Catholic Church calendar at 50 days. It is the most important season as well. Commencing on Easter Sunday, with the resurrection of Jesus and concluding at Pentecost, which we celebrated last Sunday. Through the seven weeks of this season we also celebrate the Ascension of the Lord. The readings from the Gospels during these weeks focus on the appearances of Jesus to the Disciples and the message he provides for them as a blueprint for their lives to come. This culminates in the challenge to take this up at Pentecost.
Pentecost is often called the birthday of the Church and is the official end of the Easter season. This is the day that the Holy Spirit descended upon the Disciples and challenged them to take up the responsibility and challenge of spreading the word of Jesus Christ. They were made alive by the Spirit to do what they could not have done alone.
We also cannot live a truly fulfilled life simply by our own gifts. We need the Spirit for our growth. To be able to fully receive the Spirit we need to be open to its presence and power in our lives, and its transforming nature.

As we move out of our enforced absence from Church after the covid period, I hope that all families are able to attend a local Parish Mass this weekend to celebrate this important Feast Day.
My first Foundation Day at St John’s was a spectacular success. A wonderful Mass celebrated by Fr Joseph and Fr Tiziano with Deacon Justin supporting was followed by PALs stalls and activities. The students seemed to have a ball. This was followed by a showcase of the student talent available here amongst us.

It takes a lot of courage to stand in front of almost 1100 people and perform. Even seasoned professionals still get nervous. So well done to all.

At a risk of being alienated amongst the parents that I respect so much and need to work closely with to get the best outcomes for the students, I offer these few comments.
In a world where we have never been so close, how can we still be so far apart. My wife came to Australia in a three-day boat trip (the new series ‘Ten Pound Pom’ highlights this). Today a 20-hour flight. As a country Australia was so insulated until the late 19th century that we had little understanding of other cultures first hand. The White Australia Policy of the 20th century helped that. We had no idea how the different foods of the world would open our hearts and understanding to other cultures and yet still close our minds to them as people.
The quality of a person is not determined by the colour of their skin or their religious beliefs. I was the President of a cricket district in western Sydney for 10 years with 2500 players. We covered almost every culture. We had differences but that was about cricket, not anything else. It was never about anything else.
As we come to the end of National Reconciliation Week for this year we proudly embrace our indigenous students at the school.
Can we make a difference? Why can’t we speak up? And I am in no way suggesting demonstrations we see on our screens in other lands. I’m talking about reaching out, saying hello, treating people as people, irrespective of their origin. As Christians this is our teachings, our beliefs and our calling.
I just remind all that I will be on leave for the last three weeks of this Term. Mr Eirth will be the Acting Principal and I wish all a smooth finish to the Term and a wonderful mid year holiday.
Our SRC has been working closely with the school executive, pastoral leaders and the parents and friends group to update our uniform expectations.
Their proposal of “The Rule of Two” in relation to jewellery has been approved starting Monday June 5th. This means that students can wear two earrings in each ear, two rings in total (plain or signet ring) and one watch and bracelet (2 items on their wrist).
Earrings are to still meet the guidelines in the diary– silver or gold sleepers (maximum size approximately the size of a five cent piece) or studs may be worn. No dress style earrings.
No facial or body piercing is allowed for boys or girls. Facial piercings – Clear noticeable plastic studs or Band-aids used to cover facial piercings are not permitted.
Our Year 9’s will be participating in Youth Aware of Mental Health (YAM) program in Weeks 7, 8 and 9. YAM is a school-based program for young people ages 13 to 17, in which they learn about and explore the topic of mental health.
YAM invites young people to reflect on their emotions and to consider different approaches when faced with life challenges or mental health concerns. By participating in an inclusive and youth-led dialogue about mental health, YAM helps grow solidarity among young people.
Participation in YAM has long-term benefits. After YAM, young people have reported that they feel more confident in supporting a friend in need. Strategies learnt in YAM can support students in difficult real-life situations. Perhaps most importantly, students recognise the need for support as they encounter life challenges.
Students will receive a support booklet that they can refer to in times of need.
Mr Aidan Leishman
Pastoral Care
WEEK 7 (Week A)
Monday 5 June: World Environment Day
Tuesday 6 June: St John's World Environment Day Activities and Mufti Day
Year 10 Future Finder Day - Shoalhaven Campus
Wednesday 7 June: Year 9 Geography Excursion and History Excursions
WEEK 8 (Week B)
Thursday 15 June: Year 10 Geography Excursion and History Excursions
Year 8 Information Session - Subject Selection Year 9 2024 - 5pm
Year 10 Information Session - Subject Selection Year 11 2024 - 6pm
WEEK 9 (Week A)
Tuesday 20 June: St John's School Athletics Carnival - Revised date
Wednesday 21 June: G'Day Mass & Morning Tea - 10am
WEEK 10 (Week B)
Tuesday 27 June: Naidoc Celebration Assembly - 10.15am
Friday 30 June: Last day of Term 2
From 7 June, Year 12 student's will be selling Hot Chocolate's on Wednesday mornings from 8am outside G3. All proceeds raised will go to Vinnies Winter Appeal. Please help St John's support this worthy cause and purchase a hot chocolate!
The school Athletics Carnival will now be held on Tuesday, 20 June (Week 9) at Shoalhaven High. Students will come to school as normal and walk to the venue in their House groups after PALS. They are expected to be in sports uniform and will be strongly encouraged to gain points for their Houses by competing in as many events as possible.
A few reminders:
- Year 7-10 students are to wear their full sports uniform and bring appropriate House colour accessories to wear once at the carnival (no singlets).
- Year 11 and 12 students may wear sports uniform or appropriate house coloured clothing.
- If students would like to compete in the 1500m track event, this will take place at 8.30am (before the whole school carnival starts). Students will need to complete the google form on the Rep Sport google classroom page and meet at school at 8.10am.
- All students are to bring: a hat, water bottle, lunch, and sunscreen. There will be a canteen as well as a BBQ on the day with sausage sizzle and egg and bacon rolls run by Year 12.
- Parent helpers are needed: If you are able to assist at the event on this revised date as a parent helper, please contact the office (4423 1666 or and leave your details.
Mass on Wednesday 24 May was celebrated by Fr Tiziano and attended by 7REL in the St John's Chapel.

Mass on Wednesday 31 May was celebrated by Fr Joseph and attended by 8REI and 8REK in the St John's Chapel.

Mr David Comensoli
Religious Coordinator
A brief note to inform parents/guardians and students about the Sacramental Program
running this year at St John’s.
Any students that would like to be baptised into the Catholic faith or receive the Sacraments
of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion or Confirmation, are invited to participate in the
Sacramental program that will be running during the year and in school time.
Please see the attached letter that accompanies this newsletter for further information.
Mark Fuller
Sacramental Program Facilitator
Click here to access Nowra Parish
Click here to access Nowra Parish Facebook Page
Jasmine: In Week 3, we ventured to Boodaree National Park for our Year 9 camp.
After an early start, we had a wonderful bus trip watching the sun rise and the weather was beautiful. We met our group leaders and some groups stayed in Bristol Point and some walked over to the GreenPatch campsite. We all then set up our tents and got ready for the day.
Charles: After that we headed off to our first activity. We enjoyed a range of experiences such as kayaking, snorkelling, surfing and mountain bike riding.
In the evening on night one, students gathered around the campfire to make damper and on the second night, we were immersed in an incredible Liturgy and Corroboree.
Tom: Some highlights were patting the very friendly wildlife, stepping out of our comfort zones and forming new friendships. We loved learning to surf and saw some amazing sea creatures when we went snorkelling. We even got to try some bush tucker and increased our knowledge of bush survival.
Thank you to the group leaders and teachers who made this camp happen and provided us with great experiences.

Year 9 Coordinator
This is an exciting time for the year 10 students as we move into subject selection for Year 11, 2024. Students will be attending the Wollongong Uni Futures Finder Day next Tuesday 6th June where they can explore options for post school education.
Students will also begin talks with subject coordinators and begin gathering information on the options for study in 2024. There will be a HSC information evening on Thursday the 15th June, in which all parents and students are invited. This information evening will give students and parents a chance to talk with subject leaders and discuss possible pathways. If parents and students have any questions regarding the subject selection process please contact the school and we will do our best to involve you in this process.
On Thursday 1 June, Year 10 Marine Studies travelled to Shoalhaven Heads for clean up Australia Day. Well done to the students who cleaned up this bird sanctuary.
Twenty seven year 10 Bushcraft students recently undertook an expedition in Yalwal, climbing the spectacular Mount Barron with remote camping on Yalwal Creek. The trip was very difficult, with a few surprise challenges along the way to overcome as a group. If the outcome can be guaranteed, it isn’t true adventure !! And this was certainly adventure. The group gave it their all and learned a lot of valuable life lessons through the experience of challenge and overcoming difficulty. We are so proud of our year 10’s and their response to the trip. The trip was a tremendous learning experience and filled with lessons that no doubt will be taken forward in future life.

Mr Nicholas Garner
Year 10 Coordinator
Students in Year 7 have been investigating separating techniques in their science lessons, building on their understanding of the particle theory of solids, liquids and gases. Filtration and Evaporation are two of the experimental processes they have investigated collaboratively within their enquiry based approach, amongst other learning the students have investigated the growth of crystals in concentrated solutions.
8SCI recently completed a task that allowed them to design and launch a pressure-powered rocket!

As part of the year 8 Science topic ‘Rocks’, classes conducted a practical activity where they modelled the formation of a special time of sedimentary rock, a conglomerate, by making some rocky road. A conglomerate is a special type of sedimentary rock, composed of rounded pebbles and sand, bound together to form something that looks a little bit like the delicious sweet treat rocky road.
During the year 9 science topic ‘Inside Atoms’, students participated in a practical experiment called a flame test. This experiment helps identify the specific metal ion present in an unknown substance by observing the distinct colour produced when the substance is introduced to the flame of a Bunsen burner. The energy from the flame stimulates the electrons within the metal ions, leading to the emission of visible light. Each element possesses a unique emission spectrum, which allows for differentiation between different elements.
As part of the study on atoms, year 9 science students undertook a hands-on experiment to explore and examine the various physical and chemical properties exhibited by a diverse selection of elements. This investigation aimed to gain a deeper understanding of the distinctive characteristics and behaviours of these elements. By conducting this experiment, students were able to observe and analyse the dissimilarities in how these elements interacted with their surroundings, both in terms of their physical attributes and their chemical reactions. The experiment provided valuable insights into the unique properties that define each element, enhancing the students' knowledge of the fascinating world of atoms.
Year 10 has been exploring the areas of biology specifically genetics and evolution and chemistry through chemical reactions. They have recently completed a half yearly exam in the hall modelling the situations they will experience in year 11 and 12. Subject selection for year 11 is fast approaching and students are encouraged to discuss potential science subjects with both their teachers and parents with many options available for study.
Year 11 have been investigating the structure and properties of matter - learning about why different materials behave in the way they do. Year 11 have also delved into some chemistry calculations. Much fun is being had by all.

Biology students undertook a field trip to the Mt Kiera escarpment to investigate a rainforest remnant at its base. This is a mandatory component of the Biology syllabus and students soon got to grips with field sampling techniques and investigated the unique flora and fauna that is very different to their local bushland communities. Biology students spent term 1 studying ecosystem dynamics and biological diversity. To supplement their studies they ventured out to Mt Kiera to collect some first hand data about a local ecosystem. The students braved the weather and leeches to take quadrat samples and observe interactions between different elements of the rainforest ecosystem. This term the students are looking at a more microscopic level - cells as the basis for life. They are currently working through a practical depth study to model diffusion and osmosis across a semipermeable membrane.
Literally Learning by Osmosis!
The Earth and Environmental class recently travelled to Kiama looking at the geological features of the area, as well as the anthropogenic impacts of humans on the environment with a focus on mining. The students travelled to Saddleback Mountain (an old volcanic plug), both the little and big blowholes and the old Bombo quarry. They are currently compiling the information collected and completing soil analysis for inclusion in a field report. Many thanks to Mr Whatling for joining the trip at the last minute.
Physics students have been preparing for their half yearly exam by studying the Kinematics and Dynamics topics. Congratulations to all students who have been studying hard and best of luck with your exam.
Year 12 Chemistry undertook a topic called ‘Acids and Bases’ in which they learned about and conducted a number of titrations. A titration is an analytical laboratory technique in chemistry used to determine the concentration of a substance in a solution. It involves adding a known volume of a standardised solution, called a titrant, to the analyte solution until a specific chemical reaction reaches its endpoint. Titrations are used extensively in pharmaceuticals, environmental analysis, and research as they provide precise quantitative data for quality control, research studies, and chemical analysis. St John’s is entering a number of teams in the Royal Australian Chemical Institute titration competition in 2023, so watch this space to see how our teams perform.
HSC Biology students in term 1 participated in a 2 day incursion here at St John’s to learn more about biotechnology - what it is, the science involved, and how it can be used to make biotech medicines.
The program featured a hands-on molecular biology approach, and gave students the opportunity to explore the methods scientists use to create biotechnology medicines. St John’s teachers in partnership with the University of Sydney and AMGEN Pharmaceuticals lead students through the molecular engineering process that allows human insulin to be mass produced in vats by bacteria. As we are unable to experiment on human genes, a red fluorescent gene from a sea urchin was engineered by the students into E. coli bacterium. Students had to manipulate the plasmids with restriction enzymes, run confirmation electrophoresis gels and amplify the target gene using Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a method widely used to rapidly make billions of copies (complete copies or partial copies) of a specific DNA sample, allowing scientists (aka yr12 BIO students) to take a very small sample of DNA and amplify it (or a part of it) to a large enough amount to study/visualise in detail.
Focus now turns toward the trial exams.
Extension science students have all been busy working on their research projects in preparation for a conference at UOW on the 6th of June. We are looking forward to learning about the work being done by students all over the wollongong diocese and the chance to tell others about the terrific work we are doing at St Johns.
Mr Charlie Coulson-Knight
Science Coordinator
**Step into Teaching Scholarship Program: Empowering Future Educators**
The Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong has unveiled an incredible opportunity that could set you on the path to becoming an exceptional educator. Ten scholarships up to $20,000 over a four-year period, will be awarded to the successful students.
During an open forum held on May 24, the Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong provided aspiring teachers with all the details they need to know about this exciting scholarship program. The forum discussed the eligibility requirements and application process, ensuring that interested students have a clear understanding of the steps involved.
If you're considering a career in teaching, this is an opportunity not to be missed. To find out more about the Step into Teaching Scholarship Program, visit the Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong's website or see Ms. Arenas in the Careers Office.
UOW Future Finder Day, Tuesday, June 6
The Yr10 Future Finder Program is an initiative of the University of Wollongong (UOW) Shoalhaven Campus in partnership with TAFE NSW, HMAS Albatross, UOW College, and UOW student ambassadors. Over the day, students will partake in a range of group activities that aim to familiarise them with higher education, future career goals, and subject selections.
Year 10 Subject Selections: Research, ask questions and seek advice to ensure you are confident and happy with your decision. Go to the Career Classroom and use Job Jump and Career Tools to help with subject selections. Job Jump - instructions
Use your private email to register for Job Jump
Password: evangelist
Year 10 Subject Selection ICMS
June 16
ICMS Is Pleased to Announce Its First-Ever Year 10 Subject Selection Evening! ICMS invite parents, teachers, and students in Year 10 to join us at this information session to help students to navigate the High School Certificate (HSC) subject selection process. This will be the perfect opportunity to gain valuable tips from a representative of the University Admissions Centre (UAC), who will guide you through the application process and offer insights on how to maximise the chances of admission to your desired university.
Rural Fire Services Program - June 13, 14 & 16
Regional Development Australia Far South Coast and the NSW Rural Fire Service are delivering the South Coast Youth Volunteer program in 2023. This is a Bushfire Led Economic Recovery program that has been adapted from the previous SYVI program run for many years in the Shoalhaven region.
Practical skills will include the development of leadership, teamwork and initiative. They will also foster qualities of community responsibility and service.
Go to the Careers Google Classroom and fill in the EOI if you would like to participate in this fantastic program.
NAPS - Naval Aviation Prospects Scheme
Year 10 students interested in taking up a career in Defence are invited to participate in this very exciting program hosted by HMAS Albatross. All information can be found on the Year 10 Careers Google Classroom. An expression of interest must be filled in and submitted to Ms Arenas
2023 Tertiary Open Days
To find up to date information on Tertiary Open Days, go to the Year 12 Careers Google Classroom or check the SJE Careers Website
UOW Early Admission Opens June 19
Do your research and select two courses. To help with the application process check the handy hints from UOW:
7 Tips for UOW Early Entry Admission
ACU - Guarantee - Early Offers
Applications Open 24 July Guarantee your place at ACU, even before your Year 12 exams. The ACU Guarantee program offers eligible Year 12 students a place at ACU based on your Year 11 results
UOW Year 12 Subject Support Sessions
19-29 June Online 3-6 July On Campus The University of Wollongong (UOW) is committed to providing additional resources and assistance to help students reach their potential in the HSC. UOW wants to support students in the lead up to trial and final HSC exams. In conjunction with InspirationED, UOW are running two free HSC subject revision programs across June and July for current Year 12 students. This program has been designed to complement and add value to what is already being taught in the classroom. Students can select which subject specific sessions they want to attend, with both online and face to face options available. You can attend more than one session (all if you want!), and you can attend both the online and face to face options. The content delivered across both programs will be different.
Macquarie University Year 12 webinar series
Join us for our Year 12 webinar series to learn everything you need to know about university – from applying and exploring our courses and entry programs, to reducing Year 12 study stress and leaving home.
7 June - Early Entry info session
14 June - Study without stress
19 July - Relocating to Macquarie
University of Sydney Year 12 Indigenous Pathways Information Night
15 June
Find out how the University of Sydney can get you started on the road to your dream career. Join us at the Indigenous Pathways Information Night to hear about the pathways and programs supporting Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students at the University of Sydney.
University of Sydney - Pathways to Oral Health and Dentistry for Indigenous Students
7 June
The Faculty of Medicine and Health has introduced an entry pathway for Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander students who aspire to become dentists. This pioneering program starts with a TAFE Certificate III in Dental Assistance, which provides the foundation for admission to the Bachelor of Oral Health (BOH) at the University of Sydney. After completing the BOH, students can apply for entry into the Doctor of Dental Medicine program that leads to becoming a qualified dentist. This initiative is the first in Australia to offer pre-high school to postgraduate dentistry qualifications for Indigenous students, providing an unparalleled opportunity to pursue a fulfilling career in dentistry.
My Sydney Entry and Scholarship Scheme
14 June Learn about our new My Sydney Entry and Scholarship Scheme for students from low socio-economic backgrounds. Find out how you can enter your dream degree with a lowered ATAR requirement and get ongoing financial and other support, including an $8,500 per annum scholarship. Find out about the eligibility criteria, how to apply, benefits, and frequently asked questions.
UTS Up to 5 Adjustment Point for Work Experience
You may be eligible for up to five adjustment points if your work experience relates to the course you are applying for. Complete the employment question in your UAC application so your work experience can be considered for specific courses in: • Engineering and IT • Business • Science
ACU I am an elite athlete or performer
We’re here to help level your playing field. If you take part in high-level activities in sports or the arts, you might be eligible for ACU’s Elite Athlete and Performer Program (EAPP). Learn more about EAPP benefits and services, check your eligibility and find out how to apply. The Elite Athlete and Performer Program (EAPP) is designed to give students who are top sporting or artistic performers the tools they need to achieve balance across their active and academic lives. The program comes with a range of benefits, including: • adjustment factors to your entry score • priority class allocation • academic support and flexibility (deferred exams, extensions, special considerations) • access to financial scholarships and competition/travel grants • networking and career development opportunities
TAFE-delivered Vocational Education and Training (TVET) courses help students build practical skills and industry-specific knowledge, and count toward school outcomes, with some courses contributing towards an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
Sydney Design School Open Day Saturday 20 May, 10am-12pm
Curious about a career in interior design? Sydney Design School is hosting their biggest day of the year this Saturday. Get creative making a mood board and find out everything you need to know about their accredited qualifications. Courses are VET Student Loan approved with no ATAR required. Saturday 20 May, 10am - 12pm, 2/40 Oxley St, St Leonards.
Register: RTO91446
Upcoming Events for Prospective Students - May/June Edition | The University of Sydney
Upcoming in-person and online events in May/June: Sydney College of the Arts Portfolio Evening, 30 May 2023 | Sydney Conservatorium of Music Portfolio Evening, 1 June 2023 | Webinars on interaction design, law, nutrition/dietetics, nursing and vet medicine.
Macquarie University
Early entry information: Register for Macquarie University's Year 12 webinar series, Wednesday 7 June 2023 providing all the information you need to know about early entry into Macquarie.
Find out more:
BiG Day In Newcastle | 30 August 2023 BiG Day In IT Careers Conference for students Years 9-12 @ University of Newcastle on 30 August 2023. Speakers include Microsoft, Mudbath, WiseTech Global, Westpac, Glencore Mining, & more talking about careers & the future of technology. Exhibitors include ACS, Wisetech Global & more.
Tickets $10 for students.
OELLEN | A Day in the Life of a Hydrographer
Find out about what it’s like to be a Hydrographer in this video
NSW Police Force - Eligibility Quiz
Take the quiz to see if you may be eligible to commence an application to the NSW Police Force. ‘Aquatic Rescue Sequence’ certification: Applicants are required to provide certification of successful completion of the Aquatic Rescue Sequence. First Aid certification: Applicants are required to supply certification of completion of an approved ‘Apply First Aid’ course with at least 12 months currency remaining on certification. Typing certificate: Applicants are required to supply a recognized certificate of typing proficiency equivalent or greater than 25
words per minute at 98 percent accuracy.
CSS Engineering PTY LTD - Apprenticeship
CSS Engineering Pty Ltd is a metal machining workshop in South Nowra and they are seeking a full-time apprentice.
The job will involve:
- Cutting and preparing material for machining
- Using a variety of workshop machines, such as manual and CNC lathes and mills, grinders, guillotines and bandsaws
- TAFE course; Cert III Engineering-Mechanical Trade (MEM302205)
Sound knowledge of Mathematics is required to fulfill this role.
Contact Christina on:
Ph: 4421 2155
Superior Cabinets South Coast is seeking a keen, hardworking apprentice. If you enjoy woodwork, this might be perfect for you.
Contact Anthony on: 0412 179 552
Sydney Trains Expression of Interest - Apprentice and Traineeship Programs (2024 Intake)
Register you interest in our Apprentice and Traineeship Programs.
Are you looking to start a new career where you can combine hands-on practical learning with theoretical technical training that will develop your skills and set you up with a well-paid job and rewarding career for life? Then becoming an apprentice could be just for you.
The Apprentice Program combines paid work and structured training, allowing you to learn a trade and receive a nationally accredited qualification while working.
Possible trades:
- Telecommunications
- Signal Electrical/ Electrical
- Substations
- Rail Traction
- Rail Maintainers (Electrical and Mechanical)
- Bridge Carpentry
- Business Traineeship
- Civil Construction
- Heavy Diesel Mechanical
- Electrical
- Project Management
Ms Marcia Arenas
Transition and Pathways Specialist
The 13 years boys Rugby League team travelled to Bomaderry to contest the Shaun Timmins Shield. Game 1 was against the home team Bomaderry High. It began as a tight contest while both teams worked out their nerves and discovered their combinations. The breakthrough moment came from Noah Jamieson, great footwork from close range saw him cross the line. Taj Goddard and Torr Morley scored in similar fashion and Noah scored a second with brilliant stepping to beat multiple defenders. The second half was dominated by Johns. A powerful run from Lincoln Taylor, outpacing the defence from halfway to score under the posts. A well placed crossfield kick through the uprights from Noah to Taj who caught it across the line to score and Dean Austin finished a long range effort with speed down the wing saw the team win 36 nil.
Game 2 was a tougher prospect facing Nowra High. Playing as a team was the game plan and Johnnies excelled. The defence was ferocious and Nowra had no answers in attack. Johns started to spread the ball wider in this match and it paid off with some brilliant tries to Kai Delany and Bryson Short. Torr and Taj were again on the scoresheet in the first half. In the second half the forward pack dominated. Logan Juric, Logan Dibben, Luke Keating, Lachlan Francis and Lincoln Taylor put on a powerful running display beating multiple defenders every hit up. Dean displayed his extreme speed in a full field try and Logan Juric scored as did Torr who was set up by the run of the match from Lincoln. Johns again winning 36 nil.
The final game against Vincentia High required the same united effort with each player knowing their role and executing it brilliantly. The forwards dominated in their carries and the backs took advantage. Noah scored on the first set of the match after a long run from Dean down the wing. Dean crossed next from a good set play. Then it was the Torr Morley show scoring three tries, two from long range with great footwork and speed. Taj’s game awareness was excellent all day and he scored from an advantage catching the defence out. By the end of the match Torr could not be touched, once again breaking the line running under the posts. Selflessly and in the spirit the team had shown all day, he offloaded to Luke to score under the posts. Lachlan was also given a conversion attempt, narrowly missing.
Noah Jamieson was deservedly awarded player of the tournament. The team progressed to the Southern NSW Championships Regional Finals Day in Ulladulla.
The junior girls had a difficult draw facing teams that had lots of representative players in the mix. For much of our team this was their first experience with oztag and the girls showed exceptional improvement in their skill level and team work as the day progressed. The girls are to be commended on their positive attitude, great sportsmanship and sense of fun they brought to the carnival. They were exceptional role models for St John's and they should be very proud of their efforts.
The next two matches ended in close losses to Kiama, 3-5 and 1-3 to Illawarra Sports High. The final pool match saw us play Moss Vale again needing a big win to improve our points difference to progress to the finals. The team played exceptionally well winning 9 nil. Noah Jamieson and Ashton took sneaky dives close to the line and short side darts to score. It was a class performance from captain Jett Creary with 3 tries that sealed the win.
The quarter final was played against Woonona. This was an excellent first half performance, leading 4-1 through tries to Flynn and a triple to Torr Morley. All fast, long range efforts beating almost every team member. Unfortunately, losing a player to the sin bin for five minutes in the second half proved too costly. Despite courageous defence with multiple try savers by Jett Creary and Brody Woods. Woonona managed to claw their way back and score on the siren to win 4-5.
The team should be very proud of their team play and brilliant tries, finishing the best attacking team in their pool with 21 tries.
The Intermediate girls had a competitive first game against Warilla High School. They came out with intensity and an impressive hole hitting try from Bella Lord. However, our defensive structure lacked going down 4-1. Their next game was against Illawarra Christian School, the girls played strategically with less mistakes and direct speed, winning 11-1. Roxi Florance scored 4 tries down the middle, and with Grace Stevens staying wide, she managed 2 tries herself. Round 3 saw the girls up against an undefeated Holy Spirit. The girls worked together well, however Holy Spirit's speed, vision and agility outrun us 6-0. The girls last game to make finals was a must win against Magdalene Catholic College. The girls' defense was looking better, however our speed was lacking compared to our first game. The girls fought it out, but lost 3-4 in the final minute. Overall, the team grew in ability as the day went on and were able to watch some other talented oztag games to improve their game back in the Shoalhaven. Well done girls!
The results in no way reflected the effort that the boys put in. We came away with 1 win, 1 draw and 2 losses. However, the draw and one loss could have been another 2 wins if not for some disallowed tries and a couple players scoring on the wrong line. Our last game was end to end with a losing try on the buzzer. It was an epic day out and special thanks to Noah Hinkely for helping with organising in the build up and getting MVP on the day
The senior girls oztag competition started at 6am. As one of our last representative opportunities as a year 12 student it was an amazing day to get involved, be competitive and have fun. The senior girls faced a few difficult teams on the day coming away with one win and three loses. Despite the losses, the girls showed amazing sportsmanship and determination throughout the day. The opposition had some representative players in their teams which challenged many of our students. The girls skills and teamwork developed considerably throughout the day which was evident in their victory in the last game.
By Gemma Taylor
The senior boys had their first game at 10am against Keira high with a result of a win. The second game was against Moss Vale High School with another win coming from that game. Game three was against Corpus Christi High School which was a cricket score to them, but the boys kept their heads high heading into a knockout round having to play Keira high again. Jarrah showed impressive skills scoring 3 tries and setting more up which lead the boys to a win. Playing the first round of the finals the boys had a tough game against Kiama high unfortunately losing the game. Some of the impressive boy’s from the day were Jarrah Treweek, Reece Manesseh (suitcases), Ty Shot, Adam Staunton and the rest of the boys had their ups and downs. A magic day of exercise, teamwork and good times.
By Adam Staunton (Captain).
On Monday 22 May the Wollongong Diocesan Secondary Cross Country Championships was held at beautiful Willandra. The weather conditions were perfect, the students' participation, behaviour and spirit displayed at this event was great and all competitors represented St Johns at a high standard.
We would like to express a sincere thank you to Jan and Rod Gibbs for having the course and facilities in such great condition for us.
As a school we placed third in the girls and the boys divisions and placed third overall for the day.
Congratulations to the following students who placed in the top 3 for their age group and achieved a podium finish:
14 Years Girls - Lily Sproule 2nd place
14 Years Girls - Hayley Short 3rd place
17 Years Girls - Bridget Fairs 1st place
15 Years Boys - Nicholas McGill 1st place
Congratulations to the following students who placed in the top 6 for their age group:
12 Years Girls - Airlie Stevens
13 Years Girls - Mikaela Monkerud
15 Years Girls - Mia Monkerud
16 Years Girls - Alisha Mustapic
18+ Years Girls - Keira Buckpitt
18+ Years Girls - Paris Gauci
13 Years Boys - Taliesin Douglass
16 Years Boys - Darcy Davis
All these students will progress to the NSWCCC Cross Country event on Tuesday 13 June at Sydney Equestrian Centre.
Please see google classroom for nomination forms and use the code: aovy4gq
AFL (year 7-9 ) boys and girls (keep an eye out for nominations)
Netball - girls all ages
Hockey (opens) 19 June
Basketball All ages - 16 October
Cricket Boys (year 7-9) 11 October, keep a look out for registrations
- NSWCCC 16 years Boys Football Selections registrations close: 28/5/23
Please see below the 2023 Flyer to promote NSWCCC individual pathways and the process for registering through the CSNSW Sport website for students and parents information.
Please feel free to contact our school with any questions.
Once you have nominated, Compass will provide you and your team with permission notes to complete. If team members fail to return these notes in a timely manner, your team's entry may be withdrawn.

Ms Abbey Baker/Mr Michael Christie
Leila Ferriera and Evie Smart (Year 7) and Charlotte Hertzberg and Kieran Kochaniewicz (Year 8) competed in the Public Speaking component of the Shoalhaven Eisteddford on Tuesday night. In what is an outstanding result, in a highly competitive field, Charlotte placed second and Kieran placed third. We congratulate Charlotte, Kieran, Leila and Evie on their participation and their success in this event.

Just dance was a big hit at our Foundation Day last Friday. Students got their dancing shoes on and showed off their dancing skills.
Ella and Finn accepted the Certificate and Plaque on behalf of the The St John’s Vocal Group who placed 2nd at the Shoalhaven Eisteddfod. Students performed Cyndi Lauper’s pop hit ‘Time After Time’ and Billy Joel’s lullaby ‘Goodnight my Angel’. With a total score of 89/100 all students should be immensely proud of their efforts, musicality and team work. Well done and a big thank you to Ms Baker!

On Monday 29th May, Year 11 and 12 Aboriginal Studies classes had an amazing day in Sydney. Students visited the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA). The Aboriginal Art was insightful to the expressions of heritage and identity. Esme Timberry was featured with an impressive artwork of shellwork slippers. Other works expressed stories, dance, ochre and Country. After lunch, we went on a guided walk of Barangaroo where we learnt about Barangaroo the person, plants, stories about the Dooligah and Greedy Pelican. The engagement was exemplary and it was a worthwhile learning experience.
Jo-Anne Coleman ( Aunty Jo )
Gooroon Administrator
Below is the Canteen Roster for Term 2.
If you can assist on these days or any day as an extra please contact the school office on 4423 1666 or email the school on

On the 6th of June, our school will be undertaking some activities for World Environment Day.
Planned activities:
Students are encouraged to wear Mufti, particularly thrifted or borrowed clothes to raise awareness for waste in the fashion industry.
Lunchtime activities, such as guessing games and school tidy-up.
Students and school staff to avoid bringing in plastic for the day. The canteen will aim to be plastic-free, where practicable and students are encouraged to use alternate ways of wrapping their food. For example, beeswax and reusable containers.
Ms Chelsea Swan
Environmental Facilitator
Keeping in touch with the Catholic Primary Schools within the Shoalhaven District.
Please select below links to the Shoalhaven Catholic Primary Schools websites.
Free Information Sessions
See attached flyer
CatholicCare, with the assistance of the Committee for the Aged will be holding a FREE information session for Parishioners.
Guest speakers will include representatives from My Aged Care, CatholicCare, local funeral director and solicitor.
When: Wednesday 7 June
Time: 9.00am - 12.30pm
Where: Worrigee Sports Club, 131 Greenwell Point Road
Morning tea provided.
To register, Call: 02 4227 1122
Or online:
For any other information contact Jane Hollier:
Call: 0417 018 152