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The UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women is observed on Thursday 25 November 2021.
As a school focussed on building peaceful and just relationships and honoring the dignity of each person St John's is committed to standing against this pressing and prevalent issue in society through awareness-raising, education, challenging entrenched attitudes, and promoting respectful relationships.
As Pope Francis has said:
“Violence against women cannot be treated as ‘normal'. It is not right for us to look the other way and let the dignity of so many women, especially young women, be trampled upon.”
In partnership with the Office of the Bishop and Catholic Care, a prayer card has been created for all secondary students, which includes a list of support services. These cards were distributed in PALS on Thursday.
If students need support with this or any other issue of a pastoral matter they are encouraged to speak with their Year Coordinator or PALS teacher.
Each assembly celebrates the success of our young people across so many areas. This week, along with our usual recognitions, we acknowledged the sporting and musical achievements, with a number of students highlighted.
Whilst these students have significant gifts and talents in these areas it is not just this that we acknowledge. Talent is a gift. The greater challenge is ‘choice’. We do celebrate the choice that our young people make each day to develop their skills and talents.
When our young people take on the school Learning Dispositions of ‘Ownership’ and ‘Challenge’ they often surprise themselves with what they can achieve.
Congratulations to all the students who were acknowledged in the assembly or who performed for the school community. Congratulations also to students and staff who throughout 2022 have used these dispositions to bring about their own personal growth.
Mrs Sandra Hogan

Due to the current COVID restrictions we have unfortunately had to cancel this year's ICAS Competition. All families who elected for their child to do these tests should have received an email with details explaining how to get a refund. The refund process is through ICAS and they have an early December deadline.
HSC Examinations will finish on Thursday 2 December for St John’s students. ATARS will be released on Thursday 20 January and the HSC results will be published on Monday 24 January 2022.
HSC results will be available in Students Online and sent to students by email and SMS. Students can also download and print their full credentials from Students Online .Hard copies of the testamur (certificate) are sent in the mail.
ATARs are calculated for all ATAR-eligible students and released only to the student and the institutions to which the student has applied.
Students will be able to access their ATAR via this website and will need their Year 12 student number and UAC PIN.
When you view your ATAR you’ll see a list of the ATAR courses you studied, their category, and the number of units of each ATAR course that contributed to the calculation of your ATAR. You can also download and save your official ATAR Advice Notice for free until 13 March 2022: after this date you will need to buy your Advice Notice through the UAC Shop at a cost of $60. So even if you don't think you will need your ATAR, download and save it before March.
Mr Aidan Leishman
Pastoral Care Coordinator
TERM 4 2021
Year 12 HSC Continues
Wednesday 1 December Year 9 Peer Support Day
Thursday 2 December Year 7 2022 Parent Information Evening via zoom 6pm
Friday 3 December Year 7 Reflection Day
Friday 3 December Year 12 Graduation Dinner
Week 10 Year 10 Virtual Work Experience, Resume Writing Workshops
Monday 6 December Year 7 2022 Orientation 9:15am - 2:30pm
Monday 13 December Year 7-11 Final Day for 2021,
Year Group Celebrations & Year 7-10 Recognition Ceremonies. Reports issued.
Friday 28 January & Monday 31 January 2022: Staff Development Days
Tuesday 1 February 2022: New students in Years 8-11 attend (partial day for induction)
Tuesday 1 February 2022: Year 7, Year 10 Peer Support & Year 12 return
Wednesday 2 February 2022: All students at school
Transition and Pathways Program (TAPP) lesson 4 for all Year 7 - 9 students will be run in a timetabled class during Week 9 or 10.
The TAPP was introduced across the Diocese this year. The main focuses are:
- Years 7 and 8 is a time of DISCOVERY and EXPLORATION
As they explore their strengths and interests and reflect on their experiences, students are developing a positive self-image and a larger picture of their place in the world. They come to the understanding that they have an active choice in determining their future.
- Years 9 and 10 is the time for FOCUS and PLANNING
This is the time for greater self-knowledge as students identify their values, skills and strengths and develop strategies for greater learning and facing challenges. They focus on the aspirations that will inform their subjects and study pathway choices.
This week some Year 10 girls took part in 'Girls on Fire', these sessions were to inspire girls to consider a career in the Emergency services. There was an overview of NSW emergency services and the various roles in the first session. Current members shared their journey and pathways into this rewarding profession and the recruiting process was discussed further in the final session. Look out for the 'Girls on Fire' camps returning in 2022.
There are also currently many local opportunities to work over summer in retail or hospitality.
10 Reasons To Get A Summer Job
- Feel more confident applying for jobs and attending interviews
- Help you build an impressive resume which could make you stand out to future employers, or make your uni application more competitive
- Learn all kinds of new skills – some you might not even realise you’re doing, like prioritising and multi-tasking
- Gain insight into different jobs, find out if there’s something you’d like to explore further, or put it on the “no thanks” list
- Getting a job during high school will give you an advantage over people who wait until after graduation to land a job
- Develop and practise life skills including: time management, patience, communication, customer service, people skills, collaboration, team work, good work ethic, leadership, problem solving. These will look great on your resume, be useful at school and throughout your working life
- Professional networking – this could guarantee you a job to come back to in future, or secure you a part time job while you study, get you a great reference, or through word of mouth could get you an even bigger and shinier job offer.
- Earn your own spending money to do with exactly as you’d like, help out at home, or put towards your savings for a car, gap year or uni expenses.
- Get familiar with entitlements, taxes, banking, budgeting and other essential parts of becoming an adult
- Getting a summer job could help you assert your independence, boost your self-confidence, help you to learn more about your capabilities, and might even give you some ideas about what you want (or don’t want) to do next.
6 handy steps to make it happen for you!
What’s seemingly a simple process can actually be approached from hundreds of angles. We’ve got some tips to help you land your next great job.
UAC webinar: ATAR Release, Preferences and Offers
Friday 10 December 2021 6pm
This session is your one-stop shop for all things ATAR release, preferences and offers.
UAC will discuss:
– how to access your ATAR
– how to read your ATAR Advice Notice
– what to do once you receive your ATAR
– how to manage your preferences to maximise chances of an offer
– offer rounds and dates
– deferring and taking a gap year.
And they will give answers to the most commonly asked questions!
Click here for details or to register
Mrs Carla Hill
Transition & Pathway Specialist
Year 7 have been fully engaged in the whirlwind of the first weeks back at school after our extended lockdown and remote learning. The student’s attitude is positive and courageous.

The year group are now familiar with their routine for playground and canteen processes. If any student has concerns around these structures they should have a conversation with their PALS teachers.

Due to Health Advice we are still unable to gather as a cohort for year assemblies inside. We are holding year assemblies outside under the new covered area on the Basketball courts on each Tuesday morning. The purpose of the assembly is to highlight positives across the year group in relation to both classroom and extra curricular activities. This is also on occasion used to realign students with our school processes including use of their diary and the correct wearing of the uniform. A positive recognition process will start across the year group in the next couple of weeks, which is informed by student voice.

- All students must have their diary with them all day
- At the beginning of every lesson, students should open the diary to the relevant day and place the diary on or near the desk.
- Students should record all homework, assessments, mid-point checks and anything else at the request of the teacher
- Parents should sight the diary at least once a week and sign the diary, this will continue to be check each extended PALS time on Wednesday’s.
- PALS teachers should check this signature once a week.
- The diary should be signed by the classroom teacher if the student leaves the classroom - to go to the toilet etc
- The diary may be signed by a teacher if the student is late to class for a formal reason
- The diary is essential to the merit system as teachers put red stamps into student diaries as affirmations.
It is essential that students maintain a satisfactory attendance at school. As part of our attendance process PALS staff monitor students' attendance at regular intervals throughout the term. For reference, if a student’s attendance drops below 90% an interview takes place between the student and their PALS teacher as a way of supporting the student in relation to any issues that may be related to their absence. A phone call is then made to the student’s parents / guardians to further support positive connections for the student with the school and a letter alerting to the drop in attendance is mailed home. This must be continued to be seen as a supportive process to monitor attendance as all evidence points to the fact that a student who attends school regularly will maintain better connections with the community and their level of academic progress will strengthen.
Mr Simon Vaughan
Year 7 Coordinator
Year 8 TM have been studying land management techniques in the bush land beside our school farm.

A highlight being the discovery of a bird’s nest while removing privet in low vegetation!

During Wednesday PALS lessons Year 8 students have been working on team building activities to promote support, friendship and inclusion amongst the group.
Year 8 Science are investigating circuits with today’s practical lesson involving students setting up circuits with multiple lamps & a switch and drawing circuit diagrams using symbols.
Mr Joshua Watson
Year 8 Coordinator
Year 7 and 8 students are back into their projects and tasks in their Technology Mandatory Focus areas. Students are happy to be in such a positive learning environment engaging in their tasks. There has been a lot of work needed to be done down at the Farm and they have helped the Stage 5 Agricultural classes get the farm back up and running after lockdown.

Ms Frank and Ms Hall’s Textiles classes have been busy at the sewing machines.

Dragsters have been soldered and laser cut and students have been coding in a range of different languages.

I would like to put a special mention to Ethan Foster-Percy who wired and soldered his twin motors on a 3D printed tank he designed and made using his skills from his Tech classes.

There has been a real focus on getting students back in practical tasks in Stage 5 as well. We have seen a range of designs in Year 10 Industrial Tech making their end tables. As mentioned, with the farm being absent of students during remote learning students have rolled up their sleeves and Year 9 have redesigned their plots carrying over for managing next year. Marine and Aquaculture classes have also been in the workshop making their surf planes.

Year 11 Design and Technology students and Industrial Technology students are well into the planning and design phase of their Major projects to be completed next year.
Food Technology have been making cuisines and it is great to see a Senior Food Technology class in 2022, alongside Hospitality.
Fantastic work Year 10!


Ms Leone Frank
V.E.T Coordinator
A big thank you to Isons Nowra for supplying baskets for every class & staff to fill with Christmas goodies.

Some festive vibes were in our MC Food Technology lessons this week with students baking and decorating Christmas cookies!



As part of their urban dynamics study Year 12 2022 Geography recently engaged in a virtual excursion to Barangaroo.
Our students are really loving the new technology in HSIE, an augmented reality sandbox!


Congratulations to Cameron Hertzberg, Belle Woelk, Will Hodgkins and Georgia Preston, winners of our recent ‘Care of Creation’ Competition of designing an artwork using single use plastics.

Our Year 9 Bushcraft classes are studying canoeing and put their theory into practice developing their paddling, rescue & leadership skills on the Shoalhaven River last week.

Click here to access Nowra Parish
Click here to access Nowra Parish Facebook Page
Click here to access Milton ParishClick here to access the Milton Parish Facebook Page
Mr David Comensoli
Religious Education Coordinator
Canteen access contiunues to be staggered with each year group allocated an area for distribution of lunches. Students and families are encouraged to use the online lunch orders to purchase lunches to help with the distribution of lunches and staggered access to the canteen.
Click here to access the online ordering system and current menu, available on our school website.
The P&F are pleased to again be offering $50 Lowes vouchers to twenty of next years incoming Year 7 students.
These vouchers will be awarded to 20 new students at the Year 7 Parent Orientation on the evening of Thursday 2 December 2021. Good Luck to all!
Keeping in touch with the Catholic Primary Schools within the Shoalhaven District.
Please select below links to the Shoalhaven Catholic Primary Schools websites.
It is exciting as we return to school and move into the last term of 2020. We hope that everyone had an opportunity to rest a little and enjoy each other’s company.