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Lent is a time of prayer, almsgiving, penance and self denial and how real this has
been for everyone over the last few weeks. And now as we prepare for Easter it is important that we keep deep in our hearts the message of hope that comes to us through the Resurrection of Jesus. We may celebrate our Easter differently this year however the message remains:
Earlier this term we planned for the weeks ahead. We set learning agendas, booked excursions, opened up the nominations for representative sport and selected the musical that would be a feature of our year. This year is our 30th anniversary so we booked Bishop Brian to celebrate mass with Fr Pat for our Foundation day and invited all the past principals and even the director said that he would love to come. The calendar was full and we were ready to go.
And then the world changed.
It started with a suggestion that we keep a safe distance and wash our hands well. But so quickly it all grew and we were called to self isolate. So we cancelled the bus trips and changed our thinking. And that is the key.
We can choose to be sad and think about what we have missed or we can be grateful for our health, our homes, and our community and be people of HOPE.
And that’s just what we did.
The teachers reimagined the learning and they too began to learn new skills. They became masters of ZOOM and online learning. They showcased their video skills in dance, music, PE and science videos, all home-made by teachers! They just wanted to see our young people safe, learning, happy and healthy.
Our community moved online and we took our connections to another place. St John’s community is strong and will always reach out to our amazing young people of the Shoalhaven.
And you, the school community of St John’s joined in the challenge.
You set up your workspaces and the students engaged with their classrooms. They shared their learning in a whole new way and their creativity warmed our hearts.
I watched the joy on the teacher’s faces as they shared stories of the amazing online achievements. They are so very proud of our students and their parents and carers that have supported them.
Yes at times it is difficult and we all have bad moments and even bad days but together as people of hope and as we move towards Easter we know that great things can come from difficult times and ultimately bring about a better world.
So take this time to renew yourself, try new things, connect with your loved ones.
Read books and listen, rest and exercise, make art and play and learn new ways of being.
And then listen deeper, meditate, pray, share funny stories, dance.
And we will learn to think differently, we will have made new choices, dreamed of new visions and created new ways of living.
And we will have grown to be better people, people of hope that know that if we work together in community, not only can we let our star shine we can make the world a better place.
We know that it is not easy to turn your home into a classroom, to get your children up and ready for school when they are not leaving the home, to excite them about their learning, to engage them with their timetable, to be the home-school teacher and the canteen manager as well, to get them outside and creative about exercise, to monitor their phone and media use, to be the counsellor and motivator and finally to manage your own wellbeing as well.
You have really impressed us and we appreciate that we have a wonderful support and as a team we are enabling our young people to not only enjoy a continuity of learning but to also maintain a great sense of wellbeing.
As a group of young people you have taken ownership of your learning and embraced the challenges it has set for you. You have inquired into new skills and reflected on your practices. You have connected with our school community and shared with us some of the most imaginative creations. You have taken the school values to a whole new environment. We are so proud of you.
Not only did you have to reimagine your delivery of the curriculum but you embedded some very exciting and fun ideas into a whole new way of learning. You have been leaders of learning as you took on the challenge of learning and modelled for our young people that we can all learn new things and do it to a level of excellence. And judging by the large amount of positive feedback, every bit of the effort is greatly appreciated by both our students and their parents and care.
Finally, I would like to thank you all for the positive feedback we have received as we have developed our approach to remote learning. There have already been many positive learning experiences and our teachers are committed to continuing to engage our students in their learning and high quality delivery of the curriculum.
During this time many families are facing financial challenges. To ease this there are a number of options around school fee payment. First of all I encourage you to complete the fee deferment form attached to this newsletter. This is a process that has been implemented by the Catholic Education Office to support families.This will defer fee payment for 4 months. If after this time school fees are still causing concerns you may make a fee concession application.
Click here to access our School Fee Deferment Form
We wish to ensure our student’s wellbeing and continued engagement with their learning therefore emphasize the importance for all students to log into their PALS Google classroom in the morning starting at 8.30am, where their PALS teachers will mark their attendance as well as providing a wellbeing check.
Every Wednesday morning students are to log into a Zoom conference at 8:30am to engage in their weekly long PALS session. PALS teachers have provided students with their class link for access.
Students are expected to follow their weekly timetables following our usual bell times which may be accessed by clicking here.
In an effort to maintain connection, routine and stability for our students we are continuing to conduct our fortnightly assemblies from 8:45am on Thursdays (Week A). I wish to thank our I.T staff for the incredible role they have played in livestreaming assemblies for everyone to enjoy remotely.
Click here to view our Week 10 Assembly
Please click here to view the letter regarding the decision to conduct staff development days throughout next week from Monday 6 April to Thursday 9 April, 2020.
Please also note, the staff development day scheduled for 27 April has been postponed and all students and staff will resume schooling on Monday 27 April 2020.
TERM 2 2020
As we continue to navigate online learning we assure you teachers have commit to the new process with positivity providing quality learning to achieve curriculum outcomes. Most students are adapting well as teachers continue to deliver lessons in accordance with student timetables and available online during set lessons to provide support for all students. We understand this is a very challenging time for families and thank you for your patience and understanding. For the safety of staff, students and families we plan to continue with online learning until directives are received from Government, health officials and the Catholic Education Office. Unfortunately we are unable to provide an indication of how long this may take however ask for you to keep an eye on your e-mails, our facebook @stjohnsnowra and school website for any updates or changes.
We wish to remind parents and carers that our Year 7 2021 Enrolment Applications are due by Monday 6 April 2020. Please select the link below to download an enrolment form. It is intended for processing of applications to proceed as planned, however there is a possibility for interviews to be conducted via telephone. Please feel free to contact our office with any questions.
Please share this information with your friends and relatives !
Sending prayers and thoughts to all families through this challenging period. We wish you peace and safety and encourage you to please reach out to our school if we can assist in any way. We have shared a couple of prayers recently delivered by Mr David Comensoli. Please click the images below to access.
Mrs. Sandra Hogan
Our staff are using the Zoom platform as a way of connecting with all students in PALS as well as in some classes. A reminder that all students have signed the Responsible Use of Technology agreement and that misusing any of the learning based technology platforms are a direct breach of this policy. Any inappropriate behaviour will result in significant consequences. Zoom allows our teachers to check in with each student and see and hear from them directly about how they are going with their learning and how they are feeling - an important role especially for the PALS teachers. As well as an effective way to engage students in their learning.
We understand that many of our parents are assisting their children in their learning and we certainly encourage this learning partnership between students, their parents and the school. It is inappropriate for any adult (parent, older sibling, grandparent) to sit with the students whilst they are in a zoom meeting. We must ensure the privacy of all students as well as the integrity of the lesson. Teachers will ask that any adult be off screen and not be involved in the lesson in any way.
Zoom provides an opportunity for our Learning Support and Gooroon staff to work in small groups with the students they regularly support in the classroom. If students get stuck on any aspect of their learning these supports are available.
Please understand that the teacher’s skill is in engaging the students in the classroom and they are grateful for any support you give the students after the lesson has finished.
Thank you so much for the support you are giving the students as well as their teachers in ensuring that students are learning. We continue to believe that all students should be challenged in every lesson as well as gain support in their learning where needed. It is important that they communicate with their teachers if they are experiencing difficulty but also if they aren't feeling challenged.
Have a peaceful week.
Mrs. Leonie Pearce
As we find ourselves navigating the exciting but challenging world of remote learning, I just want to assure parents, carers and students that we are still here for you! It’s perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed with the change we are facing, however, this is when it might be best to seek support.
SJE supported a number of students and families in managing their wellbeing while physically at school, whether it be through a connection to the Catholic Care Counsellors, Focus Zone, identified support people, PALS teachers, Year Coordinators or classroom teachers… And the only thing that has changed, is we might not be able to chat face-to-face.
- Teachers (both classroom and PALS) are regularly checking-in with students to gauge their learning, but to also foster a wellbeing connection
- Year Coordinators, Learning Support and Gooroon have been in constant contact with various students and families and will continue to do so
- Our school Pastoral Support Worker, Mr Greg Daniels, has been contacting various families, checking in on their wellbeing and offering support where needed
- CatholicCare Counsellors have been contacting students and families who were being supported whilst at school
While our counsellors are extremely busy and we encourage you to seek external support (for consistent access) over this time, I do want to assure you that we can and will take new referrals where needed.
- Having four young kids myself (age 13, 10, 6 and 3) I know the struggle in juggling work and their education/wellbeing. One thing I found useful is working to a timetable/routine.
- Please note, it is vital that students stick to their break times! Taking a step outside during their break times to get away from their screen and into nature (as best you can) does a lot in supporting their health and wellbeing!
- SJE has supported you here as we have made a conscious decision to ask students to maintain their school routine, working to their timetable (including PALS and Long PALS) as it supports students with their learning and wellbeing, providing the answer to the what do I do now?
All of these supports (with the exception of the focus zone) are still very much available to our community. We are currently supporting our community in the following ways:
- Our Helping Hands Card lists numerous support services that families can access such as
- The QR code shown on the card provides access to a range of additional support services and can be accessed by hovering your camera over the code on your screen. A link should then appear where you can access the numerous resources.
- Lifeline (13 11 14) has 24/7 phone and online support.
- Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800) has 24/7 phone and online support for young people aged 5 to 25.
- Eheadspace has free online and phone support for young people aged 12 to 25. Eheadspace provides free online support and counselling to young people 12 - 25 and their families and friends. If you’re based in Australia and going through a tough time, eheadspace can help.
- This is a fantastic resource for both parents and students, promoting practical ways to access support and look after ourselves.
- Online forums, like the ReachOut Forums, are a great way to anonymously connect with others.
- Beyond Blue: This offers a number of National help lines, websites and practical approaches to supporting each other in times of change and uncertainty.
- General Practitioner (GP): If you can get a face-to-face appointment, you could ask your health professional if you can have a session over FaceTime/Skype/Zoom.
- Being informed - Covid 19 Information
- Use NSW Health as your source - it is up-to-date, factual and does not come with some of the hype that our News Broadcasters add
- How to talk to young people about Covid-19 / Corona VIrus:
- I have attached a great resource that explores some of the ways teachers/parents can approach conversations relating to Covid-19 / Corona Virus
While there may seem like there are a lot of services available to us in our time of need, sometimes knowing where to start is the hardest step. In this case, we have your back!
Simply call through to our office (4423 1666) and ask to speak to myself, your son/daughter’s year coordinator or PALS teacher and our lovely ladies in the office will make the connection for you! Additionally, you can also email the school with your concerns or wish to be contact by someone via
I am also in the process of creating an SJE Community Website that houses all of the links mentioned above and more! Watch this space!
Pastoral Care Coordinator
As we move into Remote Learning students and teachers are displaying the SJE Learning Dispositions. Teachers have been Imaginative, creating innovative learning experiences allowing students to use their critical thinking skills, displaying the disposition of Inquires. Students are being Reflective as they self evaluate and seek feedback. Teachers continue to create opportunities for students to Connect. Students have taken Ownership of their learning being both self directed and self motivated. All members of the school community are taking on the Challenge of a new way of learning and teaching. Working hard, taking risks, being persistent and above all resilient.
Schools should continue to implement their assessment policy where possible, including administrative arrangements for illness/misadventure.
SJE Misadventure forms can be found on the school website under Parent Information / Forms and Annual Information / Application for misadventure.
All students are encouraged to communicate with their teachers via email or on their google classroom.
LInk to NESA NESA is regularly updating their advice for Year 12.
Progress grades published last week are a snapshot of how your child is settling into the semester. Teachers will be providing a full report at the end of Term 2. The opportunity to discuss your child's progress will be provided during Parent and Teacher interviews. Teachers keep a Record of Progress on all students and they will be able to give detailed information as to how your child is progressing in relation to the common grade scale.
Year 12 half yearly reports will be published at the end of this term.
YEAR 10 - 12 ROSA
Absence/Illness/Misadventure Absence/Non Completion Due to Illness or Misadventure If a student is absent on the day a common task is due or an examination is to be held, the student will make sure that the office is notified by 8.30am by a parent / caregiver clearly on or before the due date. The student must complete an Application for Illness/Misadventure Form on their return. These are available from the curriculum office and on the school website under curriculum, assessment schedules and information.
Students must have ALL sections of the Application for Illness/Misadventure Form completed before it will be considered by the Assessment Committee.The student must fill out Section 1 indicating why they are applying for Illness/Misadventure and how it has affected their ability to complete a task. A parent/guardian must sign the form. The student must get their class teacher to complete and sign Section 2. An independent authority must complete Section 3. Documentation must be provided.
It is very important to communicate with the classroom teacher and curriculum office.
Week 11
Mon 6 April: Year 7 2021 Enrolment Applications Due
Mon 6- Thurs 9 April: Staff Development Days
Thurs 9 April: Final Day of Term 1 2020
Friday 10 April: Good Friday Public Holiday
Week 1
Mon 27 April: Term 2 commences for Staff and Students
Week 5
Mon 25 May: P & F Meeting
Mon 25 May: Year 10 Immunisations
This Sunday is Palm Sunday. It commemorates the final time Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem. He received the welcome we would give today to royalty, a celebrity or a sporting hero. Within days the authorities saw him as a threat to their control over the people and participated in his arrest and crucifixion.
Please find below a simple family prayer service for Palm Sunday.
Mr. David Comensoli
Religious Education Coordinator
As schools implement remote learning there has been a lot of discussion in the media recently around internet safety for children.
One area of concern has been with the use of Zoom for video conferencing between teachers and students, particularly “Zoom Bombing”, i.e. unexpected and uninvited intruders to meetings. You should know that St John’s has developed the following expectations and taken the following precautions to ensure that Zoom remains safe for our staff and students.
When students participate in a Zoom meeting for school they must:
- Dress appropriately for school.
- Be sitting at a table. Students must not be sitting or laying in bed during Zoom meetings.
- Use their real name.
- Turn on the camera so that the teacher can verify their identity.
- If possible, turn on an appropriate virtual background. Otherwise, film against a blank wall.
- Behave and conduct themselves in accordance with the Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong (CEDoW) Student Responsible Use of Technology Agreement, which they signed earlier this term.
To ensure that Zoom meetings are safe, teachers have been asked to:
- Create instant Zoom meetings and share the link in Google Classroom only minutes before the meeting is due to commence.
- Turn the Zoom Waiting Room option on. When students click on the meeting link, the teacher will admit them one-by-one. The teacher will only admit students in the class. In some Zoom meetings, other teachers and support staff may also participate.
- Lock the meeting once all students have entered and/or after 5 minutes so that others cannot enter the meeting.
- Eject students who do not meet the expectations for students listed above.
- End the meeting when it is over.
- Never reuse a link for the next meeting.
All Zoom meetings are automatically recorded. The teacher cannot opt to not record. Recordings cannot be deleted. Recordings can be seen by staff at the Wollongong Catholic Education Office. I have asked staff to share links to the recordings in Google Classrooms so that students can review meetings later.
Students MUST NOT share these links with others. To do so is considered a breach of the CEDoW Student Responsible Use of Technology Agreement which they signed earlier this term.
Another area of recent concern has been with inappropriate advertisements popping up in educational websites.
Teachers are expected to use Google Classroom to share resources and communicate with their students. Access to a Google Classroom requires a CEDoW account and the Google Classroom code.
- Anyone who does not have a CEDoW account cannot join a Google Classroom, even if they know the Google Classroom code.
- Our students cannot join a Google Classroom under a false name.
- Advertising has been removed from all Education Services provided by google including Gmail, Google Drive and Google Classroom.
Where other websites are selected by teachers and used by their students for learning, e.g. Maths Pathway, Edrolo, Education Perfect, WordFlyers, Flat, etc - these websites must use Google authentication, i.e. students sign in with their CEDoW username and password.
For added safety we recommend that:
- Students install ad blocking software on their laptops, e.g. Adguard
- Families install an internet filter, e.g. Family Zone or Disney Circle
- Parents/guardians conduct random checks of their children’s emails and web history.
- Families visit and follow the advice of the eSafety Commissioner website:
As we embark on a new way of learning it is important that we all stay connected as a year group. St John’s community continues to provide support to all our students and I encourage all students to continue to check in regularly with teachers and peers throughout this time of uncertainty.
Year 9 as usual continue to engage in their learning in a positive and productive way with some creative work being produced across all subjects. I congratulate everyone on the innovative approach to their education.
Students have been studying a ''Skull in Art unit'' this term and been exploring its representation and meaning in various contexts and artist case studies.
Practically students have been working on a portfolio of work that includes:
A graphite drawing of a human skull,
A micron pen tattoo design with personal symbolism incorporating a skull,
A mixed media animal skull in continuous line drawing.
A personal symbolic VANITAS - Still life assemblage and painting.
Students are currently working on their VANITAS at home - The have already assembled and photographed their VANITAS and are now in the process of drawing, watercolour washing and shading them in with coloured pencil. The students have all been doing an outstanding job and should be proud of their results to date. We look forward to seeing their final work!
This beatitude means that it's ok to cry or be sad because everyone has sad times, but if we turn to God during these times he can help us keep our head high and eventually we can get through those sad times. This also means to show compassion to all people that are sad because if we are there for support we can help them get back on their feet.
Click here to view Year 9 student Chloe completing her PDHPE workout.
Term 1 is drawing to a close and our lives will be very different over the holidays. Please remember that social distancing is vital for the wellbeing of everyone.
“God Has No Hands But Yours”
Mrs. Lynette Kelly
Year 9 Coordinator
As we come to the end of the second week of remote learning, I want to congratulate the Year 10 students on the great sense of maturity and ownership of learning they have shown by adapting to the new changes in curriculum delivery. It has been really pleasing to see students continue to build on the positive start they have had to their studies in 2020.
I acknowledge that this has been an incredible challenge for many. This is an unprecedented and unknown situation that we all find ourselves in at the moment. Please don’t feel like you have to go through this alone. Reach out to your teachers for help and guidance, let them know if your workload is becoming overwhelming, stay in touch with your friends and as always please do not be afraid to talk to your PALS teachers.
It is important that students are checking in with their PALS teachers at 8:30am each morning, just as they would attend PALS on a normal school day. This keeps students in a routine and allows PALS teachers to assist them should any issues arise. Likewise if a student is sick or unable to access their online learning, please contact the school so we are aware of the issues and can put a plan in place to best support the student.
Year 10 student Isaac Podmore has shared with us some tips he has found helpful in adapting to remote learning. Click here to access Isaac's video.
Some tips for making your day to day life a little easier:
Above all, look after yourself, look after each other and wash your hands!
Mr. Aidan Leishman
Year 10 Coordinator
Our Science Faculty have set the bar high responding to the need for online learning with Mr Gaymer producing one very engaging and entertaining lesson on 'CO2 is a Greenhouse Gas'. Click here or the image below to enjoy this lesson!
We are extremely proud of the beautiful and caring nature of our students demonstrating gratitude, compassion and support for others in producing such a moving tribute for our community. Click on the image below to enjoy!
Year 7 Geography engaged in a ZOOM lesson this week creating interactive News Reports! They have been studying 'Place & Liveability' and are being creative, making News Reports based on Liveability & Climate in their own suburbs! Mixing learning with imagination, creativity and fun!
WOW!!!!! Year 8 History developed a mini Medieval Museum creating a collection of OUTSTANDING artefacts! The standard of work and effort is AMAZING!
Congratulations to our PAX group organising some fantastic Harmony Day activities on Friday 20 March.
Students wrote messages of harmony, love and joy to friends, family and teachers spreading positivity and hope.
Gooroon organised dot painting and the boys dance troupe played didgeridoos for students during lunch.
Our canteen offered butter chicken and nachos and our School Captain Dan read this morning’s prayer in Sinhala, the native Sri Lankan language. Happy Harmony Day from our community to yours!
This is a great opportunity to find some new books and perhaps try a new format.
Mrs. Jenni Allchin
Library Coordinator
The MC classes have been starting off the day with a Zoom meeting to say hello to each other, have a chat, go though the timetable for the day and expain the lessons in the MC Classrooms for the day. The students are loving the interaction with their teachers and classmates and it has helped normalise the remote learning experience.
Ruth Fox
Learning Support Coordinator
All Career Expos and Open days have been cancelled or postponed but there are virtual career expos that present exciting opportunities for students and parents to get the information they require for career exploration and decision making about opportunities after school.
The first ever HSC & BEYOND VIRTUAL CAREERS EXPO is to be held on 27 - 31 May, 2020 and again on 24 - 28 June, 2020.
Students and parents will be able to:
- Live chat with major NSW universities and Higher Education providers.
- Schedule an appointment with a university advisor or ambassador.
- Participate in live Q&A sessions with expert HSC teachers, careers advisors and counsellors.
- Participate in exclusive webinars, view recordings, and download resources to help ACE the HSC across all major subjects.
Year13 is holding an all-inclusive Digital Careers Expo in order to help youth navigate the transitional period from high school. This Digital Careers Expo, to be hosted during National Careers Week, 18-22 May.
For students, we’re offering them a free Premium MyYear13 account, which will enable them to get their own personalised Skills Forecast, build a career plan using our Career Explorer tool, and access all the content related to the Digital Careers Expo.
Online US & UK Expo The US & UK Expo is now available online. Students, parents and educators can hear from Harvard grads and Oxford students and receive free US/UK uni resources by registering at the Eventbrite link.
Year 12 students have been undertaking careers chats via zoom with Mrs Hill and Mr Szota. All Year 12 students will have a careers interview and students are encouraged to make a booking when sent the booking times or to email Mrs. Hill a time that suits.
Did you know you can become an accountant, a cyber security manager or an engineer through TAFE?
After the HSC is done and dusted, some big conversations are going to be happening around the dinner table. Many families will get lost in discussions over university offers and ATAR cut-offs.
But TAFE should also be at the centre of the conversation. This is because educators like TAFE NSW have more to offer today than ever before. In fact, we’ve found students and parents alike are often surprised at all the opportunities available.
UPP will still continue but in a different format. It will not be delivered at the Shoalhaven campus but rather by the Wollongong campus online. If you applied for UPP, UOW will contact you.
A presentation with information on what UAC is and how to apply for university has been shared with all year 12 students through the Careers Google classroom.
The electronic version of the UAC guide is also on the Careers Google classroom and is the go to reference for applying for university in NSW or ACT.
All year 12 students were emailed their UAC PIN on Wednesday 1 April, this is needed to apply for university. These applications are open until 30 September, so no need to rush. Now is the time for research.
Direct applications to ANU for 2021 have now opened. Please view their website for a detailed overview of the domestic direct application process.
Key points to consider:
- Applications for 2021 domestic undergraduate close 25 May.
- There is no charge for submitting an application.
- There is only one application for ANU that includes admission, guaranteed on-campus accommodation and access to over 200 scholarships in one form.
UCAT is an admissions test required for entry into most medical, dental and some clinical sciences degree programs. Students interested in these courses need to check the course description to see if the course they’re interested in requires them to sit UCAT.
Final 90-Day Study Plan to Complete UCAT Preparation For the safety of all students and parents, our free UCAT workshops have moved online. This free 3-hour UCAT webinar will provide a 90-day, week-by-week study plan (with objectives and recommendations) and live teaching for Sections 1-5, plus an analysis of the most common exam-day issues candidates faced in 2019 and how to avoid them. Register here:
Ms. Carla Hill
Transition and Pathways Specialist
Please note, it is essential for all families to complete and return the School Fee Agreement Form regardless of how you pay your fees. This is a mandatory form that MUST be completed. It is important that the form is returned in Term 1. Please select the link below to access the form or alternatively access via our school website link under the 'parent info/school fees' tab.
The Immunisation date for Year 7, and the Year 8 (catch up) set for Friday 3 April 2020 has been postponed in light of the current situation. At this stage NSW Health are not accepting bookings however we will advise once a new date is confirmed.
The P&F Executive Committee would like to extend our thoughts to all of the students, their families, and staff during these uncertain times. Please look after one another during the COVID-19 outbreak and keep safe in what has become such dynamic situation affecting us all in the community. At this time, the next P&F General Meeting will remain scheduled for Monday 25 May 2020, however we will keep you up to date where further postponement may become necessary.
Mrs. Jacinta Davis
Due to the uncertainty of when all students are to return to school, Vicki will be in contact with volunteers to confirm the Term 2 roster. We thank you for your patience and understanding and wish to extend our gratitude to all volunteers who have assisted and offered their help in our school canteen.
Keeping in touch with the Catholic Primary Schools within the Shoalhaven District.
Please select below links to the Shoalhaven Catholic Primary Schools websites.