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It has become increasingly apparent over recent years that the sports shoes many students are wearing to school are not appropriate or safe for the range of sporting activities that they will engage in at school. It is clear that the changing trends and styles of sports shoes available have influenced this emerging concern. Whilst we have already communicated our expectations for sport shoes in various newsletters last year and in the school diary, we would like to add further clarification to our expectations. Please note that the pictures of appropriate/inappropriate shoes in the school’s guidelines and communications may not include all options available in stores, as this is not feasibly possible. To ensure all students can safely engage in the range of sporting activities required at school with the appropriate footwear, we expect the following:
- The shoes should NOT be made of canvas,
- The shoes should NOT have a flat or platform sole,
- The shoes most likely will be classified as “gym” or “training” by the manufacturer (jogger style sports shoes rather than dress/walk/casual shoes).
Could you please ensure that your child has the correct footwear by the beginning of Term 2, 2025. We appreciate your support in ensuring that your child has the correct footwear. Please feel free to reach out if you need any further clarification.
Ms Sonia Diaz
Leader of Wellbeing ( 7 - 12 )
TERM 1 2025
Tuesday 4 March: Year 7 Immunisation Clinic
Tuesday 4 March: Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Tuesday
Wednesday 5 March: Ash Wednesday
Thursday 6 March: Whole school Assembly
Thursday 6 March: NAPLAN Briefing and Laptop Check (Year 7)
Monday 10 March: Diocesan Swimming
Monday 10 March: NAPLAN Briefing and Laptop Check (Year 9)
Wednesday 12 March: NAPLAN Testing Begins (Year 7 & Year 9)
Friday 14 March: Year 8 Reflection Day
Monday 17 March: NAPLAN testing continues (Year 7 & Year 9)
Friday 21 March: Harmony Day
Next Tuesday 4 March is Shrove Tuesday. Our Year 12 leaders will have Pancakes for sale outside the hall at lunchtime. Pancakes with jam and cream will cost $2.50 each with all of the proceeds going to Project Compassion.
St John’s has a strong sporting culture and provides many representative sporting opportunities for students.
The Representative Sport Google Classroom is a platform where students can access information on Representative Sport. This digital notice board provides important information such as the registration to trial, trial dates, important dates and expectations.
Students must be a member of the Representative Sport Google Classroom to access the google forms.
Mrs E Gray
Sports Coordinator
It is with great excitement that I welcome you all back for the 2025 school year! I gather students had a restful and enjoyable break, filled with time to recharge and reconnect. As we step into this new year, I am incredibly proud of the way Year 9 has returned—displaying peaceful and respectful relationships, focused, and ready to learn.
From the very first day, it has been wonderful to see students embracing their studies with enthusiasm and demonstrating a strong commitment to their learning. Their positive attitude and willingness to engage with new challenges set the tone for what promises to be a fantastic year ahead.
YEAR 9 PALS TEAM 2025This year, we are delighted to welcome back our incredible PALS team, with the exciting addition of Mrs. Selmes, who will be supporting McCabe. This allows Mrs. Jennings to be more available to assist students across the entire year group, particularly during morning PALS and our pastoral lessons. We also welcome back Ms. Ross who will be in the role of Wellbeing Support for Stage 5 (Years 9 & 10).
Year 9 have been reminded of their new leadership team for 2025, who will work hard to support the voice of the cohort as members of the Student Representative Council for 2025. These students will work closely with Mrs Renshaw, the SRC Coordinator to support various leadership initiatives throughout the year.
Year 9 have also demonstrated mostly positive attitudes toward other school expectations we have at St John’s, particularly with regards to uniform. Students have been reminded of the school uniform policy with regards to hair, jewellery and shoes in particular. These specific requirements are outlined in the school diary.
As outlined in the diary, school sports shoes need to be predominantly black or white joggers. These can include running shoes or trainers, however casual/skate/court shoes are not permitted. The school understands that it can be difficult at times for families to determine which shoes are permitted. For your convenience, here are the key requirements:
- The shoes most likely will be classified as “gym” or “training” by the manufacturer.
- They should not have flat soles, be made of canvas nor have a platform sole.
Please be in contact with your child’s PALS teacher if you have any specific questions regarding the school's uniform requirements.
All Year 9 students have been issued a school diary for 2025, with the expectation that they bring it to school daily. To help establish positive organisational habits, students recently participated in a pastoral lesson on effective time management as they begin Stage 5 of their schooling.
During this session, students explored two options for planning and organising their school tasks: the traditional school diary and the digital tool Google Keep. While some students prefer writing in their diary, others find digital organisation more effective. Google Keep offers a simple yet powerful way to manage tasks and track important information.
Regardless of their chosen method, students are encouraged to consistently use either their diary or Google Keep to build strong organisational habits.
A great strategy is setting aside 10 minutes at the end of each school day to update homework and to-do lists, helping students stay on top of their workload and feel more in control of their learning.
With this update, parents and carers are no longer required to sign their child’s diary each week. Instead, we encourage ongoing conversations about maintaining consistent organisational habits. The diary remains a valuable tool for communication with the PALS teacher, alongside other methods such as phone calls or emails to the school.
YEAR 9 CAMP 2025
- Year 9 Camp at Cataract Activity Centre in Appin is closely approaching. The camp will run from Tuesday 1 April 2025 - Thursday 3 April 2025.
- Parents and Carers now have access to the Compass event for the camp, which outlines essential information including packing lists and the behaviour contract.
- Consent for this event is due Friday 28 February, 2025. This is vital so that the school can confirm numbers with the venue in a timely manner.
- In addition to providing consent via Compass, families also need to register online via the Cataract Scout Camp link before the end of February.
- All students will be supplied with a hard copy of the behaviour contract in the coming weeks. All parents/guardians and students must sign and return the hard copy behaviour contract to their PALS teacher by Friday, 21 March 2025.
- If your son or daughter is unable to attend the camp, please contact Kate Jennings via the school phone or email ASAP to notify and discuss.
'Let your light shine.'
Ms Kate Jennings
Year 9 Leader of Wellbeing
A huge congratulations and thank you to our incredible Peer Support Leaders! Your dedication in helping Year 7 students transition into high school and supporting them during camp has not gone unnoticed. The positive feedback from teachers has been overwhelming, highlighting your patience, strong communication skills, and ability to motivate while making the experience fun. Your leadership and kindness have made a real difference—well done!

It was wonderful to see so many students, parents, and carers at the information night. Success at school is truly a team effort, with students, families, and teachers all playing a vital role. These nights are an important opportunity to share key information, ensuring everyone understands the school's expectations and the requirements students must meet. Thank you to everyone who attended and for your ongoing support in creating a supportive learning environment.
- The RoSA is the credential that formally recognises your school achievement if students leave school before completing the HSC.
- It is a cumulative credential that doesn’t have an end of Year 10 deadline but records all results up until the time that the student leaves school.
Who gets the RoSA?
- It is not a credential for everyone – it is specifically for those students who choose to leave school after the end of Year 10, but before they receive their HSC.
- A student who goes on to achieve their HSC will receive their Year 10 results along with their Year 11 and Year 12 results in an all-inclusive HSC Results Package.
- The results shown on the RoSA are based on school based assessments – not external tests.
Students will need to meet the minimum standard in three areas - reading, writing and numeracy - by Year 12 (or a number of years after) to receive their HSC.
Students will have many chances to meet the standard and this is no longer connected in anyway with Year 9 NAPLAN results.
Short, online reading, writing and numeracy tests for the HSC minimum standard will be available for students to sit. They can attempt the tests twice a year in Year 10, 11 or 12 until they reach the minimum standard.
A student who does not comply with course requirements is at risk of an ‘N’ determination. They will be warned as soon as possible and parents / carers will be advised in writing and a phone call home will be made. This warning will be given in time for the problem to be corrected. Students who are unable to fulfil course requirements within a set time will be referred to the Curriculum coordinator, Assistant Principal or the Principal.
What will put a student at risk of an “N” determination?
- Frequent absences from class
- Failure to complete learning experiences and common tasks
- Not applying themselves with diligence and sustained effort
If a student is absent on the day of a common task the office must be notified and the student must complete a Misadventure Form on their return.
Do not assume misadventure forms will be approved. Holidays, routine appointments, part-time work, driving tests, sporting commitments without principles approval and technical problems concerning computers, printers or internet access will not be considered to be an acceptable form of misadventure.
It is very important for students and their parents to continue to communicate with teachers if they are struggling with any aspects of the course or if they believe they are eligible for a misadventure
This has been moved to Week 10, Term 2: Monday 1 July - Friday 5 July. This is 3 terms earlier than in any previous year. This is to facilitate:
- Networking: Build valuable connections within the industry for potential future opportunities.
- Skills and Confidence: Develop essential skills and gain confidence in a real-world workplace setting.
- Part-Time Work or Apprenticeships: Some students may have the chance to secure part-time work or apprenticeships based on their performance.
- Year 11 Subject Selection: You can make more informed choices when this occurs early in Term 3.
- ADVICE TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS: Talk to your child about the world of work, what they hope to achieve, what their dream job might look like
- Push them to think outside their comfort zone
- Consider and approach your networks; friends, relatives and local businesses. Start now and lock it in.
Coming up:
Police will be speaking with students about how they can keep themselves and their peers safe, particularly in social settings like parties. This session will be highly student-led, focusing on their questions and concerns to ensure the discussion is relevant and meaningful. It’s a great opportunity for students to gain valuable insights and practical advice on staying safe.
External presenters and teaching staff will present sessions at school involving the following topics:
Relationships: How to build respectful relationships and identify red flags in unhealthy relationships.
Sexual Decision Making: In a hook-up culture that has devalued sex, we will bring love and connection back into the discussion.
Pornography: We will explore the research around the personal and relational impact that pornography can have on the lives of young people.
Consent & Sexual Ethics: Providing tools to help students build strong sexual ethics and values + the current consent laws in your state/territory.
Stereotypes & Pressures: An empathetic exploration of the pressures and stereotypes that young people face. How to forge a path forward despite the challenges.
As you can see, there is a lot happening for Year 10, both academically and pastorally—perfectly reflecting our year group motto: 'Strong Minds, Gracious Hearts.' This balance of learning and personal growth ensures our students are well-prepared for the challenges ahead.
‘Be gentle and humble in heart.'
Ms Wendy Isemonger
Year 10 Leader of Wellbeing
Tutoring in 2025 will have a new look. Commencing Week 6 students will be able to get Mathematics help every Tuesday and Friday in B6 at lunch 1. This is to encourage students who have not been able to attend after school to seek help in developing their mathematical understanding or simply have a supported space to get homework done. All years are welcome.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I am excited to introduce myself as the Leader of Learning for Years 7 and 8. In this role, I will be working closely with both students and teachers to support engagement in learning and the effective delivery of the Stage 4 curriculum. My goal is to ensure that all students feel supported in their learning journey and are equipped with the skills and mindset to thrive in the classroom.
I will be working alongside Mrs. Rachel Frew, Leader of Instructional Practice, as we collaborate to create a positive and engaging learning environment for our students.
Focus Areas for the Next Two Weeks (week 6 & 7)
- Year 8: Our focus will be on “Being Ready for Learning”—helping students develop habits that set them up for success in the classroom. This includes being organized, having the necessary materials, and adopting a positive approach to their learning. Attached, you will find the expectations for our Year 8 students.
- Year 7: The emphasis will be on the effective use of the school diary. Encouraging students to use their diary consistently will help them manage their time, stay on top of their assignments, and develop strong organizational skills.
We encourage you to have a conversation with your son or daughter about these expectations and how they can apply them in their daily school life. Your support at home plays a vital role in reinforcing these important skills.
I look forward to working with our students, parents, and staff to make this a fantastic year of learning and growth. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like further information.
Best regards,
Mrs. Cathy Chittick
Leader of Learning – Years 7 & 8

Trae Spencer of Year 10 competed at the NSW Country Championships recently. He competed in the 15/16 Year Old Boys Multi-Class and achieved terrific results. Trae placed 1st in both the 50 metre Freestyle and 100 metre Backstroke and 2nd in the 100 metre Freestyle. Congratulations Trae!

I am excited to meet all of the new families this year.
My working hours at St John's are as follows:
Monday - 8 am to 3.30 pm
Tuesday - 8 am to 3 pm
Thursday - 8 am to 3 pm
St Michaels:
Wednesday - 8.30 am to 3 pm
Friday - 8.30 am to 3 pm
2025 has started busy as we prepare for ANZAC Ceremonies. We are excited to have you join us in these activities and look forward to your participation.
All students, including the defence students, have settled in very well. If you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to call me. This successful transition should reassure you of our commitment to your child's well-being and academic progress.
Cadet training started on Tuesday, and I look forward to seeing you all on Saturday for the Albatross Open Day.
HMAS Albatross is hosting an open day this weekend! Gates open on Saturday 1st March from 10:00am to 01:00pm.
This is a fantastic opportunity for the community to access the Airfield, meet the personnel of HMAS Albatross, enjoy flying and parachuting displays, federation guard displays, and music from the military band. There will also be stalls from other community groups, fun kids activities and a jumping castle. It is a free event for the public.
It was wonderful to welcome future families and students to the 2025 Open Night at St John's and seeing so many eager faces. Although 2026 seems a long way away I look forward to supporting all future Defence students next year.
Our ANZAC Day Ceremony is on the 1st of May at 10 am 2025. All Defence Year 7 students will be in the hall, and all students whose parents attend are invited back to K block for light refreshments with their families.
Run or walk 96 km the length of the Kokoda track to raise funds to help prevent veteran suicide
Mrs Julie Lawrence
Defence School Mentor
Year 12 Students Explore Future Pathways at UOW Discovery Day 2025
Year 12 students once again embraced the opportunity to attend the University of Wollongong’s Discovery Day, immersing themselves in a range of activities designed to broaden their understanding of available courses, career pathways, and future employment opportunities.
The day also allowed students to engage with current UOW students, offering valuable insights into university life. From exploring the campus’s lush green spaces and cutting-edge facilities to experiencing its vibrant dining options, students gained a deeper connection to the university. These firsthand experiences expanded their knowledge and confidence and laid the foundation for a smooth transition to university life should they choose UOW for their future studies.

Navy Aviation Prospect Scheme (NAPS)
Prospects Scheme (NAPS) offers high school students (Year 10, aged 15) an insight into Navy Aviation careers. The program is broken into three sections; Quicklook, NextStep and Longlook.
The program is designed to provide each Student with a continual insight into FAA and Defence careers with an overarching intent of; Raising the profile of the FAA within the community; Generating prospective applicants by encouraging Students to consider a career in the FAA; providing a service to the community through team building and leadership training; Fostering civic virtue.
The number of places is limited and to be considered for the program the Expression of Interest posted on the Careers Classroom must be filled out by Friday, 7 March.
2024 NAPS Participants
Do you need a White Card?
A white card (or general construction induction card) is required for workers who want to carry out construction work.
People who need a white card include:
- site managers, supervisors, surveyors, labourers and tradespeople
- people who access operational construction zones (unaccompanied or not directly supervised by an inducted person)
- workers whose employment causes them to routinely enter operational construction zones.
The white card becomes void if you haven't carried out construction work for two consecutive years or more.
EOI are now open on Google Classroom. Please fill out asap to secure your spot
Dairy NSW and Shoalhaven Council - Dairy Industry Program
RIEP Is proud to be supporting Dairy NSW and Shoalhaven Council with a 2-day Dairy industry exposure program. The program has been designed by Dairy NSW and TAFE to provide insights into working in the industry with a view to students taking up SBATs, Full-time traineeships and other work with local Dairy employers in the Shoalhaven.
Key Info:
Dates: 25th & 26th March.
Time: 8am Departure each day and return at 4 pm
Location: TAFE Yallah / Dairy Farm Albion Park (Transport will be provided on both days from TAFE Nowra)
Students are to see Ms Arenas asap to secure a spot
Be a Cop in Your Hometown - coming soon!
Now, you can join the NSW Police Force and stay connected to the Shoalhaven!
Meet police officers to find out about:
- The jobs available
- Pay
- Incentives to join
- Paid training
- Application process and requirements
You'll also take part in practical activities.
Please complete the EOI posted on the Careers Classroom if you would like to attend.
UOW Year 11 Parent and Carer Webinar
On Monday, 17 March at 7pm-8pm, UOW is holding a free webinar for parents and carers of students who have recently commenced Year 11 in 2024, the webinar will provide all the key information required ahead to set up for a successful HSC journey covering topics such as why is year 11 important? What is UOW Early Admission and how does it work? What do you need to know about assumed and recommended HSC subjects for UOW degrees? Advice on supporting young people with career decisions, and more. This will be a fantastic opportunity to get the information you need to know now, to then make the HSC journey ahead an informed and positive one!
Head to: UOW Year 11 Webinar Registration
In addition, UOW is excited to announce a suite of 2025 Information Evenings across NSW & the ACT. UOW is committed in providing high school students, parents and carers of high school students with quality information and knowledge to help make informed decisions about your future.
These interactive events are designed to answer all the common questions that students have about starting university study. UOW staff and current students will be on-hand to make sure you have your questions answered at the one time in the one place.
Register for these various events via the link here:
Upcoming Open Days
Looking to find out more about your future study options? Open days are the best place to learn all the information you need. Explore the campus and facilities, meet students and staff, and ask all your burning questions.
ANU Early Applications - Open March 3
Students can begin applying direct to the Australian National University in just a few weeks with applications opening on 3 March 2025.
Applications are free and include applying for admission, accommodation and scholarships in one application.
Offers will be initially released in September using Year 11 or equivalent results and adjustment factors to calculate their selection rank. Students who receive an offer need to complete their final year and obtain an ATAR or equivalent.
If you have any questions about the direct application process, or you would like to request a virtual presentation for your students, please let us know by sending an email to
FREE Mini Medicine Workshop
We are pleased to announce the release of tickets for our FREE Mini Medicine Workshop, taking place on Saturday, March 8, from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM at the University of Notre Dame, Wagga Wagga.
With 80% of our 2024 Year 12 students gaining admission to Medical School in 2025, this is a great opportunity for those who may be interested in exploring a future in medicine.
Interesting Articles
Looking for work and worried about applying? You might like to read these example responses to commonly asked job application questions.
Supporting You Every Step of the Way with TAFE NSW
Get the help you need to succeed
The TAFE NSW Counselling and Career Development Service is free and confidential* and is designed to help you succeed in your studies at TAFE NSW, as well as in your chosen career.
Prospective TAFE NSW students are able to access the service to assist with course choice decisions and career planning.
Students enrolled with TAFE NSW are able to access a range of services to assist in career development and personal support.
I Am Finishing School This Year Info Page
Whatever you're interested in, TAFE NSW has a pathway to get you there.
With hundreds of courses to choose from, including degrees, we can help you find your passion.
TAFE NSW Degrees and Undergrad Certificates
You don't need an ATAR to study a degree with TAFE NSW, but you will graduate with a qualification that will change your future.
Study a Bachelor degree, post graduate or higher education qualification with TAFE NSW, and graduate with strong theoretical knowledge, practical experience and industry connections that will give you a head start on your career.
TAFE-delivered Vocational Education and Training (TVET) courses help students build practical skills and industry-specific knowledge, and count toward school outcomes, with some courses contributing towards an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
Expression of Interest for Electrical Apprenticeships
The apprenticeship lasts for a total of 4 years. For the first three years, you will be required to work four days on site to gather on-the-job experience, and one day undertaking technical studies. The fourth year will consist of only on-the-job training.
Job Hunting Tips
Finding an Apprenticeship Searching and applying for an Australian Apprenticeship is very much like hunting for any job. An employer has to create a vacancy and decide to use Australian Apprenticeships as a way to employ and train their staff. The following steps will explain the process to get an Australian Apprenticeship from the preparation stage, to the time you begin your training
Automotive Apprenticeships - Vacancies
The automotive industry has changed substantially through the last decade to become a respected and financially secure career path. Any student that enjoys problem solving and working with their hands will thrive in automotive and has the opportunity to be a part of transformative change we haven't seen since vehicles replaced the horse and cart.
Do you aspire to be a builder?
Register your interest for the course starting 27 November Want to be a carpenter? This is your best first step. Master Builders will help prepare you to become the best 1st-year carpentry apprentice. This 3-week entry level training program provides an introduction into both the industry and a carpentry trade prior to commencing an apprenticeship.
Pre-apprenticeship Builder
Do you aspire to become a brickie?
Offer you the opportunity to study and earn an income while undertaking a qualification. It gives you the chance to learn new skills while getting paid. It can be done full-time or while you are at school through a School Based Apprenticeship. You can use your qualification to work anywhere in Australia and around the world.
Brickies Apprenticeships
Transport for NSW Apprenticeships and Traineeships
Transport for NSW currently have a number of Apprenticeship and Traineeships open for 2024 in both metro and regional areas. Currently on offer are:
- Business Traineeships
- Bridge Construction Apprenticeship
- Heavy Diesel Mechanic Apprenticeship
- Project Management Traineeships
- Electrical Apprenticeship
- Civil Construction Apprenticeship
- Painting and Blasting Traineeship
A number of trainee roles are also available
Handy link for a range of job opportunities: Jobs Transport NSW
McDonald’s are hiring!
Year 8-11 students (14 years of age and over)
The opportunity is for all 3 restaurants, South Nowra, Bomaderry and Nowra Central depending on where you want to work. Type Maccas Jobs or you can also apply at:
Nowra Fresh - Junior Vacancies
We are seeking junior service staff for after school/weekend and holiday work, no experience necessary. The only "must" we have is that are available xmas week and easter Thursday, (if no school), Friday and Saturday. All other holiday time we are very flexible.
Drop your resume to Daniel at Nowra Fresh, Nowra
Pastry Chef - Apprenticeship Vacancy
North Nowra Bakery have an opening for a Pastry Chef apprentice. Contact them directly if you are interested.
See Ms Arenas if you need assistance with the application process.
Council Jobs!
Local Government NSW offers hundreds of jobs and diverse career paths. Across professional, administrative, trade and outdoor roles. Learn more about the type of work, qualifications required and the jobs available now in over 100 councils across NSW & others interstate
At Woolworths Group, we create better experiences together for a better tomorrow. Our diverse group of retail businesses are some of Australia's most recognised and trusted brands, and our team are at the heart of everything we do.
Bus companies have contacted us to remind families that if your student is catching a bus that they DO NOT have a bus pass for they are required to pay a fare.
The fare cost is generally $2.50.
Students should wait to board the bus after students that have a bus pass for the bus they are catching ready to pay the fare.
This is particularly for students that catch a bus to training on a regular basis.
Dear Parents / Carers
Below you will find some every day procedures that will be helpful as parents and carers to learn the daily routine of the school. With a student population this year of over 950, you can understand that routine is very important to the smooth running of the school.
The following are a list of procedures, which if followed correctly, will enable us to serve you in a friendly, efficient, professional manner at all times as well as allow students to focus on their learning.
Early Leavers:
If you need to collect your child early from school, please send a note in with them in the morning, which they will bring to the office before school. Students' diary will be stamped with an Early Leavers Pass providing them permission to leave class. They will meet you at the office and there is no waiting for anyone. It is very difficult to get a child out of class on short notice. It is a disruption for the teachers and the rest of the class. If a student is at sport, or doing a practical class then they can be difficult to locate. If you find you need to pick your child up urgently please ring the school before you come in to give us time to locate them.
It would be appreciated if any change to after school travel arrangements to be communicated to your child is received by the office no later than 2.30pm.
School times:
Please ensure your child arrives at school on time. School begins at 8.30am each morning. If they are late they must report to the office to be signed in or they will be marked absent on the roll.
Lost Property:
A real concern is the amount of lost property that comes into the office. There are a number of uniform items each year that end up being sent to St Vincent de Paul as they have no names on them and students do not come to claim them. We cannot return items if they are not clearly labelled. Please put your child's name on all of their uniform items, especially blazers and sports track suits. Hats are another item that often comes to the office with no name. Do not think because they are now in high school they will not lose things!
If your child becomes ill during the day you will be phoned to come and collect them. Students who are not well enough to be in class must go home. Please ensure we always have your updated telephone numbers. Students are not to use their mobile phones to ring you if they are sick. Medication (including Paracetamol) will only be administered if supplied to the office with a Medical Consent form.
Afternoon pick up:
If you are picking your child up from school in the afternoon, please do not park in the staff car park at the front of the school. The only exception is if you are collecting a student from the learning support class.
Valuables at school:
Students are encouraged not to bring valuables or money to school. The school is not responsible for loss or theft of valuables whilst students are at school. All students are advised to keep valuables with them at all times, either in their pockets or in a pencil case in the classroom. Due to WHS regulations all bags have to be left outside of classrooms.
Electronic Devices:
Mobile phones, iPods, iPhones, MP3s and other electronic devices are permitted to be used before and after school however they are not to be used during school hours and must be switched off. If a student is found to be using these items they will be confiscated. The first confiscation is classed as their one and only warning, they will have the item returned to them at the end of the day. The second confiscation will result in the phone/electronic device being stored in the school office and the student will be required to attend a playground withdrawal before collecting their device the next day. Third and consequent confiscations will be treated as an act of defiance and dealt with accordingly. Parents are asked not to phone their children on their mobiles or to send them text messages during the day. If you need to get an urgent message to your child please ring the school office and we will relay the message for you.
Payments and consent must be submitted before the due date on Compass or the student may not be permitted to attend the excursion. The office will not accept payments or consent past the due date without prior approval from the Assistant Principal.
If there is any concern over the cost of an excursion or the ability to pay, please contact the Principal’s Secretary via the school office. No child will be excluded from any compulsory excursion due to money constraints, however students or parents must inform their coordinator or appropriate person before the due date.
Family Information:
Please ensure that you advise the office of any change in family circumstances or contact details including email addresses, telephone numbers and residential and postal addresses. This will assist the school with the communication process throughout the year. Important messages are sent out via email so it is essential that the school is informed of current email addresses. Carers of students who travel on school buses are required to update address details online via the Transport NSW website, apps.transport.nsw.
The school newsletter will be sent via Compass to parents every second Friday and available via the school website.
School Policies:
Please refer to the school website (via the Admin menu) or student diary, for school policies regarding jewellery, shoes, uniform and the consequences involved in non compliance with these policies.
Please do not hesitate to contact the school via email,
During our AGM, all positions were declared vacant, and we successfully elected our committee for 2025.
President – Mr Corey Carter
Vice President – Mrs Melissa Alder
Junior Vice President – Mrs Jacinta Davis
Treasurers – Mrs Monica Oke & Mrs Kerrel Rosskelly
Secretary – Mrs Carina Beattie
Assistant Secretary – Mrs Sharon Molloy
Publicity Officer – Mrs Vanessa Cladingbowl
We would like to extend a huge Thank you and Appreciation to Charmaine Edwards for her continued support over the years with P&F and for Holding the position of Assistant Secretary in 2024 with Charmaine’s son Graduating she has decided to step down and we wish the Edwards Family all the best in the future.
We have some upcoming events where we’ll be seeking volunteers, and we would greatly appreciate your support. If you’re available to help, please contact the office and they will pass your details along.
Tuesday, 4th March – Year 7 Immunisation Day
Thank you to the wonderful parents who have already volunteered!
We’ll need quite a few volunteers to assist with checkpoints on the day.
Juniors in the morning and Seniors in the afternoon.
We truly appreciate all the help we can get. Your support makes a big difference!
Mrs Vanessa Cladingbowl
P&F Parent Liaison & Publicity Officer.
NAPLAN will commence on Wednesday 12 March for Year 7 & Year 9 students.
Click on the below link for more detailed information and frequently asked questions.
The following items are available to purchase at the St John's school canteen.
Our school canteen is run by a full time Supervisor and a part time assistant. They always need volunteers to help. At least two volunteers are needed every day to man the canteen. If you would like to assist in the canteen please contact the school or fill out the Parent/Carer Volunteer Form using the link below.
TERM 1 2025
We are currently organising our canteen volunteer roster for Term 1 2025, the canteen requires two helpers every day, if you are able to assist on one or more days please contact the school office on 4423 1666 or email the school on
Alternatively fill in the form on the school website under canteen in the Parent Info section.
Shoalhaven Junior Rugby is a community-focused club dedicated to fostering teamwork, sportsmanship, and skill development in young players. We cater to a range of age groups, from U8s through to U16s, providing an inclusive and supportive environment for boys and girls of all skill levels. In 2024, we had four teams competing, with players achieving representative selections and a Grand Final victory for our U13s team in the Illawarra District Rugby Competition.
We’re now looking to grow the game further and invite families to express their interest in the 2025 season.
The Australian All Star Cheerleading Federation (AASCF) has for 20 years been providing Cheer and Dance events around Australia, aimed at empowering athletes to partake in this all-inclusive sport, regardless of age, gender, sexual preference, or size.
We now have an amazing opportunity to deliver Dance workshops to dancers aged 16 years and older, presented by the NFL LA Rams Cheerleaders, creating an elite athlete pathway to professional performance sport in the United States.
Our aim is to provide this opportunity to all aspiring dancers across the country.
This is an exceptional opportunity for Australian dancers given the recent announcement that the NFL will be expanding their locations outside of the USA by bringing teams to Australia to play an in-season game, the LA Rams being one of those teams.
Paradise Physie and Dance is now offering exciting, modern dance classes at NOWRA WESLEY CENTRE every Monday & Wednesday afternoon! Our classes are designed to build confidence, strength, and flexibility in a fun and welcoming environment.
Paradise Physie and Dance follows a modern syllabus by the Australian Physie and Dance Association (APDA), combining elements of jazz, ballet, contemporary, and pilates to create a dynamic and exciting dance experience. Our experienced and supportive teachers ensure that every child feels included, motivated, and challenged at their own level.
Special Offer for ST JOHNS School Students!
To support your school community, we’re offering 10% off Term 1 fees for ST JOHNS School students. PLUS, all new students can claim two FREE trial classes to try Physie before committing.
4:00 PM – 5-8 years
5.00PM – 9-12 years
7.00PM - TEENS
4:00PM – TEENS
4.45PM – 5-8 & 9-12 years
All students are welcome—no experience needed!
Come along, make new friends, and experience the joy of dance.
Get more info here and
Register for your free trial here:
Contact Paradise Dance at: paradiseelitephysie@
Find us on Facebook: