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- P & F NEWS
We are now heading towards Holy Week which will commence next weekend with
Palm Sunday (also called Passion Sunday) taking place on Sunday 2nd April. This is
when Jesus rides triumphantly into Jerusalem to the adulation of the crowds.
So how will Holy Week be different for you? How will you make this single week, out
of the fifty-two in the year, special or holy? Has it been difficult to focus on your faith
in this world after the coronavirus? There is still time to start, it is never too late. The
Lenten period was a time of preparation and soon comes to an end as we change
our focus to Holy Week and then to Easter.
The heart of Easter commences on Holy Thursday – the start of the Easter Triduum.
Three 24 hour periods remembering the suffering, death, burial and resurrection of

As Catholics we are called to attend our Parishes on these very important days.
Holy Thursday is the Mass of the Lords Supper, while Good Friday is the veneration
of the Cross (where we vividly recall the journey of Jesus to the cross and his death).
While the Easter Vigil on Saturday is the main celebration of the period and lasts a
little longer and starts later than the usual Saturday mass. It was here that the faithful waited outside the tomb of Jesus. The Jewish Sabbath commenced at sunset on Friday and the body of Jesus was not fully prepared for burial – so they waited during Saturday, praying and mourning.
Finally we reach Easter Sunday, where Jesus rises and provides hope for the world.
The purpose of the three days is not to re-enact historical events, but rather to engage the paschal mystery as it is being celebrated in the midst of those gathered.
The power of this cannot be underestimated. These three days become our preparation for our willing participation in the paschal mystery, so that it becomes our way of being Christian in our daily lives.
I wish all families a safe and happy Easter break filled with the promise of hope and
encourage all to make the effort to connect with this most powerful faith filled time of our Church.
As we come towards the end of this very busy Term the students will receive interim
reports as a check in on their progress so far this year. I am often asked by parents,
“how can I assist my child through their schooling. It is so different to when I went to school”.
The simplest way is to show interest and discuss progress and classwork and their
learning with them. Demonstrate to them that you think their learning is important.
Take pride in their successes and work with them when they are less successful.
The Parent –Teacher – Student (P/T/S) interviews that take place in conjunction with
the report are crucial for students to achieve learning success. It is a time to check on progress, identify areas for improvement, enjoy the successes and set a direction for further development in their learning for the rest of the year.
Research shows that students who have a family that is supportive and interested about their studies, perform better than equally talented students with no home support or interest.
They take more care and pride in their work and want to not only do their best but to
show their best, and this also pleases their parents. For parents, it is not about doing
the work with or for them, it is about the time and presence that is generated by your genuine interest.
Parent interest also creates a unity with the class teacher and the family by working with the school in ensuring the best possible learning outcomes for the child. I look forward to seeing all parents at these important interviews.
The interviews should comprise of two parts – the first an honest and open discussion of performance to date and the second a road map for improvement into
the future. On many occasions the feedback provided from Staff will point out issues
or areas of improvement and as parents we may not like to hear these. However, the
true purpose of these interviews is to work together in framing conditions for your
child to reach their maximum potential. And that is what we need to do – together.
I will be available at the Parent/Teacher/Student interviews to meet and discuss any
matters with you that you would like to raise.
P/T/S Interviews take place on:
Wednesday 5 April from 3.30pm - 7.30pm in School Hall.
Thursday 6 April from 8.30am – 12.30pm via zoom.
Enrolments for Year 7 2024 are now open. Enrolment packages are available from our school office (8am - 3:30), downloaded from our school website or by clicking on the link below.
Enrolments close 3 April 2023 so get your application's in now!
Pastoral Care is the essential foundation in which learning can take place. Working together with families we can create a nurturing environment which allows students to excel. This year the school is focussing on positive behaviours for learning and respectful relationships to guide our young people. There will be a number of opportunities for students to participate in pastoral programs throughout the year.
Students will participate in digital thumbprint lessons next Friday 31st March. Students will learn the advantages of a positive online presence while arming them with the facts they need to stay safe online. Topics that will be covered are:
- Cyberbullying: Importance of respectful relationships online
- Digital Discernment and Fake News: How social media has the power to influence society and how to identify facts and fiction in online media.
- Digital Balance: How technology can help us achieve amazing things, the positive uses of technology on our wellbeing and how to create a balance between the use of social media, social interaction and study.
- Cybersecurity: Students will learn how to stay safe online
- Digital Identity: Students will explore social media profiles and posts through the lens of potential employers and positively improve their own online presence.
Students in Years 9 and 10 participated in workshops with members of our local police force. Topics covered were bullying and harassment, staying safe online crime prevention, where and how to access support and strategies to reduce juvenile crime.

This week we held our parent information night for Year 7 and Year 9. It was so nice to see so many families onsight. Our Year 7 presentation focussed on PALS connections and exploring the expectation at St John’s. Families were presented with information around uniform, diary usage, pastoral and learning support and how to stay connected to our community. It was great to get another opportunity to welcome all our new families to the school.
Our Year 9 families were given information about the up and coming Bay and Beyond Camp in Term 2 located in Booderee National Park (Jervis Bay). PALS teachers also discussed the importance of being aware of mental health, ways to support young people and how to access support.
Your Choicez: Our Year 10 students will participate in a respectful relationship program next Wednesday 29th March. This is an externally delivered program focussing on mutual respect, trust, good communication, understanding and honesty. The program unpacks how to participate in positive relationships, contributing to young people’s growth, maturity and sense of self-confidence. It promotes healthy self-expression and awareness of yourself and others.
If there are any concerns with your son or daughter, please reach out to their PALS teacher as they are great for support for our young people.
Mr Aidan Leishman
Pastoral Care
A study conducted by Harvard Medical School’s Mind and Body Institute found that knitting lowers the heart rate, by an average of 11 beats per minute, and induces an "enhanced state of calm" (Huffington Post, 2018).
Additionally, The Psychologist (Riley and colleagues, 2013) showed the positive effects of crafting including knitting, with those in this study experiencing a better mood and even improved problem-solving skills.The findings of a literature review and a survey of over 1,000 knitters to Knit for Peace (2017), backed the following positive health physical and mental benefits:
“The rhythmic repetitive movements induce a form of meditation similar to mindfulness – that pleasant state of mind when you’re existing ‘in the moment’, not mulling over the past or fretting about the future” said Corkhill. “Knitters find they can ‘zone out’ – and escape into the sanctuary of a quiet mind” [The Daily Mail]
This weekly lunch time activity started in 2022 here at SJE and has continued to be a very good lunch time activity. It is held in J4.
Originally it was focused on teaching students how to knit using garter stitch as well as how to crochet.
All resources are supplied.
During Term 4 we branched out to french knitting as well.
In 2023 we have added loom knitting and Loom bands and some students are hand sewing at this time as well.
We can have as little as 10 students to as many as 30 students take advantage of this mindful crafting approach.
Leslee Auert our Catholic care Pastoral Care Support personnel and Ms Julie Stenner SSO assist the students in learning the skills. Also those students skillful with the craft have stepped forward and are now assisting new students.
It has become a great team approach activity here at SJE and we encourage students to come along and give it a try!
Ms Leslee Auert
Pastoral Care Support - Chaplain
TERM 1 2023
WEEK 10 (Week A)
Monday 27 March - Friday 31 March - Reconciliation Week
Friday 31 March: 8:45-10:30am Year 7 2024 Enrolments School Tour (for parents & students who were unable to
attend our School Open Night)
WEEK 11 (Week B)
Monday 3 April: Year 7 2024 Enrolments Close
Wednesday 5 April: 3.30-7.30pm Parent/Student/Teacher
Conferences (in the School Hall)
Wednesday 5 April: Final day of Term 1 for students.
Thursday 6 April: 8:30-12:30pm Parent/Student/Teacher
Conferences (via Zoom)
WEEK 1 (Week A)
Wednesday 26 April: Students return for Term 2.
Thursday 27 April: ANZAC Assembly (8:39am - 9:30am)
Year 7 have been letting their light shine in many different ways over the past few weeks. Now that we are settled in our new classes, students have been engaging very positively with their teachers and peers.

7HGL have been studying history with Miss Lloyd, looking at artefacts and archaeology. On Friday 17 March they put their knowledge to practice, excavating as many choc chips as possible without damaging the cookie. What a fun Friday activity!
7HGJ students have been studying artefacts, historical sources and what a historian does. Mr Standen's class researched artefacts from the stone age and recreated items such as an Awl, Antler Harpoon and a Clovis Point using clay. Well done Year 7!

Year 7RE.L learnt about St Patrick in religion on Friday 17 March and created a comic strip timeline of his life.

We have already had a few outstanding achievements from students beyond the classroom as well, with some students representing the school in sport in the following events:
Year 7 Team Members: Fergus Coughlan, Kai Delaney, Logan Dibben, Hamish Kinch, Kai Reid & Matthew Reid
Year 7 Team Members: Fergus Coughlan, Zoe Douglas, Sophia Economos, Mizuki Everingham, Alicia Manuelian & Kai Reid
Year 7 Girls Team Members: Matilda Drysdale, Allira Hepburn, Alannah Oke, Ruby Roberts, Airlie Stevens, Gabrielle Warden, Dakota Warr & Miley Winchester
A BIG congratulations to the boys who were part of the Under 13 Touch Football Team, who took out First Place at the Diocesan Carnival a few weeks ago! This is an amazing achievement to have made so early in the year, especially against some very well-trained and talented schools in the north - well done boys!
Year 7 Boys Team Members:
Dean Austin, Kai Delaney, Taj Goddard, Caiden Green, Noah Jamieson, Logan Juric, Harper Latimer, Torr Morley, Jackson Neradil & Bryson Short.
It has also been pleasing to see and hear of Year 7 students engaging in other areas of school life! There are a bunch of students who have been helping Ms Hall at the Ag Farm every lunch. Some students have been going to Didgeridoo Practice run through Gooroon, some have started attending the Menga club in the Library and others have started to attend the Vinnies Youth, PAX and JAG meetings. Getting involved with such activities are great ways to keep involved with the school and also meet new friends and students across other year groups in a positive way.
Dequlin Sutherland of Year 7 on the Clapsticks, with Ky Nolan-Cooper of Year 12 on the Didgeridoo at our recent school assembly
Recently Year 7 have also been engaging with the NAPLAN testing. Staff have had positive comments about the way Year 7 have conducted themselves throughout these tests, demonstrating a high level of maturity and respect for each other throughout the NAPLAN period.
As Term 1 begins to wind down, I have asked Year 7 to share a few of their highlights from our first term as a year group. Thank you to those students who have shared these with us!
My highlight of Term 1 ….

As many of you would be aware, I (Mrs Jennings) am expecting a baby girl in the next few weeks. From the start of Term 2 I will be taking maternity leave and am expecting to be on leave for the remainder of this year. Whilst it is bittersweet to say goodbye to Year 7 for now, I am very confident to be leaving the group in the capable and experienced hands of Mrs Castles.
I feel so fortunate to be the Year Coordinator for such a wonderful group of young people. It has been a blessing this term to get to know all of the amazing new faces who are now well and truly part of our St John’s family. I am looking forward to visiting the group later this year, and also seeing their maturity, gifts and talents continue to grow on my return in 2024!
Ms Kate Jennings
Year 7 Coordinator
On Wednesday the 8th of March, St John’s held an open night for the new students of 2024. The open night showcased a number of subjects and the opportunities our school has to offer for a range of different interests.
On the night we had the opportunity to assist the PDHPE department with a variety of St John’s students from each grade. The students helping out had the chance to run an assortment of fun games and challenges for everyone to try out. Some of the games included: A competitive game of paddle tennis or spikeball, a range of fitness, agility and balance challenges. The bush craft elective students were also up with PDHPE in the gym displaying what they do.

Throughout the night we had the opportunity to visit the other subject departments and see what they had on display. It was very interesting seeing all the fun displays, equipment and talents from other St John's students and teachers. The performing arts departments were showing off their talents and musical abilities that they have developed from the opportunities here at St John’s.
We also had the chance to check out the science and technology departments. Science had a lot to display such as Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream, HoneyComb, Electricity Equipment and Fire Displays. The Technology rooms on the night had a large variety to showcase, the items they showcased were the woodwork and metalwork departments, the food technology rooms where they made hot chips and cupcakes for families to enjoy, the agriculture farm was also open for visitors to take a look at.

The open night was a lot of fun showcasing the members of the public what this amazing school has to offer. We met many people and learnt alot about future students and their families while having fun at the gym hanging out with each other.
All of the students who helped out said they enjoyed the night and are looking forward to helping out at future school events like this. We hope we showed what our school is about and what we value at St Johns. On behalf of all the students and teachers there on the night, we hope we made you feel welcomed into the St John’s community.
By Emmi Daniel, Madison Mcgill and Lexie Cooper

People who have earnt positivity pebbles have helped make someone's day by doing simple things such as helping their peers out, being kind around others, being welcoming, listening and sharing. These are not the only way people can get them. Positivity pebble recipients also strive hard for their own success by trying hard with their own learning and showing signs of improvement.
Some of the recipients of the positivity pebble were Kalarni Aldrige and Lochlan Hazelwood. Kalarni won the positivity pebble for following the core value of hospitality, being very kind, welcoming new students to the school and including others in what she does. She is also always smiling and putting smiles on others faces and being proactive in her learning. Lochlan Hazelwood was nominated for helping with instructing rules of a sports game so that everyone knew how to play and then helped by setting up the field while Miss was organising the teams so we could start playing as soon as possible. There were lots of other recipients like Aidan Smith and Macey Harrison,
The positivity pebbles project in year 8 is a great way for the year group to engage with each other and form positive connections with our peers. Even though we can only pick 2 people there are always so many other nominations of positivity in year 8. The project helps us to focus on positivity which helps put smiles on our faces rather than the negativity within our year group Although we have only done this for nearly 4 weeks, the project has helped the entire community of year 8 focus on positivity and has been a fun thing to look forward to for every year meeting. It has been a huge success and everyone has loved the project, from the SRC, the nominees and those who nominate people.
By Kate, Naomi and Lizzie
Year 8 Coordinator
Mass on Wednesday 15 March was celebrated by Fr Tiziano and attended by 8RE.J and 8RE.M in the St John's Chapel.
Mass on Wednesday 22 March was celebrated by Fr Joseph and attended by 10RE.M and 10RE.N in the St John's Chapel.
A brief note to inform parents/guardians and students about the Sacramental Program
running this year at St John’s.
Any students that would like to be baptised into the Catholic faith or receive the Sacraments
of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion or Confirmation, are invited to participate in the
Sacramental program that will be running during the year and in school time.
Please see the attached letter that accompanies this newsletter for further information.
Mark Fuller
Sacramental Program Facilitator
Click here to access Nowra Parish
Click here to access Nowra Parish Facebook Page
Casual Position – Shoalhaven Zoo (Front Desk/Café/Souvenir Shop)
Shoalhaven Zoo are looking for someone aged from minimum working age up to Year 10 with a bright and bubbly personality that has confidence in speaking with customers. It is definitely a multi-tasking job, that during school holidays becomes very busy and fast paced. The applicants would need to be available to work weekends and during the school holidays. If you think this is you, please email your cover letter and resume to
White Card Training - Monday, April 3
Only 6 spots remaining! Don’t miss out!
Consent and payment are due now through the St John the Evangelist Catholic High School - Nowra Compass Parent Portal.
Online Year 10 subject selection and information evening - 29 March 2023, 6pm
Get information and advice that is specifically for parents/carers and Year 10 students! Selecting subjects to study in Year 11 & 12, for some, can be an overwhelming decision. We want to make sure you feel empowered to make an informed decision.
We will talk about what things to consider when selecting subjects, how to apply for uni, scholarships and give you an insight into what student life at UOW is all about.
Live Q&A will run throughout the session, come along with your questions and we will answer them.
ADFA Information Session
Wednesday 22 March at 6PM
Earn your degree studying at the Australian Defence Force Academy, and graduate as an Officer in the ADF.
ADFA Information Session Register here
Additional ADFA Sessions
Sydney: Defence Force Trade Careers Information Session 22 March
A trade role in the Australian Defence Force will see you working on some of the world’s most advanced military technology and equipment. Learn about trade careers in the ADF and the comprehensive training they provide. Join us for an info session and speak with current serving members about their own experience and advice. It is highly recommended you book as soon as possible to avoid missing out-places are strictly limited!
Sydney: Defence Force Gap Year Information Session 5 April
Experience a Gap Year like no other with the Australian Defence Force. You’ll grow and develop in a dynamic, supportive and people focused environment. Join us for an info session and speak with current serving personnel to learn about the challenges and rewards on offer. It is highly recommended you book as soon as possible to avoid missing out as places are strictly limited!
Much Needed but Largely Unknown Career - Occupational Hygienist
Occupational hygienists use their scientific knowledge, skills and experience to champion the protection of workers from the hazardous chemicals and other agents they have to work with. Use science & technology to measure worker exposures, assess worker risks and develop controls to improve the workplace environment. Occupational hygienists can provide advice on control strategies including hazard elimination, engineering modifications, administrative controls and finally personal protective equipment. We focus on worker health protection by assessing the risk of hazards and improving work conditions and work practices.
Do you know??
The difference between Arts and Social Sciences Majors
Ever wondered what the difference is between Commerce and Economics? Social Work and Sociology? Media and Communications and Digital Cultures? Find the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about our majors Here
ANU Tuckwell Scholarship – Applications Close 12 April
You Must submit an ANU Direct Application by 3 April
One of the most prestigious scholarships in Australia. The program has a focus on giving back to Australia and is the only one of its kind that nurtures Scholars to fulfil their broader community ambitions over and above the pursuit of an undergraduate degree. Each year we award 25 Scholarships and offer talented and motivated students the opportunity to realise their potential by providing financial support, personal enrichment and development opportunities.
Nursing Scholarships in Australia
Choosing to study a university degree can be one of, if not the most significant financial investment you will make. It will often determine who you will be, and the career pathway you will take. Making this decision is hard enough, than having to worry about how you will finance your nursing education. The government offers a number of ways for you to support your studies, the most common of which is a student loan. However, accumulating a massive debt, doesn’t need to be the only option. Numerous institutions from around Australia offer a range of different nursing scholarships that can help you pay your tuition fees.
Uni Melbourne - Doctor of Medicine Rural Pathway Information Session: 2024 Intake
20 April 2023
As part of the University of Melbourne’s commitment to rural health, the Melbourne Medical School has launched a Rural Pathway option within the Doctor of Medicine (MD). Students in the MD Rural Pathway will complete their medical training entirely in rural Victoria. Hear from key academics at the Melbourne Medical School and learn more about the MD Rural Pathway. This will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions, meet our current students and find out more about their MD Rural Pathway experiences.
This webinar is for students who are considering applying for the 2024 intake.
HSC and Further Study at TAFE Education and training can open a world of opportunities. TAFE NSW can assist you to build bridges to further study so you can reach a new future. So whether your goal is to finish your high school studies, gain entry to a career of choice, or to study for a degree at TAFE NSW or university, our courses and programs can help you. TAFE NSW courses and related support programs will boost your confidence and be an asset for life.
One Wellbeing
One Wellbeing’s unique tailored approach to learning is designed to empower the community to reach new heights.
ACFA - Cabinet Making Apprenticeships
ACFA is a Registered Training Organisation delivering MSF31113 Certificate III in Cabinet Making (RTO 90432). TheirWorkplace-Based Training Model brings a unique one-on-one experience plus the flexibility to be enrolled as a new apprentice all year round.
Ai Group Apprentice and Trainee Centre
Start your Career in Trade Ai Group Apprentice and Trainee Centre are continually seeking passionate and dedicated people to start their career as an Apprentice or Trainee across NSW.
ResMed Apprenticeship Program
ResMed is offering a 4-year apprenticeship program where you will be taking Toolmaking apprenticeship course through Apprenticeship Careers Australia. The program is a paid on-the-job training package including 1 day a week at TAFE Ultimo and on-the-job training at ResMed’s Precision Tooling located in Kings Park (38 hours per week).
Qantas Group Pilot Academy
Applications close 26 March
Estimates suggest that 790,000 more pilots will be required globally over the next 20 years with around one third of them in the Asia Pacific region.
To help meet the increasing need for skilled aviators in one of the fastest growing global industries we've launched the Qantas Group Pilot Academy. The Academy is part of our plans to build a long-term talent pipeline not just for Qantas, QantasLink and Jetstar, but for the industry more broadly.
As the national carrier, we have a history of attracting the best and brightest to fly for us, so we’re hoping to see passionate men and women training with us at our new Academy.
To find out more, go to: Qantas Information
Ms Marcia Arenas
Transition and Pathways Specialist
Kelas kelas Bahasa Indonesia have begun with a bang this year.
Year 8 has taken on the challenge of learning a new language and exploring a different culture with gusto! They can now introduce themselves and have simple conversations in Bahasa Indonesia. They are testing their new grasp on how adjectives are used through the exploration of the sad life of Marty the Sumatran Tiger and have learned how to say that the African Black Rain Frog has the appearance of a balloon. Selamat belajar kelas delapan!
Year 9 are finalising their study of Makanan Indonesia, the food of Indonesia. This topic is always a popular one and students are perfecting their ordering skills as well as expressing their likes and dislikes when it comes to the culinary world. They will be rewarded for their diligence with the annual feast day where they will put all of their new skills into practise. Selamat makan kelas sembilan!
Year 11 have been making huge progress in their Indonesian Beginners course. Through their language study they have discovered how Indonesians travel throughout the archipelago and what the average day of an Indonesian teenager looks like. Semoga sukses kelas sebelas!
The Indonesian program was well represented at the 2023 Open Night for future students. Our current students played games of Congkak, marvelled guests with their Angklung skills and expressed Selamat datang to our guests on the night.
We are all excited and gearing up for a great year studying the language and culture of incredible Indonesia.
Ms Lucy Manley
Language Coordinator
Term 1 has been jam-packed with learning and fun here at the Gooroon centre
at St John’s.
Firstly, students have been able to take their Indigenous learning outside of the
classroom and on country.
Our Year 9 Bushcraft were very fortunate this term to walk on country at
Moyen Hill. The group were given an official Welcome to Country by Aunty
Grace and Aunty Jenny and then treated to a guided walk with knowledge
shared by Uncle Ronnie regarding connection and significance of the area. Mr
Higgins did a fantastic job organising the day and involving amazing knowledge
holders to really add to the experience. The Gooroon team were honoured to be
part of such a great day.

In addition, Our Year 11 Aboriginal Studies Class took a trip to Cullinghutti
Aboriginal Child and Family Centre as part of their studies to speak with Uncle
Charlie Ashby regarding Aboriginal Health and the importance of the centre to
the local community. Meanwhile on year 7 camp, as rain attempted to dampen
the trip, students were still able to experience Indigenous learning via the
Cathedral rock formation, where Mr Scanlon and Miss Millington shared stories
and origins of local place names.
Secondly, students have contributed to many extensive facets of school life.
The school’s Open Night was a fantastic opportunity to showcase the boys
dance group. Several dance items were on display from the fella’s including the
Welcoming Dance, Black Cockatoo (Yuriak) Dance, Lyrebird (Ngrarun) Dance and
a farewell Dance. The group had previously received cultural mentoring and
feedback around performing from Elder Uncle Phil Butler, and they put on an
amazing performance with confidence and pride for all new students and their

The Gooroon centre will be adding some inspiring new artwork, with Lauren
Henry, a previous graduate of St Johns, looking to paint a new artwork out the front of the Gooroon Centre. Lauren ran a deep and engaging consultation
session with the students around elements of Indigenous cultural art and design
history. Many students improved their knowledge around many elements of
Indigenous artwork and also provided valuable feedback for the design that will
be displayed at the centre’s entrance.
Thirdly, students have had the opportunity to research and progress through a
variety of career pathways.
On Thursday 9 March 24 students embarked on a trip up the coast to Kiama for the Bangawarra Senior Career Expo. The day started with a fitting smoking
ceremony and dance introduction, led by St John's very own students and Mr
Scanlon. The students then heard from speakers Josh Sly and Marlee Silver,
about their success and what being Indigenous has meant to them throughout
their journey. The students then went around learning about future career
options from over 21 Career Exhibitors in the Macarthur, Wollongong and
Shoalhaven areas.

Several students have also successfully attained school based traineeships
including Drae Keating with Australia Post, while both Mackenzie Carter and
Madi Doosey are with the Shoalhaven Hospital. The school was also fortunate
enough to have a visit from Officer Jordan Bradshaw, who came into the school
to discuss Navy culture and wider Indigenous career options with the Navy.
Career progression is an important part of what the Gooroon staff try to instill
in all students.

Three of our students recently attended the Shoalhaven City Council, Youth Advisory Committee Meeting on March 1, 2023. The purpose of the committee is to represent the interests and views of young people, by providing an opportunity to discuss issues of concern, while also acting as a mechanism for them to experience Local Government and community affairs. The meeting commenced with an Introduction Activity, a committee overview and closely examining priorities for 2023.
Relevant policies and procedures were discussed and ideas were raised on how best to assist the wider community in having better access to support services throughout the Shoalhaven.
A continued and genuine thank you to all the amazing Gooroon educators for
their inspired and dedicated efforts- Aunty Jo, Uncle Archie, Uncle Sean,
Aunty Chris, Aunty Deb, Aunty Kirri. It has been a pleasure to witness so much
Indigenous learning and celebration, and I look forward to more across Term 2,
especially during NAIDOC week.
Mr Stuart Brunsdon
Gooroon Coordinator

Congratulations to Max Marshall who has been selected to represent Wollongong at the NSWCCC Touch Championships and selection trial in the Under 15's boy's to be held in Wagga Wagga in April.
On March 10 2023 the Wollongong Diocese Swimming Carnival was held at Corrimal Pool. Our strong swimming team gave their best resulting in great results. The competitors are to be commended on the team spirit they all displayed on the day!

Below are the NSWCCC individual pathways sports events that students can nominate.
Check the registration process and events via the web site or see this link for help
Football (Soccer)
- Boys and Girls Trials Friday 31 March
Please see below the 2023 Flyer to promote NSWCCC individual pathways and the process for registering through the CSNSW Sport website for students and parents information.
Please feel free to contact our school with any questions.
Year 9 Bushcraft attended their first excursion Friday March 10, called their “initiation walk”. The group were privileged to be welcomed and culturally initiated by three elders from the Jerrinja Aboriginal Community; Aunty Grace Crossley, Aunty Jenny Wellington and Uncle Ron Crossley. We learned about the sacred location, how to respect and care for country and build new connections with each other and nature. The students are to be commended as their behaviour and respect was impeccable on the day.

![Year 10 Commerce SM 2]](

Year 12 Hospitality students have been creating amazing dishes. In their practical lesson last week they prepared Lemongrass and ginger poached pear served with Creme anglaise and berry coulis.

James Winchester of Year 10 is having great success on the water. In February at Wangi Wangi he competed in the NSW State Titles, he skippered and came first in the Youth division of Hobie Class 16. He followed this up in Port Melbourne at the Victoria States in March where he skippered and came first in the Youth division of Hobie Class 16 and 10th in the Open 16's.
Good luck James for the Queensland State Titles coming up in April !!!

Sienna Clarke of Year 12 has won another Jack Newton Junior Golf event, the Peter O’Malley Masters on the weekend. She won with an 8 shot lead, shooting 2 under par for the two-day tournament.
Congratulations Sienna!
The Annual General meeting of the P&F was held on Monday 13th March 2023. Thank you to the parents and carers who attended the meeting, it was good to see the return of many familiar faces and a few new faces. Election of the P&F Executive was finalised with many of last years members returning to committee positions. We would like to extend a very special thank you to our outgoing committee members Brad Simpson and Vanessa Cladingbowl for all of their contributions over recent years; and a warm welcome to our newest member Christian Wood.
We would like to introduce our new P&F Executive Committee members for 2023, they are:
- President: Corey Carter
- Vice President: Melissa Alder
- Assistant Vice President: Carina Beattie
- Secretary: Monica Oke
- Assistant Secretary: Christian Wood
- Treasurer: Monica Oke
- Parent Liaison & Publicity Officer: Jacinta Davis
We would like to thank those parents who volunteered their time helping with Year 7 immunisations held on Tuesday 14th March, having such wonderful volunteers helps the nurses greatly on the day. We would like to acknowledge the following parents/carers: Melissa Alder, Sandra Cocoris and Sheree Buzzing-Schell. Mrs. Jacinta DavisP&F Parent Liaison & Publicity Officer
Hello SJE families!
St. John's is holding a TRIVIA NIGHT!!!!!
Come join us on Friday, the 5th of May for a family friendly evening of fun. There will be pizza, raffles and a variety of questions so get your team of 8 together! Book your tickets online ($10 adults, $7 students), and come ready to WIN!!! It is an excellent opportunity to be involved in our SJE community, and raise money for a good cause. Tickets will be available in Week 9 of this term. Get together a group of friends and purchase a table of 8. Alternatively, buy a smaller amount and make some new friends as you are made into a team. You are welcome to bring snacks or dinner along, or you may purchase some pizzas when you book your tickets.
All funds raised will go towards the St Vincent de Paul Winter appeal - we are running on donations!
St Vincent De Paul is an organisation that works alongside Vinnies to support those in need in our community, specifically those who are homeless. Every year, St John’s hosts a Winter Appeal to help support those who are less fortunate and the trivia night is running in support of this event.
We have already received some very generous donations from a few local businesses and corporations around the Shoalhaven, but need some extra support to ensure the fundraiser is successful..
In the spirit of giving back to the community, Vinnies is asking for donations to help the trivia night be the best it can be!
We ask you to please consider donating to help support Vinnies!
If there are any family businesses within our school community that are able to donate suitable prizes, experiences or vouchers, it would be greatly appreciated in support of the trivia night and St Vincent de Paul.
If you are wanting to donate or have any further inquiries, please contact the school on 4423 1666
We appreciate your support of Vinnies and look forward to seeing you all at the trivia night in Term 2!
Dear Parents
Students travelling on a School Bus to and from school are required to have a valid school bus pass for the school service they are catching. If a valid school pass cannot be shown a fare will be charged. In the event the school bus pass is lost, some form of student ID is to be shown whilst obtaining a replacement pass (fee applies). You can help make your child’s school bus journey more pleasant by ensuring your child has a valid school bus pass and presents it to the driver in the morning AND afternoon. Parents are reminded that the School Free Travel is only valid between home and school as per the conditions on the back of the pass. Fares will be charged for all other journeys. Skateboards/Scooters/Bicycles are not permitted on the bus.
WEEK 10 & WEEK 11 TERM 1 2023
Keeping in touch with the Catholic Primary Schools within the Shoalhaven District.
Please select below links to the Shoalhaven Catholic Primary Schools websites.